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Each stage contains a number of enemies whose type and starting position are predetermined. The player can destroy enemies with the laser, but they will revive at the same position after a short period of time. Enemies are also destroyed when you collide with them. If player has Armor, the player will survive the collision and lose one level of armor. If the armor was red, indicating the lowest level of armor, then the armor will be removed.

Most of the names of the enemies presented here are provided by speaking with Gum Can at the end of the Reverse Rounds in the Japanese version. However, the names of some of the enemies are not specified in the game, such as the Orange Car.

Orange car Nitrite
This is the first enemy that you encounter. These enemies are actually quite intimidated by The Organizer; if you race towards them, they will do a U turn and drive away. They instead prefer to crash into you from behind. They are worth 30 points if destroyed.
Nitrites follow one very simple rule as they drive around a labyrinth: they always turn to the right. That makes them fairly predictable, but they can achieve high speeds which makes them dangerous. They provide 20 points when destroyed.
Synthemesc Datura
These machines resemble green spiders. They move a short distance before stopping and leaping up into the air. While they are jumping, it's possible to drive underneath them without harm. You earn 40 points for destroying one.
Unlike the vehicular enemies in the game, Datura's look like red amoebas. They cannot kill you, but if one of them touches The Organizer, it will cut down your top speed. If two touch you, it will slow you down significantly, making it quite difficult to escape harm. The slow down ends if you lose a life or begin a new stage.
Wood Rose Norganizer
At first, Wood Roses drive around the labyrinth like a normal vehicle. After a short period of time, however, they blink out of sight, only to return to the screen a short while later. They cannot harm you while they are invisible, but it's difficult to predict where they will show up again. Worth 40 points if destroyed.
The Norganizer is the anti-Organizer. It can collect item tiles if it drives into one, and if it manages to collect a laser tile, it will use it against you. They will deposit Energy Plates onto the board which you are then forced to collect in order to clear the stage. They will also respond in the opposite direction that you push the joystick. For each one you destroy, you earn 80 points.
Pink Codeine Blue Codeine
The first half of the pair of enemies known as Double Codeine. Pink Codeines behave a little oddly. They attempt to match your horizontal and vertical position in a labyrinth and will sit in one place if a wall prevents them from getting closer to you. Destroying one earns you 50 points.
The second half of the Double Codeine pair, Blue Codeines move a little more understandably. They simply chase you, trying to catch up to your current position. Because they move more predictably, they are less dangerous. They are also worth 50 points.
Mines Oil slicks
Mines are stationary objects found in certain labyrinths. They remain inert until The Organizer drives over them. This primes them for an explosion, which takes place a few seconds later. Any vehicle caught in the blast, whether its the player or an enemy, is destroyed.
Certain labyrinths contain oil slicks. Driving over one causes the Organizer to spin out of control, preventing the player from changing it's direction until the vehicle stops spinning. This prevents you from taking any turns until the spinning has stopped. The distance the Organizer will spin is random.