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This is the first game in the Rick Dangerous series. For other games in the series see the Rick Dangerous category.

Box artwork for Rick Dangerous.
Box artwork for Rick Dangerous.
Rick Dangerous
Developer(s)Core Design
Publisher(s)Rainbird Software
Year released1989
System(s)Commodore Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64/128, DOS, Sinclair ZX Spectrum
SeriesRick Dangerous
ModesSingle player
LinksRick Dangerous at PCGamingWikiRick Dangerous ChannelSearch

Rick Dangerous is a platform game developed by Core Design for various home computer systems. It was published in 1989 by Rainbird Software in Europe, and under the MicroPlay label in America. It was later released with two other games – Stunt Car Racer and Microprose Soccer on the Commodore 64 Powerplay 64 cartridge.

Table of Contents
