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Click here for more information about Galford's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown![edit | edit source]

Special Move
Plasma Blade +A button
Shadow Copy +A button or B button
Replica Attack +A button or B button
Rush Dog +A button (tap)
Machine Gun Dog +A button (hold)
Super Move
Striking Heads
+A button+B button
Special Move
Plasma Factor +A button or B button
Plasma Break +A button
Replica Attack +A button or B button
Striking Heads (close) +A button
Lighting Slash +A button
Shadow Copy +A button or B button
Super Move
Lightning Strike
+A button+B button

Samurai Shodown! 2[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Shadow Copy +A button or B button
Rush Dog +A button (tap)
Machine Gun Dog +A button (hold)
Strike Dog +A button (tap)
Super Move
D.D.D. +A button
Special Move
Replica Attack +A button or B button
Plasma Blade +A button
Strike Heads +B button
Lightning Slash +B button
Super Move
T.B.C. +A button