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Level 1[edit | edit source]

Once you have pressed  1  to start the game, you will be treated to a short cutscene of Scooby and Shaggy being chased by a ghost (with the text RUN FOR IT SCOOBY! below it); Scrappy will then appear on the screen, so start running to the right, jump up to two platforms in turn and collect a sandwich for 250 points. Once you have done it you will have to drop down to a third platform, collect another sandwich for 250 points, jump back up to the second platform and a fourth one in turn, and drop down onto a fifth platform that has a ghost flying back and forth on it - and once you have jumped over him, to land on a sixth platform, you shall have to drop down to a seventh platform (which has a Venus flytrap on the ground below it), jump over a pit to land on an eighth platform, and drop down to the ground to collect a Scooby Snack for 250 more points (if you collect fifteen, Scrappy shall receive an extra life). You shall then have to jump over another pit as a bird flies into view from the right side of the screen, up to two more platforms in turn, and onto a Super Mario Bros.-style pipe then drop down to the ground as you come to a snail slithering back and forth on it; once you have jumped over him you will have to jump up to three more platforms in turn and collect a third sandwich for 250 more points, then drop down onto a third pipe, jump over another pit (that has a fish jumping out of it), to land on a fifteenth platform, and drop down to a sixteenth platform and the ground in turn as you come to two more snails slithering back and forth on it. Once you have jumped over both of them, you will have to jump back up to the right side of that sixteenth platform, collect another Scooby Snack for 250 more points, jump up to a seventeenth platform, and drop down over a third pit to land on the ground as another bird flies into view from the right side of the screen, try to avoid landing on a second Venus flytrap, and collect a fourth sandwich for 250 points - and you will then have to jump up to an eighteenth platform and over a fourth pit (with another fish jumping out of it) to land on a twentieth platform, collect a third Scooby Snack for 250 more points, jump up to two more platforms (the twenty-second one has three more Venus flytraps on the ground below it), and an eighth pipe in turn, and walk onto a twenty-third platform that has a rat running back and forth on it. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to drop down to a twenty-fourth platform, with two more ghosts flying back and forth on it; once you have punched both of them to kill them for 500 points you will have to drop down to a twenty-fifth platform with a second rat running back and forth on it. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to drop down to the ground, and collect three more sandwiches for 750 points, then jump up to a twenty-sixth platform and the right side of the twenty-fourth one in turn, and fall down onto a tenth pipe, four more platforms, and the ground in turn as you come to a pumpkin bouncing back and forth on it - and once you have punched him to kill him for 250 points you will have to jump up onto the right side of the twenty-eighth platform and up to a twenty-ninth one to collect a fourth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, and drop down onto a thirtieth one with a sixth Venus flytrap on it. Once you have punched it to kill it for 250 more points, you shall have to drop down onto an eleventh pipe, jump onto a twelfth one and drop down to the ground, to collect a fifth Scooby Snack for 250 more points; you will now have to jump onto a thirteenth pipe, drop down to the ground to collect a sixth Scooby Snack for 250 more points and jump onto two more pipes in turn. You then have to walk onto a thirty-third platform, jump over a fifth pit (to collect an eighth sandwich for 250 more points) and land upon a thirty-fourth platform then jump over a sixth pit to collect a ninth sandwich for 250 more points and land on a thirty-fifth platform - and if you jump back onto either of the small platforms above the pits they will crumble beneath Scrappy's feet and cause him to fall to the ground (assuming he moved to the left in time) and collect a seventh Scooby Snack for 250 more points. You will then have to jump back over the fifth pit, collect an eighth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, jump back over the sixth pit, jump onto a thirty-seventh platform and sixteenth pipe in turn and drop down to the ground (as you come to two more pumpkins bouncing back and forth on it); once you have punched both of them to kill them, for 500 more points, collect two more Scooby Snacks and a tenth sandwich for 750 more points, jump up to an eighteenth pipe and a forty-first platform in turn and drop down to a forty-second platform and the ground in turn to collect an eleventh sandwich for 250 more points. You will now have to jump back onto the fortysecond platform and onto a nineteenth pipe in turn, drop down onto a forty-third platform (which has a seventh pit with two more Venus flytraps in it under it) as a third bird comes flying into view from that right side of the screen, and jump up to a forty-fourth platform and a twentieth pipe in turn - and you will then have to drop down to four more platforms and the ground in turn, as you come to a third snail and