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Court resumes[edit | edit source]

The Judge seems just as surprised as everyone else that Kira is still alive after being sent to the flames. Although her existence alone jeopardizes Labyrinthia, she is a very important witness to the crime, so the court requests that she tell her side of the story. It looks like the Judge has no clue about the secret passageway through the fire pit yet, but maybe it'll come to light later. Kira proceeds with her testimony.

Kira' Testimony: My Role and Identity[edit | edit source]

Kira's Testimony
"My Role and Identiy"
  • Kira: I am not familiar with this "Kira" you keep talking about... I came from the Eldwitch Woods...
  • Kira: I came to this summon forth the fire dragon and kill the Storyteller.
  • Kira: As it rained...I waited near the bell tower, next to the Vigilantes, for my chance.
  • Kira: I...was only there to carry out my orders. I don't know anything else...outside of that.

It appears that Kira possessed the intent to kill the Storyteller. Darklaw seems desperate to discount the testimony, so what could it contain that she doesn't want you to see?

My Role and Identity: Cross-Examination[edit | edit source]

Press the fourth statement. She refuses to name the person who gave her orders, instead obliquely saying that there's "nothing more she can do". She then claims she isn't a witch, and that she can't use magic! Kira is acting completely different now than she did in the trial where she was convicted, so perhaps that is where the key to this testimony lies. Press the third statement. She snuck past the Vigilantes, so she must have been using some kind of invisibility spell, but she appears to turn pale when the subject of her using Dimere is brought up. Press further, and you'll recall that she denies being able to use magic, so how could she have gotten past? She amends her testimony to explain how she avoided detection:

  • "I was wearing the robe of invisibility... so no one was able to see me there."

Present the Flour-Covered Robe on this new statement. Could this be the robe of invisibility? Well... obviously, it isn't exactly invisible, even when worn. But Kira confirms that this is the robe she wore, and says it's only visible because of the flour. You head to the water fountain and wash the robe to clean it... and it disappears! But Kira still sees it just fine, and so can any other inhabitant of the Eldwitch Woods. The Invisible Robe is updated in the Court Record. There is still one thing bothering you, though - the robe was found on the floor where the defendant was, but Kira was hiding in the belfry. What exactly was Kira doing on the middle floor of the tower? The court requests further testimony to explain this point.

Kira's Testimony: What Happened on the Top Floor[edit | edit source]

Kira's Testimony
"What Happened on the Top Floor"
  • Kira: I was waiting on the middle floor of the tower. I started to turn around, but I was too late...
  • Kira: They attacked me from behind. There was nothing I could do. My arm was restrained, and the attacker covered my mouth...
  • Kira: As I struggled to get away...I think I managed to pull something off of my attacker...
  • Kira: That's when I lost consciousness... I woke up to find myself next to the bell on the top floor of the tower.

Darklaw claims that the witness had nothing to do with the crime, but lest you forget, she mentioned being attacked. Could her attacker have been Bezella?

What Happened on the Top Floor: Cross-Examination[edit | edit source]

Present the Pendant on the third statement. Kira confirms the pendant held by the second witch as the object she grabbed. She states that she struggled to rip it off, enough to scratch the attacker's neck. This means that the substance on the strap is the attacker's blood! The Pendant is updated in the Court Record. You attempt to argue that Espella had no cuts on her person, but Darklaw reminds you that the Great Witch could have easily healed such a wound. Still, this could be a useful clue...

Press the second statement. Kira doesn't remember the attacker's gender, but she does remember how they restricted her movements from behind by grabbing her left wrist and covering her mouth. Wait, what? Present the Pendant on the second statement. The strap on the pendant is too short for Kira to have grabbed it from behind, so the only way she could have grabbed it is if she was attacked from the front! Darklaw then argues that the position doesn't matter - either way, the attacker was a witch who used magic to disappear. She proves her point further by recalling the way the witness lost consciousness, and recalls a spell from the Grand Grimoire called "Fainfol". Kira confirms that she heard the spell! According to the Grimoire, Fainfol causes those who hear the incantation to lose all consciousness immediately. Fainfol is bookmarked in the Grand Grimoire. Kira updates her testimony to reflect this information.

  • "I heard the incantation for Fainfol and before I could even turn around..."

Open the Grand Grimoire and Present Fainfol on the new statement. Kira claims she put up a fight, but Fainfol takes effect immediately, so she couldn't have even attempted to fight back! She didn't actually hear the incantation; she was rendered unconscious by something other than magic. Fainfol is the only spell that renders someone unconscious, so the attacker must have used a sleeping medicine. Remember how the attacker covered Kira's mouth? That's how it was administered, and therefore, the attacker did not necessarily have to be Bezella. You don't need to be a witch to sneak up into the tower, either; you just need the invisible robe. Because Kira was attacked from the front, and because Kira could see the robe, she was entirely capable of seeing her attacker's face!

