Chapter Goal: It's turned dark and Ramon still hasn't returned. Continue the Investigation to find clues.
Along with the Start of Chapter 4 comes the Journal Entry "Rumors at the Restaurant."
Park Road[edit | edit source]
Talk to Adrea to trigger Puzzle 045. She will reward you with some cryptic information and a painting scrap.
Head to the Plaza.
Plaza[edit | edit source]
Talk to Gerard. He dropped his wristwatch by the park, and like a good gentleman, Layton offers to go find it.
This adds a new Journal Entry, "Gerard's Request."
Go to the Park Gate to help Gerard.
Park Gate[edit | edit source]
Talk to Deke. He tells you that Beatrice has the watch at the inn. Before he lets you go, however, he asks you to solve Puzzle 046. You get a Stuffed Bear for solving the puzzle! Give it to
The Journal Entry "The Inn at Night" appears.
Travel through Park Road and the Plaza to reach the Entrance.
Entrance[edit | edit source]
Before you go in the Hotel, tap the Inn sign to trigger Puzzle 113.
Go into the Inn.
Inn[edit | edit source]
Talk to Beatrice. She hands over the Wristwatch and lets slip that another guest has checked into the hotel. After extracting a promise from Beatrice to keep the Inn doors open late, the Journal Entry
"Beatrice's Advice" appears.
Head back to the Plaza.
Plaza[edit | edit source]
Gerard gives you a puzzle in return for his wristwatch. Solve Puzzle 047 to gain entrance to the Clock Tower and receive a Cream Rug. Give the rug to
The Journal Entry "To the Cafe" appears.
Head through the Clock Tower.
Clock Tower[edit | edit source]
Tap on the Cat and Mouse pair to trigger Puzzle 048. Solve the puzzle to find a painting scrap!
Talk to Lucy and she'll present you with Puzzle 049. Solving the puzzle rewards you with some gossip and a Bookcase. Give it to
Move North to the Fork in the Road.
Fork in the Road[edit | edit source]
Talk to Marco. He warns you of the dangers of the night before presenting you with Puzzle 050. Marco gives you a Teak Bureau for solving the puzzle. Give it to
Enter the cafe by tapping on the door.
Cafe[edit | edit source]
Talk to Crumm. He's only willing to share his information to those who have solved 30 or more puzzles. When Crumm sees that you have solved the required amount, he tells you to go visit Prosciutto for more information. Following this conversation, the Journal Entry "Talk of a Kidnapper" appears.
Before heading to Prosciutto's, talk to Zappone. He asks you to solve Puzzle 051. Solving the puzzle rewards you with a painting scrap!
Tap on the Bottle on the Bottom Shelf to find the hidden Puzzle 106.
Head outside and to the left to reach the Market.
Market[edit | edit source]
Talk to Agnes and she'll give you Puzzle 053 to solve. She gives you a Television for solving the puzzle. Give it to
Talk to Giuseppe to trigger Puzzle 054. A successful answer rewards you with a painting scrap.
Head right to the Northern Hill.
Northern Hill[edit | edit source]
Pauly, angry as always, has another puzzle for you. Talk to him to trigger Puzzle 052. A painting scrap is your reward for a successful answer.
Move South.
Northern Path[edit | edit source]
Grab some Hint Coins, then head through the Blue Door on the Left.
Prosciutto's[edit | edit source]

Tap on the meat hanging above Prosciutto to trigger Puzzle 114.
Talk to Prosciutto to further the investigation. He tells you about a creepy old man he spied carrying a sack the other night.
Leave Prosciutto to his meat and move outside. This will trigger a cinema scene and the new mystery "Mysterious Rumbling" to investigate. Luke finds another cog, and Professor Layton suggests they take it to Lady Dahlia at the mansion.
This ends Chapter 4.
Manor Parlor[edit | edit source]

Layton tries to organize a search party to find Ramon, but Inspector Chelmey opposes him. In the middle of their bickering, Matthew bursts in with shocking news; Ramon has returned! Layton agrees that he must have been mistaken and drops the argument. Following this conversation, the Journal Entry "The Strange Old Man" appears.
Talk to Gordon to solve Puzzle 012.
Exit the mansion. Layton and Luke discuss their suspicions before retiring for the night. Layton adds "Ramon's Memory" to his list of mysteries.
Inn[edit | edit source]
In the morning, Beatrice informs you that Inspector Chelmey called and requested your presence at the manor.
The Journal Entries "The Morning Summons" appear.
Talk to Beatrice and she'll ask you to solve Puzzle 055. Give a correct answer to receive a Simple Chair. Give it to
Make your way outside.
Entrance[edit | edit source]
Talk to Stachen before heading off to the Mansion. He will test you with Puzzle 056. If you solve it you will receive a Desk! Give it to
Head north.
Plaza[edit | edit source]
Stop to chat with Deke. He asks with your advice on Puzzle 057. Help him out to get a Pile of Books. Give it to
Go to the right to reach Manor Road.
Manor Road[edit | edit source]
Tap on Marco to try Puzzle 059. You'll find a painting scrap after you solve it.
Under Marco, there is a shiny object! Tap on it. It turns out to be a note written about Lady Violet's death.
Store the information away for later and move toward the mansion. Before pursuing this course of action, make a short trip to the General Store.
General Store[edit | edit source]
Grab the hint coin, then head back to the Manor Border.
Manor Border[edit | edit source]
Grab the lone hint coin and move on.
Reinhold Manor[edit | edit source]
Tapping on Claudia reminds Layton of a puzzle. Have Luke solve Puzzle 060 to get a painting scrap.
Head inside.
Foyer[edit | edit source]
Snatch the Hint Coin and move upstairs.
Manor Parlor[edit | edit source]
As you enter the parlor, you see an odd scene between Matthew and Inspector Chelmey. Noticing you, Chelmey tells you not to interfere in his case and sends you downstairs. Look in your Journal to find the new entry "No Cakes for Chelmey."
There are still things to do in the Parlor, so walk back up the stairs.
Talking to Gordon triggers Puzzle 061. He gives you a Wall Clock in exchange for a correct answer. Give it to
Chelmey also has a puzzle for you. Talk to him to solve Puzzle 062. You will find a painting scrap after successfully completing the puzzle!
Talk to Dahlia and she'll present Puzzle 063 for you to solve. She'll give you a Splendid Painting as a reward for a correct answer! Give it to
Before leaving, talk to Gordon one more time. He's got another puzzle for you! Solve puzzle 103 and receive a Mysterious Bottle as a reward. Give it to
Head to the Manor Border.
Manor Border[edit | edit source]
Talk to Ramon. He has been feeling great ever since his disappearance, and does not remember anything about his abduction. Layton and Luke discuss their thoughts on the case and Layton suggests they talk to Matthew to get more information.
Chapter 5 begins!