fourth ghost slithering and flying back and forth on it. Once you've punched both of these to kill them, for 500 more points, you will have to jump up to a forty-ninth platform with a one-eyed alien hovering back and forth above it; once you've jumped up and punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to jump up to three more platforms in turn, drop down onto a twenty-first pipe and drop down onto a fifty-third platform that has a third rat running back and forth on it. Once you have punched him to kill him, for 250 more points, you shall have to jump onto a fifty-fourth platform to collect two more Scooby Snacks, for 500 more points, then drop down to the ground, try to avoid landing on a ninth Venus flytrap, collect a thirteenth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, and jump over a ninth pit with a third fish jumping out of it as you come to a fourth snail slithering back and forth - and once you have punched him to kill him, for 250 more points, you have to jump up to three more platforms in turn, then walk onto a twenty-third pipe to collect a twelfth sandwich for 250 more points, walk onto a fifty-eighth platform, drop down to a twenty-fourth pipe, jump onto two more pipes in turn, jump up to a fifty-ninth platform to collect two more Scooby Snacks for 500 more points (and an extra life), drop back down to the ground, and jump over a tenth pit that has a fourth fish jumping out of it. The text LEVEL COMPLETE!! will then appear on the screen and you will be treated to another cutscene of Scooby and Shaggy being chased by a ghost, with the text RUN FOR IT SCOOBY! below it; Scrappy shall then reappear upon the screen in the second level.

Level 2[edit | edit source]

Once Scrappy has reappeared on the screen (he is now coloured as cyan, like the rest of the level), start walking to the right as you come to a one-eyed alien that is hovering back and forth; once you have punched him to kill him for 250 points, you will have to jump up onto two platforms in turn, then walk onto a tree trunk, and drop down to the ground to collect a Scooby Snack for 250 more points. You will then have to jump onto a gravestone, and over a pit (which has a fish jumping out of it) to land on another tree trunk - and you will now have to jump over a third platform, a third tree trunk with a skull on it, and a fourth platform to collect an apple for 250 more points and land on a fourth tree trunk. You will then have to jump onto a fifth tree trunk and onto a sixth platform in turn, and walk onto an eighth platform as you come to three ghouls (that are flying back and forth on it); once you have punched each of them to kill them for 750 points, you will have to drop down to a ninth platform as you come to a Frankenstein's Monster that is walking back and forth on it. Once you have "megapunched" him to kill him for 250 more points, you shall have to jump over another skull to land on a tenth platform, then drop down over another pit which has another fish jumping out of it to land on the ground, then jump onto a moving platform to be carried over a third pit, and drop down to the ground to collect another apple for 250 more points - and you then have to jump over a fourth pit to land on an eleventh platform, jump up to two more platforms in turn, and walk onto an eighth tree trunk and a fourteenth platform in turn, as a bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you shall have to drop down onto a fifteenth platform, as you come to a snail that is slithering back and forth on it; once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points you will have to jump onto a platform that shall crumble beneath Scrappy's feet when he lands on it and a sixteenth one in turn then fall to the ground to collect two more apples for 500 more points, jump over a fifth pit (which has another platform that will crumble beneath Scrappy's feet if he lands on it over it!), a Venus flytrap, and a sixth pit which has a third fish jumping out of it in turn to land on top of a ninth tree trunk. You'll now have to drop down to the ground, collect another Scooby Snack for 250 more points, jump up to three more platforms in turn, drop down onto another moving platform to collect two more apples for 500 more points (and be carried over a seventh pit with two more Venus flytraps in it), and drop down to the ground - and you will then have to jump onto a spring (which will propel you up onto a tenth tree trunk), jump over another gravestone to land on a twentieth platform and fall to a twenty-first platform and the ground in turn as you come to a rat that is running back and forth on it. Once you have punched him to kill him (for 250 more points) you shall have to jump over an eighth pit and onto two more platforms in turn, jump onto a third platform which will crumble beneath Scrappy's feet when he lands on it and onto the right side of the twenty-first platform, jump over another skull to land on a twelfth tree trunk and up to a twenty-fourth platform and jump onto a fourth platform which will crumble beneath Scrappy's feet when he lands on it and onto a twentyfifth platform as you come to another one-eyed alien hovering back and forth on it; once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to walk onto a thirteenth tree trunk then drop down onto a thirteenth tree trunk, jump onto a third moving platform (to be carried over an eighth pit which has a fourth fish jumping