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Clearing mazes[edit | edit source]

The player starts each stage in the center of the bottom row. If the player collects every "Energy Plate" (the dots) in a stage, all enemies disappear, along with any uncollected items. Eight gates will open, two in each direction. You must choose a gate to travel through in order to proceed to the next stage. The direction chosen determines which maze is next. Taking either door in the same direction has the same outcome.

The direction you take dictates the color of the background of the next labyrinth.

  • Up: Red Maze
  • Down: Blue Maze
  • Left: Gray Maze
  • Right: Green Maze

Only the direction of the gate that you travel through determines which labyrinth you will arrive at, not which stage you come from. In other words, if you travel up from the second labyrinth, you will always arrive at the third red stage, regardless of the color of the second stage.

Reverse Round[edit | edit source]

To enter a Reverse Round, you might locate and obtain the <O> item tile. This will open a gate called the Other Route. Pass through the gate to get to a Reverse Round. In a Reverse Round, you must face off against a giant mechanical insect. There will be four laser tiles for you to collect in order to improve your offensive ability. To beat the bosses, laser items are provided. Different types of boss will require different numbers of hits.

Every hit scores 30 points. Beating a boss scores 20000 points. After defeating the insect, Gum Can appears. He presents the player with a message (see more below). After that the next level will start. Since you do not pass through a gate to reach the next level, the stage that you are sent to is determined by the gate direction you most recently traveled through.

Gum Can[edit | edit source]

Gum Can is a mysterious alien-looking creature that you can only find by beating a Reverse Round. If you first encounter him early in the game, he will introduce himself, as well as tell the player about Rika and the story of the game. In other encounters he will tell the player some hints and sometimes give a special item. If the player gets an item it can be used with the item button. See the Items page for more information about the possible special items.

Stage features[edit | edit source]

There are also the various features in certain stages, some of which are dangerous and must be dealt with carefully.

  • Shutter: They open and close at regular intervals. It can kill the player if you try to drive through it while it is closing.
  • Barrier: An energy beam which covers a passages. The effects of colliding with a barrier are the same as colliding with an enemy, except that they are never restored. Levels that contain barriers will also have Armor tiles to enable to player to crash through them. Players will lose (or degrade) their armor, but they won't die. If player is momentarily invincible, he or she can pass through these without dying. Enemies, however, are free to pass through barriers without consequence.
  • Slick: Causes The Organizer to slide for a short distance, making it impossible for the player to change direction during that time. The distance that you slide depends on your speed. Therefore, if you wish to change the direction and enter certain corridors, you must drive over the slicks at a slower speed.
  • Mine: When The Organizer drives over one, it shines and explodes a short time later. Enemies can be defeated by the resulting explosion. So too can the player, even if he or she currently has armor.
  • Block: Square blocks which, like walls, blocks certain routes. Passage through them is impossible.
  • Tunnel: A tunnel forces players and enemies alike to travel in certain directions. However, in a tunnel there is no collision possible with enemies.

Meteors[edit | edit source]

Meteors begin to fall under two particular occassions:

  • If the player takes too long to clear a stage or,
  • After clearing the maze and gates appeared, driving around without entering a gate for too long.

When either situation occurs, the message "HURRY UP!" will appear before meteors begin falling from outside the screen. If one hits The Organizer, the player loses a life. If you drive over the debris of a falling meteor, your speed is reduced. Some stages only provide the player with just enough time to clear the energy plates before meteors begin to fall. In other instances, you may be forced to travel back through a long winding path after collecting the last energy plate, causing meteors to begin falling before you reach a gate.

Warps with perfect play[edit | edit source]

Cut-scenes are displayed at round 4, 12, and 24 (which, just like scenes with Gun Cam, can be skipped by pressing a button three times). If player reach these without losing any life, the player will warp to reverse round after the cut-scene.

The same rules concerning what stage you end up in after a Reverse Round apply. For example, if you traveled up after clearing round 4, you will warp to round 8's up side reverse round. After that, round 9's up side will start. So you should determine which direction to travel (up, down, left, right) in the warp round.

  • Round 4 → round 9
  • Round 12 → round 17
  • Round 24 → round 29

Per every warp, players gain 50.000 bonus points. The reverse round itself will add to the total, potentially reaching 75.000 points total. However, it's usually possible to collect more than 75K points by not skipping rounds, particularly in the later stages. If you are going for a high score, you should endeavor to not warp by losing at least one life.

Multiple endings[edit | edit source]

The Japanese version of the game has a storyline and two endings, a good ending and a bad one. In order to reach the Good Ending, you must obtain the Mirror of Light (Hikari no Kagami). Otherwise, you will receive the bad ending. This mirror can be obtained by traveling to round 23's down screen, and obtaining the <O> tile to access the Reverse Round.