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Ruins - Waterway[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The torch on the left
  2. The broken pillar
  3. The statue on the right

Through the secret passage, you find a waterway that leads to a vast underground ruin. This place deserves thorough exploration, but catching the Great Witch is still your priority. The Ruins in the Forest are added to your Mysteries. Examine the door visible in the back. It looks like it needs a key to open. Layton suggests you examine the other room visible from here, so Move to the Ruins - Small Room.

Ruins - Small Room[edit | edit source]

The huge statues here are giving you the heebie-jeebies. Suddenly, the Great Witch's voice rings out! She's nowhere to be found in the room, and tells you to find the truth by journeying to "the Beginning". She says that the secrets behind why the Storyteller started writing the Story and why he continues to do so can be found in these ruins, and that finding the truth behind the "First Story" will lead to the rize of the Great Witch Bezella! Apparently, this "Great Witch" is not, in fact, Bezella. You wonder to yourself why the Shades call her the "Great Witch" when magic doesn't seem to be a presence. This Great Witch wants to meet Bezella, and informs you that the truth lies with "your cute new friend".

After the Great Witch finishes her speech, you notice a key she dropped and pick it up. It likely opens the door back in the waterway. The Key from the Ruins is added to your Items, and the Mystery of the Witches in London is marked as solved. Meanwhile...

Great Witch's Abode[edit | edit source]

Phoenix, Luke, and Espella have all rode the wagon to near the Great Witch's mansion, which none of you seem to recognize. You take special note of the Shade, as you've never seen someone like that before. Talk to the Shade to learn that you're in the Eldwitch Woods, a location detached from Labyrinthia and the Story. The Shade seems confused as to why you haven't attended orientation, and leaves after telling you about how Shades exist only to perform tasks. Espella recounts a fairy tale about a forest filled with the lost souls of burned witches, which appears to describe this location rather well. There's a high chance that Maya is here, but before you search for her, Move to the Wagon Station.

Wagon Station[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The rightmost torch
  2. The second torch from the right
  3. The torch at the bottom

Examine the torch in the middle of the screen to find yet another hidden puzzle.

Puzzle 56: Marionettes 2
Use the stylus to connect each puppet with the correct number of body parts.

Six puppets are broken, and you have to reassemble them. Use Stylus button to connect the head of each puppet to the correct body parts. Each puppet requires a torso, two hands, and two feet. The connection from the puppet's head to its body parts must be continuous, and cannot overlap or share with other puppets. It may be easiest to take it one part at a time. There are a lot of foot parts in the bottom right, so try and focus on dividing those up between the different colored puppets.

Solution: "Puzzle solving is a lot of fun, isn't it?"

O=Orange, R=Red, G=Green, P=Purple, Y=Yellow, B=Blue

| R | R | B | B | B | G |
| R | B | B | Y | Y | G |
| R | P | B | Y | G | G |
| R | P | Y | Y | Y | G |
| R | P | P | P | P | G |
| O | O | O | O | O | O |

After you get that squared away, Move to the Shades' Workshop.

Shades' Workshop[edit | edit source]

The scent in here is familiar to Luke, as well. The fumes in this room could be hazardous, so you should probably get a move on. Luke points out a door on the other side with no gas inside, so Move to the Great Witch's Room.

Great Witch's Room[edit | edit source]

While the red liquid here isn't blood, something still seems to have happened here. Luke notices the secret passage behind the chandelier, so Move to the Ruins - Waterway.

Ruins - Waterway (2)[edit | edit source]

It's here that you finally reunite with Maya and the good Professor! After catching up to speed, you resolve to explore the ruins as one, starting with that door you couldn't open earlier. But first, it's time to take a little detour. Move to the Ruins - Small Room.

Ruins - Small Room (2)[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The leftmost torch
  2. The broken pillar at the bottom
  3. The unlit torch

After collecting the hint coins here, Move back to the Ruins - Waterway.

Ruins - Waterway (3)[edit | edit source]

Examine the door again. Sadly, it's not as easy as just unlocking the door with the key, asthe key turns out to be part of a puzzle. This puzzle requires more of Wright's line of thinking than Layton's, so let's get down to it.

Puzzle 57: Objectionable Lock
An inscription on the door reads: "The 'key' to proceeding is in the key."

Slide the key with the stylus to insert it into the keyhole, and rotate it if necessary. However, this puzzle is not as simple as simply inserting the key - you'll have to try inserting it in a number of different ways.

Solution: "No further objections!"

There is an entire process to this puzzle. First, try inserting it from different angles, and you'll find it keeps getting stuck halfway. Maya suggests flipping your thinking, so try inserting the handle into the keyhole, but that won't work either. You'll notice an option labeled "HOLD IT!", so press it, and you'll bring up the clue the door gave you again. As it turns out, the "key is in the key itself (represented by Option C on the touch screen.) OBJECTION! As it turns out, the key is actually comprised of several smaller pieces, and the true keyhole is the space around it! Now, the aim is to fill in the space around the keyhole without any points of overlap. The biggest piece goes at the bottom. The solution is shown by this diagram:

|           |       |
+---+---+---+       +
|           |       |
+   +---+   +   +---+
|   |   |   |   |   |
+---+   +---+---+   +
|                   |

You can now progress further in the ruins. You automatically move to the Ruins - Sealed Way.