out of it), and jump onto a fourteenth tree trunk (foregoing the two additional apples on the ground, as there is a pumpkin bouncing back and forth on it) as another bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen; once you've punched him to kill him (for 250 more points) you'll have to jump onto a fifteenth tree trunk, then fall onto a twenty-sixth platform and two more tree trunks in turn to collect a third Scooby Snack (for 250 more points), jump up to two more platforms in turn (the twenty-seventh one has a ninth pit with a fifth fish jumping out of it below it, and that twenty-eighth one has two more tree trunks with a fourth Venus flytrap on them), fall onto two more tree trunks, jump over a tenth pit (that has a sixth fish jumping out of it) to land upon a twenty-ninth platform and jump up to a thirtieth platform that another Frankenstein's Monster will have walked off the left side of before falling into that tenth pit, to collect a ninth apple for 250 more points. You shall now have to wait until a third one-eyed alien has hovered into view from the right side of the screen and fallen into that tenth pit, fall to the ground, jump up to three more platforms and a twentythird tree trunk in turn, walk onto a thirty-fourth platform, fall to four more platforms and the ground in turn, jump onto another spring (which will propel you up to the right of the thirty-sixth platform), jump onto a third spring (which will propel you up to a twenty-fifth tree trunk) and walk onto a thirty-eighth platform (as you come to two ghosts that are flying back and forth on it) - and once you have punched both of them to kill them for 500 more points, you'll have to drop down onto a thirty-ninth platform (which has a fifth Venus flytrap on the right side of it) as you come to two more ghouls that are flying back and forth on it. Once you've punched both of them to kill them for 500 more points, you'll have to drop down to a fortieth platform and the ground in turn to collect two more apples for 500 more points, as you come to a fourth one-eyed alien that is hovering back and forth on it; once you've punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to jump over an eleventh pit to collect two more Scooby Snacks for 500 more points, then jump up to the right side of the fortieth platform, punch through the centres of two more tree trunks (the tops shall not fall on Scrappy, after he has done it), jump over a twelfth pit with a seventh fish jumping out of it to land on a fifth platform which will crumble beneath Scrappy's feet when he lands upon it and jump onto a twenty-eighth tree trunk as a third bird comes flying towards you from the right side of the screen. Once you've punched him to kill him, for 250 more points, you will have to jump over two more tree trunks and a sixth Venus flytrap (for to land on a thirty-first tree trunk), then jump onto a forty-first platform to collect two sandwiches and two more Scooby Snacks for 1000 points and repeat what you did after punching through the centre of that twenty-seventh tree trunk (but this time, fall down onto the ground as you come to a third Frankenstein's Monster, walking back and forth on it) - and once you've "megapunched" him to kill him, for 250 more points, you'll have to jump over a thirteenth pit with an eighth fish jumping out of it, then jump up to two more platforms in turn, over a third gravestone to land on a forty-fourth platform, and up to two more platforms in turn as you come to a sixth ghoul that is flying back and forth. Once you punch him to kill him for 250 more points you shall have to walk onto a thirty-second tree trunk and a forty-seventh platform in turn, then drop down to a forty-eighth platform and jump up to a forty-ninth one in turn, punch through a thirty-third tree trunk, jump onto a sixth platform which will crumble beneath Scrappy's feet when he lands on it (and has a seventh Venus flytrap below it) and onto a fiftieth platform (trying not to land on an eighth Venus flytrap, and foregoing the two additional apples, third sandwich, two additional Scooby Snacks and pumpkin on the ground), walk onto a thirty-fourth tree trunk and drop down to a fifty-first platform as you come to a fourth Frankenstein's Monster that is walking back and forth on it; once you "megapunch" him to kill him for 250 more points, you'll have to jump onto a fifty-third platform (which has a fifty-second platform with a ninth Venus flytrap above it and a fourteenth pit with a ninth fish jumping out below it), drop down onto a fourth spring (which shall propel you up to a fourteenth apple for 250 more points and onto a fifty-fourth platform), collect a tenth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, drop back down to the ground and jump over a fifteenth pit as you come to a seventh ghoul that's flying back and forth. Once you've punched him to kill him, for 250 more points, you will have to jump up to two more platforms in turn, walk onto a thirty-sixth tree trunk, punch through a thirty-seventh tree trunk, and walk onto a fifty-seventh platform, drop down to a fifty-eighth platform and the ground in turn, and jump over two more tree trunks - and the text LEVEL COMPLETE!! will then appear on the screen for a second time, and you will get treated to a third cutscene of Scooby and Shaggy being chased by a ghost (with the text RUN FOR IT SCOOBY! below it). Scrappy will then reappear in the third level.

