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This is the first game in the Savage Reign series. For other games in the series see the Savage Reign category.

Box artwork for Savage Reign.
Box artwork for Savage Reign.
Savage Reign
Year released1995
System(s)Arcade, Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD, Wii
Followed byKizuna Encounter
SeriesSavage Reign,
ACA Neo Geo
Japanese title風雲黙示録 (Fu'un Mokushiroku)
ModesSingle player, multiplayer
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and upESRB TeenPEGI Ages 12+Mature
ACA Neo Geo Savage Reign
Publisher(s)Hamster Corporation
Year released2018
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One, iOS, Android
LinksSavage Reign at PCGamingWikiSavage Reign ChannelSearch

Table of Contents


Character Select[edit | edit source]

Hayate Gozu Carol Mezu Eagle
Nicola Chung King Lion Gordon Joker
King Leo