Ruins - Sealed Way[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The leftmost statue's head
  2. The wall above the left tunnel
  3. The flames on the right

Is that fire in those statues?! It appears you've stumbled upon yet another intricate contraption. You take special note of the luminous moss coating this room. Examine the statue head on the right to find a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle 58: Monster Dash
Touch the bomb icons on the Touch Screen to drop a bomb in the monster's path and hinder its progress.

Touch one of the glowing bomb icons on the Touch Screen, and Luke will run to that spot and bomb the pursuing monster. Find the path that goes through all the bomb icons, culminating in the golden bomb. The best way to map a route is to find out which of the bombs should be the last one to drop.

Solution: "As you'd expect from a gentleman in training!"

From the start, go:

  1. Up and to the left
  2. Down
  3. Right (along the lower path)
  4. Up and to the left
  5. Up
  6. Right
  7. Down

After you get that squared away, examine the stone slab on the left. It's in an ancient script that only Layton can read. He proceeds to tell you that this slab serves as a warning: "Heed these words, those who enter through these gates of destruction. Do not proceed any further. Or you will soon find yourself haunted with memories most terrifying. When this gate is opened and the dreaded sound heard once more throughout... the calamity shall befall us once again. The inner sanctum has been locked with the Three Seals. The first is the Seal of Leviathan. Second is the Seal of Despair. The third is the Seal of Sages. Leave these seals in peace or face the dire consequences. Heed this warning well."

Could this warning be referring to Bezella? It seems likely, but the text implies that Bezella had been sealed away, so has somebody freed her? Espella encourages you to keep pressing on in pursuit of the truth, no matter the peril. Layton theorizes that the "Seal of Leviathan" refers to the river in this very room. Examine the river to find a stone path under the water, but with the current, it doesn't look safe to cross. Could there be a way to raise the path up? Espella decides to tackle this puzzle by herself.

Puzzle 59: Seal of Leviathan
Use all the stone blocks to lower or raise the platforms so that they are an even height.

Move the stone blocks on and off of the platforms so they are at the same height. Adding a block weighs the platform down, and removing one raises it. The platforms all start at different heights without blocks added. If you need a hint, the biggest block should go on the highest platform.

Solution: "I'm so glad I was able to help!"
Place a large and medium block on the left platform, a medium and two small blocks on the middle platform, and a small block on the large platform.

After solving the puzzle, you can cross the river, but you are soon halted by a chasm. This must be the Seal of Despair. Maya and Luke decide to tackle the puzzle together.

Puzzle 60: Seal of Despair
Rotate the segments to align the pathway and find a way across!

Slide the switches on the Touch Screen to rotate the bridge pieces. Create a path bridging the gap. The first segment should stay the same.

Solution: "Yes! We did it!"
Leave the first segment unchanged, and rotate the rest of the segments so they form an uninterrupted path from the first segment onwards. (IMAGE TO BE ADDED)

You press on ahead to the final challenge, the Seal of Sages, which takes the form of a locked door. This time, Phoenix and Layton team up to solve this puzzle. The square recesses in the nearby pedestal must be for some purpose, but what? With the combined forces of Phoenix and Layton, even the toughest puzzle stands no chance.

Puzzle 61: Seal of Sages
Find the combination of slabs that will correctly light up the seal!

Drag a slab into each recess and touch Check to make the seal on the door light up. Each slab reflects a different symbol onto the wall, but only one combination will open the door. You can also rotate the slabs. It's best if you identify the differences between the slabs, then figure out the correct combination from there.

Solution: "Every puzzle has an answer."
One recess should contain the leftmost slab, and the other should contain the rightmost slab rotated 90 degrees to the left.

With all the seals broken, you can press on ahead unhampered. So what lies at the end of all these trials? You automatically move to The Altar Room.

The Altar Room[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The fallen pillar on the right
  2. The pillar on the left
  3. The top of the broken pillar on the right.

This beautiful room doesn't exactly scream "destruction", but maybe there's some secret lying underneath the pretty facade. Examine the altar. It looks like something large once stood here. Luke notices some marks on the wall above the altar. Layton is only able to decipher a portion of the inscription on the altar, but from what he can read, the former inhabitants of these ruins created a bell from pure silver as an tribute to the gods. But when the bell was rung, it summoned an evil demon that brought a great catastrophe. The incident's survivors dubbed it as the "Bell of Ruin" and sealed it within this room, and fled in fear of the curse placed upon the land. The inscription warns against ringing the Bell of Ruin. Perhaps this legend and Bezella are connected?

Layton refers back to the curse placed upon the land, which causes Espella to draw the conclusion that this "great catastrophe" is, in fact, the Legendary Fire. She enters a trance for a moment again, but snaps out of it. Your group arrives at the same conclusion, and makes the connection between the Bell of Ruin and the Great Witch Bezella. Espella hears a mysterious voice in her head, who reminds her of "who she is" and "what she did so many years ago". She has a flashback to the events of the Legendary Fire, and breaks down from the trauma. She appears to fall under a trance, believing herself to be Bezella, and runs away... Meanwhile, in the Storyteller's tower, he speaks ominously: "It has begun." The Mysteries of the Underground Mural, the Bell Tower and Alchemist, and the Ruins in the Forest are all marked as solved.

Luke narrates the following events. Espella, appearing to be hypnotized, kept repeating that she was the Great Witch Bezella, and ran away when the rest of the group tried to talk to her about it. She got away, and they found no sign of her. Luke worried that she fled to the town to turn herself in, so they decided to search Labyrinthia. Suddenly, the town was hit by a heavy rainstorm that led to a great silence in the town, which, in retrospect, served as a sign of the terrible things that were to follow...