Level 3[edit | edit source]

Once Scrappy has reappeared on the screen (now coloured as white like the rest of the level and on a hoverboard), start flying to the right over a pillar (which has a skull on top of it) and a platform (which has two Venus flytraps on top of it) then fly back to the left and collect two Scooby Snacks for 500 points, continue flying to the right over a pit (which has a fish jumping out of it) and a spider (which is moving up and down on its string, and has a third Venus flytrap below it) as a bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen; once he's passed over you you will have to fly over another pit (which has another fish jumping out of it), under another pillar to collect an apple suspended in mid-air, for 250 points, and over a third pit (which has a third fish jumping out of it and watching out for a spike on the underside of a second platform) as a spectre comes flying into view from the right side of the screen. Once he has passed over you you will have to fly under a third pillar and back to the left to collect another apple, two more Scooby Snacks and a sandwich for 750 points, then continue flying to the right over a fourth pillar and a third platform as you come to a ghost that's hovering back and forth on it - and once you punch him to kill him for 250 more points you have to fly back to the left (watching out for a second spike on the underside of the fourth platform) to collect a fifth Scooby Snack (which has a fourth Venus flytrap below it), for 250 more points, then continue on to the right as you come to three pumpkins that are bouncing back and forth on the ground. Once you've punched each of these to kill them, for 750 more points, you will have to fly under a fourth pillar (while watching out for a third spike on the underside of a sixth platform), to collect a sixth Scooby Snack, for 250 more points (which has a fifth Venus flytrap below it), then fly back to the left, as you come to a Frankenstein's Monster that is walking back and forth on the right side of a fifth platform; once you have "megapunched" him to kill him for 250 more points, another bird will come flying into view from the left side the screen. Once he's passed over you, you'll have to fly over a fifth pillar, and a seventh platform (which has three more Venus flytraps on it), then fly back to the left as you come to a snail that's slithering back and forth on the ground - and once you've punched him to kill him for 250 more points you have to collect a seventh Scooby Snack for 250 more points then continue flying to the right over a fourth pit (which has a fourth fish jumping out of it) and two more spiders which are moving up and down on their strings as another spectre comes flying into view from the right side of the screen; once he has passed over you, you have to fly over two more Venus flytraps as a third spectre comes flying into view from the right side of the screen. Once he has passed over you, you shall have to collect two more apples for 500 points, then fly back to the left to collect three more Scooby Snacks for 750 more points - and you will then have to retrace your steps back to the left side of that ninth Venus flytrap (but this time, you will have to fly over a ninth platform with three more Venus flytraps upon it, and a sixth pillar as you come to a ghoul that's hovering back and forth on a tenth platform). Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points you have to fly over a seventh pillar (while watching for three more spikes at the top of the screen), a fifth pit (which has a fifth fish jumping out of it) and under two staircases as you come to a one-eyed alien hovering back and forth on the ground; once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points you will have to fly under an eighth pillar, over a sixth pit (which has a sixth fish jumping out of it), and over a ninth pillar as you come to a rat that's running back and forth on an eleventh platform. