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  • Full name: Akira Kazama
  • School: Gedo High School

Moves[edit | edit source]

Rival Schools[edit | edit source]

Akira Kazama[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Gate Elbow +
Dancing Cyclone Kick +
Leg Up +
Reflex Stance +
├►Launch Pad
├►Bully Beater
├►Falter Bash
└►Air Feast
Burning Vigor Attack
Skull Aura +
Reflex Barrage +
Aerial Barrage +
Team Up Technique
Gang Buster

Akira (Unmasked)[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Gate Elbow +
Dancing Cyclone Kick +
Leg Up +
Reflex Stance +
├►Launch Pad
├►Bully Beater
├►Falter Bash
└►Air Feast
Burning Vigor Attack
Skull Aura +
Reflex Barrage +
Aerial Barrage +
Team Up Technique
Neo Synchronous Attack

Project Justice[edit | edit source]

Akira Kazama[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Gate Elbow +
Leaping Smash +
Dancing Cyclone Kick +
Houbu +
Burning Vigor Attack
Kikou Kai +
Reflex Barrage +
Aerial Barrage +
Haten Mueishu +

Powered Akira[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Gate Elbow +
Gate Shoulder +
Reflex Stance +
Dancing Cyclone Kick +
Houbu +
Burning Vigor Attack
Skull Slice +
Aerial Barrage +
Destructive Barrage +