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Box artwork for Rocket Ranger.
Box artwork for Rocket Ranger.
Rocket Ranger
Year released1988
System(s)Commodore Amiga, Commodore 64/128, Atari ST, DOS, NES, Apple IIGS, FM Towns
ModesSingle player
LinksOfficial websiteRocket Ranger at PCGamingWikiRocket Ranger ChannelSearch

Rocket Ranger is an action video game released by Cinemaware in 1988. It is composed of both a strategic map where you oversee war efforts as the game progresses, and various minigames that occur when you advance to an enemy base.

It based on an alternate history of World War II, where German forces obtain a sudden technological advance allowing them to steamroll all opposition with a newly developed superweapon. A century after global conquest, a group of scientists discover time travel, and use it to send equipment back in time in hopes of stopping the war machine before it is too late.

Table of Contents