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, a third bird will come flying into view from the right side of the screen - and once you have punched him to kill him, for 250 more points, you will have to descend down to a twelfth platform to collect two more Scooby Snacks (for 500 more points), then down to the ground as you come to a fourth pumpkin that is bouncing back and forth on it. Once you've punched it to kill it for 250 more points you'll have to fly under a fourth spider that is moving up and down on its string (and two more platforms, the fourteenth of which has a Frankenstein's Monster walking back and forth upon it, and a Scooby Snack which must be foregone), as you come to another pumpkin that is bouncing back and forth - and once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you shall have to fly over a tenth pillar (while watching out for two more spikes on the ceiling), and a seventh pit (which has two more fish jumping out of it) and fly under an eleventh pillar to collect another sandwich for 250 more points, fly over a twelfth pillar (while watching out for a ninth spike on the underside of a fifteenth platform), and get a thirteenth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, as a fourth spectre flies into view from the right side of the screen. Once you have punched him to kill him (for 250 more points) you shall have to fly over an eighth pit (which has a ninth fish jumping out of it), under a thirteenth pillar, over a fifth spider that's moving up and down on its string, and over a fourteenth pillar (while watching out for a tenth spike on the underside of a sixteenth platform) and collect four more sandwiches for 1000 points; you now have to retrace your steps back to the right side of the fourteenth pillar and fly up to a seventeenth platform as you come to two more ghouls which are flying left and right on it (if you fly up to the eighteenth one below it you will come to two more Frankenstein's Monsters that are walking back and forth on it, and even if you "megapunch" both of them to kill them for 500 more points, you will still have to fly up to that seventeenth one anyway). Once you've punched both of the ghouls to kill them for 500 more points a fourth bird will come flying into view from the right side of the screen; once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points you will have to fly over a fifteenth pillar, then punch through the top of a sixteenth one, fly down a third staircase (which has a thirteenth Venus flytrap on it) and under a seventeenth pillar, a nineteenth platform and an eighteenth pillar as a fifth bird flies into view from the right side of the screen. Once you have punched this one to kill him for 250 more points you shall have to fly over a twentieth platform, then back to the left over the aforementioned eighteenth pillar and nineteenth platform (which has a fourteenth Venus flytrap on it) and to the right over a nineteenth pillar and twentieth platform as you come to two more snails that're slithering back and forth on it - and once you have punched both of them to kill them for 500 more points, you will have to fly up (over a twentieth pillar, a twenty-first platform and a twenty-first pillar) then fly back to the left over a twenty-second platform (that has a fifteenth Venus flytrap on it) and pillar, and to the right under the twenty-second pillar and platform as a sixth bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you shall have to fly over a twenty-third pillar (with another skull on it), ninth pit (which has four more fish jumping out of it!), a sixth spider, moving up and down on its string (while watching out for an eleventh spike on the ceiling), a seventh spider that is moving up and down on its string, a twenty-fourth pillar, and a twenty-third platform as another one-eyed alien comes hovering into view from the right side of the screen; once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points (or he falls down the ninth pit), you will have to fly over: a twenty-fifth pillar, a twenty-fourth platform which has a sixteenth Venus flytrap on it, and a twenty-sixth pillar, then descend down to ground as you come to a fourth ghoul that is flying back and forth on it. Once you punch him to kill him for 250 more points you can fly back to the left collect two more apples for 500 more points if you want to then fly over a seventeenth Venus flytrap, a twenty-fifth platform (which has a tenth pit with four more fish jumping out of it below it) to collect a fourteenth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, a twenty-seventh pillar, and a twenty-sixth platform collect a fifteenth, final Scooby Snack for 250 more points (and an extra life) - and you will then have to retrace your steps back to the right side of the seventeenth Venus flytrap (but this time, you will have to fly over the tenth pit, and punch through the centre of the twenty-seventh pillar, as its top will not fall on Scrappy) and fly over two more pillars. The text LEVEL COMPLETE!! will then appear on the screen for a third time and you'll be treated to fourth cutscene of Scooby and Shaggy being chased by a ghost (with that text RUN FOR IT SCOOBY! below it); there is now only one more level left.