Kira refuses to tell you the identity of her attacker. But you don't need any more of her testimony - the answer as to the identity of Kira's attacker is staring you in the face. Present Darklaw's profile. This is a very serious accusation, and as such, you need very serious proof. You go back to your point about the sleep medicine, as there is only one person who could have supplied such a thing: Sir Newton Belduke, the alchemist. After his death, all of his medicines were confiscated by the Inquisition! Darklaw is not convinced, however, and argues that the culprit could have simply just acquired the medicine off-hand due to his reputation for making dangerous concoctions. If you don't make a compelling case, you're in hot water... But there is one thing you can use to prove your point, and that is Darklaw herself. Notice how she holds her neck when the topic is brought up? Present Darklaw's neck. Kira scratched her attacker's neck, so if Darklaw has a mark on her neck, that should serve as decisive proof!

Darklaw confirms that there is a mark on her neck from the time of the crime. You request to call Darklaw to the stand, as her involvement is now clear! But who will prosecute the trial in Darklaw's absence? Remember, Sir Barnham is still incarcerated for treason. So what can you do? Just then, Professor Layton steps in... and offers to fill the role of inquisitor! You had been awaiting his arrival, but unfortunately, he doesn't appear to be on your side. Can you find the truth regardless? Darklaw gives her testimony about the events of tonight.

Darklaw's Testimony: What Happened Tonight[edit | edit source]

Darklaw's Testimony
"What Happened Tonight"
  • Darklaw: The town square was to be the parade's final stop. I patrolled the perimeter to ensure nothing was amiss.
  • Darklaw: As I passed by the bell tower, a pair of small footprints leading inside caught my eye. I went inside to investigate.
  • Darklaw: I had my own reasons for not allowing any one of those Vigilantes to see me...
  • Darklaw: I climbed the stairs up the bell tower and saw an intruder inside with their back turned. I proceeded to apprehend them.

What Happened Tonight: Cross-Examination[edit | edit source]

Press the second statement. Darklaw confirms that the footprints she saw were Kira's, but denies that they had any heel marks, as the Vigilantes testified. She claims she matched her own footprints to them by tiptoeing to avoid detection, but there's something very wrong. She proceeds to amend her testimony.

  • "There was no heel on the footprints, so as I ascended the stairs, I was careful to match my footsteps to them, as far as possible."

Present the Footprints Sketch on the new statement. As is visible in the sketch, the heel is very clearly present. If Darklaw was tiptoeing, there should be no heel marks. You then notice something else odd about her testimony - why were there footprints in the first place? Layton objects, saying that your point has no relevance, but Kira seems to react to it, so it must mean something. You'll have to try a different angle of attack.

Press the fourth statement. Darklaw says her reasons relate to "protecting the Storyteller", and says anyone who attempts to alter the Story must be dealt with. Question Kira on "Any and all those who make an attempt to alter his will must be dealt with immediately!". Kira expresses disappointment in herself for being captured, despite wearing her robe at the time. There's something odd about her statement, though. She confirms that she had the robe on until she was captured. The Invisible Robe is updated in the Court Record. And with that, you have your weapon.

Present the Invisible Robe on the fifth statement. Kira was wearing her invisibility robe, so there's no way Darklaw could have spotted her... that is, unless she has some connection to the Eldwitch Woods, and knew Kira prior to tonight! But Layton raises an alternative possibility: that Kira wasn't actually wearing the robe, and her memory is just unreliable, which Darklaw agrees with. In response, Kira formally names Darklaw as the "Great Witch" of Eldwitch Woods! She claims Darklaw was also wearing an invisibility robe, and doubts Darklaw was sneaking around "by herself". She saw Darklaw wearing the robe... as well as carrying an unconscious Espella on her back! When asked to provide evidence supporting this claim, Present the Footprints Sketch. Because the footprints have a heel, this must mean that Darklaw was physically unable to tiptoe on the bell tower steps due to the rain and the fact she was carrying Espella. She admits that she carried Espella up to the tower, as well as her "little friend", Eve. In addition, the pendant found at the scene belongs to Darklaw. The Pendant is updated in the Court Record.

Even despite all that, Darklaw and Layton claim this line of questioning is irrelevant, as the aim is to find the identity of the Great Witch Bezella. Indeed, Layton claims that it actually disproves the possibility of either of them as Bezella, as Bezella would not have needed to wear an invisibility robe! That leaves Espella as the only viable suspect, but there's still lingering doubt as to Darklaw and Kira's intentions. Darklaw confesses that she is a Shade, and proceeds to testify about what exactly that entails.

Group Testimony: Shades[edit | edit source]

Group Testimony
  • Darklaw: Shades live outside the realm of those who dwell within Labyrinthia. To them, I am known as "the Great Witch".
  • Darklaw: Those that are put to the flames in the witch trials become Shades, who live their lives in the woods.
  • Kira: We exist to carry out tasks given to us by our mistress, the great Witch herself...
  • Kira: I am not a witch, nor am I a wandering spirit...

