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Challenges[edit | edit source]

Portals[edit | edit source]

  • Bronze: 9
  • Silver: 4
  • Gold: 4

4 Portal Strategy

  1. Wait for the lighting to shoot once then quickly grab the cube, bring it back to the button, then proceed to the next area.
  2. Place a blue portal on the side wall ahead, parallel to the first cube. (Middle row, third column)
  3. Place an orange portal on the floor of the pit.
  4. After the lightning has finished, fall through the orange portal and you should hit the cube off of its pedestal as you fly by.
  5. Fall through the orange portal again, but this time aim a bit off center so that you can land on the center island and quickly run to grab the second cube and jump off.
  6. After both cubes are placed on the buttons, moving back towards the entrance will make the center wall panel come out at 45 degrees.
  7. Shoot a blue portal at the center of the ceiling.
  8. After the lightning has finished, fall through the orange portal and while falling, shoot a blue portal onto the 45 degree ramp.
  9. If you timed it correctly you will have made it to the opposite end of the room and will be able to proceed to the exit.