Level 4[edit | edit source]

Once Scrappy has reappeared on the screen (again, coloured as cyan, like the rest of the level), start running to the right, and jump up to four platforms and a pillar in turn; you will then have to walk onto a fifth platform, as you come up to two beetles which are running back and forth on it. Once you have punched both of them to kill them, for 500 points, you will have to drop down to a sixth platform as you come to two ghouls that are flying back and forth on it - and once you have punched both of these ghouls to kill them, for 500 more points, you will have to drop down onto a seventh platform to collect a sandwich and two apples for 750 points and the ground to collect two Scooby Snacks for 500 more points in turn, then walk under a guillotine as it rises (if it comes down on Scrappy, it will kill him), jump onto a platform that is moving back and forth over a pit, and jump onto a spring (which will propel you up to an eighth platform with a one-eyed alien hovering back and forth on it). Once you've punched him to kill him (for 250 points), you will have to jump up to a ninth platform and onto another platform that is moving back and forth in turn, then jump onto a third pillar and over another pit (which has a fish jumping out of it) to land on a fourth pillar, jump over a third pit (which has another fish jumping out of it) to land on another spring on a fifth pillar (which will propel you over a fourth pit, which has a third fish jumping out of it, to collect a third Scooby Snack for 250 more points, and onto a third spring on a sixth pillar, which will itself propel you over a fifth pit, which has a fourth fish jumping out of it, to collect a fourth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, and onto a fourth spring on the ground, which will itself propel you up to a tenth platform, as a bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen) - and once you've punched him to kill him (for 250 more points), you will have to jump onto a seventh pillar and an eleventh platform in turn as you come to a ghost that's flying back and forth on it. Once you've punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to walk onto an eighth pillar, a twelfth platform and a ninth pillar in turn, then jump onto a tenth pillar and walk onto a thirteenth platform as you come to two more beetles that're walking back and forth on it; once you have punched both of them to kill them for 500 more points you will have to drop down onto a fourteenth platform as you come to two more ghouls that are flying back and forth on it. Once you have punched both of them to kill them for 500 more points you will have to drop down to a fifteenth platform, and one of two more platforms that are moving back and forth over a sixth pit to collect four more Scooby Snacks for 1000 points in turn then walk under a second guillotine as it rises (again, if it comes down on Scrappy, it shall kill him), jump onto a fifth platform that is moving back and forth over a seventh pit and onto an eleventh pillar as another bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you'll have to jump onto two more platforms and a sixth platform that is moving back and forth in turn, then walk onto two more pillars in turn, as a third bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen - and once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to drop down to four more platforms and the ground in turn, as you come to three pumpkins that are bouncing back and forth on it. Once you have punched each of them to kill them for 750 more points, you will have to walk under two more guillotines as they rise (once again, if they come down on Scrappy, they shall kill him), and then jump onto two more platforms in turn as a spectre comes flying into view from the right side of the screen; once you have punched him to kill him, for 250 more points, you will have to jump onto a twenty-fourth platform and walk under a fifth guillotine as it rises (yet again, if it comes down on Scrappy, it will kill him), as a fourth bird comes flying into view from the left side of the screen. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you'll have to jump onto four more platforms and a fourteenth pillar in turn as another spectre comes flying towards you from the right side of the screen; once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to drop down onto a fifth spring (which will propel you over an eighth pit that has a fifth fish jumping out of it, a fifteenth pillar with a skull on it, to collect another sandwich for 250 more points, and a ninth pit, to land on a sixth spring on a sixteenth pillar, that will propel you over a tenth pit with a sixth fish jumping out of it, a seventeenth pillar with another skull on it, to collect a third sandwich and apple for 500 more points, and onto a seventh spring on an eighteenth pillar, that will itself propel you over an eleventh pit with a seventh fish jumping out of it to collect a fourth apple for 250 more points and land upon a twentyninth