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  • Full name: Hideo Shimazu
  • School: Justice High School

Moves[edit | edit source]

Rival Schools[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Seihaken +
Anti-Air Seihaken +
Jicchokuken +
Shinenkyaku +
Raieishuu +
Burning Vigor Attack
Shimazu Seihaken +
Shimazu Jicchokuken +
Team Up Technique
Shin Seihaken

Project Justice[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Seihaken +
Air Seihaken +
Jicchokuken +
Shinenkyaku +
Raieishuu +
Burning Vigor Attack
Shimazu Seihaken +
Shimazu Shin Jicchokuken +
Shimazu Raieishuu +