Shades: Cross-Examination[edit | edit source]

Press all statements:

  • First statement: Darklaw denies being Bezella, as she cannot use magic. But then, just why is she called the "Great Witch"?
  • Second statement: To explain why Kira is here, alive, you explain the trick behind the fire pit. It appears, while the trials have been banishing witches, not a single life has been taken in the process. Just then, Maya casts away her disguise, revealing to the court that she's also alive. The judge is in disbelief, but you carry the testimony on regardless.
  • Third statement: Kira was given the task to arrive at the bell tower and become Bezella. Once a Shade completes enough tasks, they are allowed to return to Labyrinthia, but exactly how they are meant to go unrecognized remains unclear. This results in a new statement being added, which you must also press:
  • "Lady Darklaw...was our venerable mistress. She assigned us our tasks. She was the Great Witch...": Kira doesn't remember when she arrived back in town to fulfill her task. You recall the incident back at the market when you and Luke were caught in an explosion. Could that be another of Kira's tasks?
  • Fifth statement: When a witch becomes a Shade, they lose their memories and all magic casting abilities. Kira mentions "machines" in the woods that cannot be found in the town, including one that spits fire! But how could such a thing be possible without magic?

Layton interrupts the testimony to butt in, and asks Darklaw of the purpose behind the Shades. She adds a new statement to her testimony:

  • "There is...but one true purpose for the Shades that dwell within the Eldwitch Woods."

Press the new statement. Darklaw cannot disclose this "purpose", so you need evidence instead. Layton says the Shades may have something to do with "something that exists, but shouldn't". But are you ready to present such evidence? Choose I'm prepared, Your Honour. This may turn the entire foundation of the town on its head, but you must proceed... Open the Grand Grimoire and Present any spell (it doesn't matter which). You make the argument that magic doesn't really exist! You recall the machines Kira mentioned, which the citizens of Labyrinthia are not allowed to see. As it turns out, these machines exist only to keep up the facade of magic's existence, and that is the secret of Labyrinthia. You recall the rules of magic: that a witch must hold a Talea Magica and say an incantation to cast a spell. These rules exist so the Shades know when somebody casts magic, and they use invisibility robes to stay hidden until they need to create magic. Layton recalls the events leading up to now, starting with the Ignaize spell, which was a flame spewed from a machine operated by the Shades. Dimere simply takes the form of an invisibility robe being thrown on the caster. As for Goldor, Layton surmises that he was simply swapped with a golden statue in his image. All of the magic in this town is nothing but smoke and mirrors!

Darklaw then reveals that not only were the witches made into Shades, their victims were as well. A deathly silence falls upon the courtroom at this revelation, but Layton is still confused as to how he was replaced with a statue without him or Maya noticing, let alone when it was created. The same goes for Godoor - it is impossible for the Shades to have gotten those portals ready so quickly. These spells all have one thing in common: the time between the start and the end of the incidents they were involved in is unaccounted for. Layton also lost his memories of the incident in question. And furthermore, how could the Shades possibly return to Labyrinthia without immediately being recognized? It appears there is another trick behind this grand illusion, one that affected the memories of all involved. Darklaw refers obliquely to a secret surrounding this trick, but refuses to reveal it.

There's still something odd sticking out, particularly in Darklaw's testimony - one more truth that is yet to be revealed. This is a contradiction that must be found with your "secret weapon": comparing two testimonies to find a contradiction. Question Darklaw with "Lady Darklaw...was our venerable mistress. She assigned us our tasks. She was the Great Witch...". You note the use of the phrase "was", past tense. In other words, Darklaw is not the Great Witch anymore! She relinquished her position in order to carry out her task of killing the Storyteller. Kira, again, refuses to tell you the identity of her superior, but you've likely already worked out the answer. Present the Storyteller's profile. The Storyteller carried out his own assassination, but for what reason? That, you cannot say, but you do know that the Storyteller's death was foretold in the Final Story. But Darklaw's behavior seems unnatural, as if she was trying to put an end to the plan. Darklaw had to hide her actions because she tried to betray the Storyteller!

Darklaw intervened by changing the main suspect for the Storyteller's murder from Kira to Espella, leading to the trial you find yourselves standing in right now. She states that she was planning revenge on the Storyteller, and explains her plan. She had long played the part of both High Inquisitor Darklaw and the Great Witch, but grew to loathe the way the Storyteller insisted on forcing everyone down the fate he decided. Darklaw recognized the falsehood inherent in trying to depict Kira as Bezella, and dragged Espella to the scene of the crime to expose the true witch. That's right... she's still trying to say Espella is the Great Witch Bezella!

You object on the grounds that magic does not exist, and therefore, neither can Bezella, but Layton counters by reminding you of the "disaster" that Bezella caused, that being the Legendary Fire. Despite the traces of the fire all around town, nobody actually recalls it, except for Bezella herself. Just then, Espella speaks up, vividly recalling the events of the Legendary Fire... and confesses to being Bezella! Layton reminds you that the reason he showed up was to prove Espella was Bezella, and prepares to call his final witness... the Storyteller! What happens from here on out is anybody's guess...