platform). You can now drop back down to the ground to collect a fourth sandwich for 250 more points if you wish, jump back over the eleventh pit to land on the seventh spring and be propelled back up onto the twenty-ninth platform, then walk under four more guillotines as they rise (for a fifth time, if they come down on Scrappy, they'll kill him), drop down to two more platforms and a seventh platform that is moving back and forth over a twelfth pit in turn, then jump up to an eighth platform that is moving back and forth over a thirteenth pit, as a fifth bird comes flying into view from the right side of the screen - and once you've punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to jump onto an eighth spring to be propelled up to a thirtieth platform, then jump up to two more platforms in turn, and walk onto a nineteenth pillar and a thirty-third platform in turn as you come up to a fifth beetle that's running back and forth on it. Once you have punched him to kill him for 250 more points, you shall have to jump over a tenth guillotine as it drops to land upon thirty-fourth platform, and collect a ninth Scooby Snack for 250 more points (as you come to a fifth ghoul that's flying back and forth on it); once you've punched him to kill him, for 250 more points, you'll have to jump over an eleventh guillotine as it drops to land on a thirty-fifth platform, then drop down onto a thirty-sixth platform, as you come up to another one-eyed alien that's hovering back and forth on it. Once you punch him to kill him for 250 more points, you will have to jump back over the eleventh guillotine as it drops to land on a thirty-seventh platform and the tenth one as it drops to land on a thirty-eighth platform and collect a tenth Scooby Snack for 250 more points, then fall down to the ground, and collect two more Scooby Snacks for 500 more points, as you come to another pumpkin that are bouncing back and forth on it - and once you've punched it to kill it for 250 more points, you will have to walk back under the tenth and eleventh guillotines (but as they rise this time, for they will kill Scrappy off if they come down on him), then walk under a twelfth guillotine as it rises (for a seventh time, it'll kill Scrappy, if it comes down on him) as you come to a third pumpkin that is bouncing back and forth. Once you have punched it to kill it for 250 more points you will have to jump onto two more pillars in turn (which have a fourteenth pit with a ninth platform that is moving back and forth over it below them) then jump onto two more pillars in turn (which have a fifteenth pit with a tenth platform moving back and forth over it below them), fall onto a ninth spring to get propelled onto a twenty-fourth pillar, jump up onto an eleventh platform that's moving back and forth over a sixteenth pit (passing under a thirteenth guillotine, as it drops), and drop down onto a tenth spring on a twenty-fifth pillar (that will propel you over a seventeenth pit, with an eighth fish jumping out of it, and onto a twenty-sixth pillar); you will now have to walk onto a thirty-ninth platform, and jump over a fourteenth guillotine as it drops to land on a fortieth platform as you come to two more ghouls that are flying back and forth on it. Once you've punched both of these to kill them, for 500 more points, you will have to drop down to a forty-first platform as you come to two Frankenstein's Monsters that are walking back and forth on it - and once you've punched both of these to kill them, for 500 more points, you'll have to drop down to the ground to collect a fifth apple for 250 more points (as you come to two snails that are slithering back and forth on it). Once you have punched both of these to kill them, for 500 more points, you have to walk under a fifteenth guillotine as it rises (for an eighth time, if it comes down on Scrappy, it will kill him), then jump up to two more platforms and a twenty-seventh pillar in turn, walk under a sixteenth guillotine as it rises (for a ninth and final time, if it comes down on Scrappy, it will kill him) onto a forty-fourth platform, jump over an eighteenth pit with four more fish jumping out of it when a third spectre flies into view from the right side of the screen to land on a forty-fifth platform, walk onto two more pillars in turn, and fall down to the ground as you come to Scooby and Shaggy's cell; the text LEVEL COMPLETE!! will then appear on the screen for a fourth and final time and you will be treated to a static image of Scooby, Shaggy (holding a sign saying "THE END!") and Scrappy (standing on the sign) with the text WELL DONE SCRAPPY. YOU RESCUED SCOOBY AND SHAGGY. below it. However, that (16-bit) Commodore Amiga version has five more levels over the 8-bit ones, and the first four are different as well - which can be owed to the fact that it was not originally going to be a Scooby-Doo-themed game and had the license added onto it for marketing reasons, which is why the music is an original composition and not a rendition of the Scooby-Doo theme song.