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This is not yet complete. The accuracy of the information already present is not guaranteed.

Units still to add: Explorer, Conquistador, Military Great Leader, Scientific Great Leader, Army

  • Data in
    apply for Civilization III:Play the World and Civilization III:Conquests.
  • Data in
    light blue
    apply only for Civilization III: Conquests. Note that this is only for the epic game, not the actual Conquests.
  • A.D.M is the attack/defense/movement rating for the unit. For instance, a 2.3.2 unit has two attack points, three defense points, and two movement points. For air units, the unit's movement rating represents its operational range. Wheeled units, which cannot enter mountains,
    marshes, volcanoes,
    or jungles without the presence of roads, will have "w" appended to the movement points rating. Sea units will have "n" appended to the movement points rating, while "*" will be added if a unit exerts a zone of control. Units with zero attack cannot attack or capture units. Units with zero defense, when attacked, will be captured if the attacker has the tech requirements to build the captured unit, and destroyed otherwise.
  • B.R.F is the bombard/range/firing rate for the unit. A bombardment rate of "N/A" denotes that the unit cannot perform bombardment. All air units have bombard ranges equal to their operational ranges. A unit with zero-range bombardment can only bombard while being attacked from a fortified position.
  • Tech is the civilization advance needed to build the unit.
  • Resource is the strategic resources that must be connected to the city in order to build the unit.
  • Cost is the number of shields required to build the unit.
  • Upgraded from and Upgrades To is the unit(s) that it can upgrade from or to. It costs two
    (three in Conquests)
    gold for every shield in the difference of costs to upgrade a unit.
  • Description is a short description of any other capabilities it may have, in addition to various uses for the unit.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Units in Civilization III may have several capabilities, which may enhance or restrict what the unit can do. They include:


A unit with the blitz ability may attack, bombard, or pillage more than once a turn.
After defeating an enemy unit, there is a one in three chance that a new unit (of foreign nationality) is created. The unit that is created is dependent on the attacker.

Lethal Bombardment

A unit with this ability may destroy other units when bombarding. Normal bombardment cannot.
Stealth Attack
When attacking a tile that contains two or more enemies, a unit with stealth attack may choose a specific defender.

Non-military units[edit | edit source]

These units do not have technological prerequisites and require no strategic resources.

Unit A.D.M Cost Upgrades to… Description
Chasquis Scout 1.1.2 20 Explorer Incan unique unit, replaces Scout. Only uses one movement point for crossing hills and mountains.
Scout 0.0.2 10 Explorer Given to Expansionist civs at start of game. Expansionist civs can build more. Useful for exploration.
Settler 0.0.1 30 N/A Used to build new cities or to add population to existing cities for two population points. Removes two population points once built. Converted into two Workers if captured.
Worker 0.0.1 10 N/A Used to improve terrain. Can be added to existing cities for one population point. Removes one population point once built.

Military units in Ancient Times[edit | edit source]

Unit A.D.M B.R.F Tech Resource Cost Upgraded from… Upgrades to… Description
Ancient Cavalry 3.2.2 N/A N/A none 40 none none Cannot be built. Produced by Temple of Zeus every five turns. Has extra hit point.
Archer 2.1.1
Warrior Code none 20 none Longbowman The standard infantry for civs without iron, and a good supporter for civs with it. Good for holding captured cities with its zero-range bombard.
Bowman 2.2.1
Warrior Code none 20 none Longbowman Babylonian unique unit, replaces Archer.
Catapult 0.0.1 4.1.1 Mathematics none 20 none Cannon, The only offensive bombard unit available in Ancient Times. A large number are needed to be effective.
Chariot 1.1.2w N/A The Wheel Horses 20 none Horseman A weak unit because it requires a resource, is as weak offensively and defensively as the Warrior, and is restrained by being wheeled.
Curragh 1.1.2n N/A Alphabet none 15 none Galley Sinks in sea or ocean. A very early ship. Often used in "suicide" missions to explore the map.
Dromon 2.1.3n 2.1.2 Map Making none 30 Curragh Caravel Byzantine unique unit, replaces Galley. Has lethal sea bombardment.
Enkidu Warrior 1.2.1 N/A none none 10 none Pikeman Sumerian unique unit, replaces Warrior.
Galley 1.1.3n N/A Map Making none 30 Caravel Sinks in sea or ocean. Moves a little faster than the Curragh, but costs twice as much.
Gallic Swordsman 3.2.2 N/A Iron Working none 40 none Medieval Infantry Celtic unique unit, replaces Swordsman.
Hoplite 1.3.1 N/A Bronze Working none 20 none Musketman Greek unique unit, replaces Spearman.
Horseman 2.1.2 N/A Horseback Riding Horses 30 Chariot Knight A common alternative to infantry in Ancient Times, used mostly for exploration of dangerous territory and their ability to retreat from battle.
Immortal 4.2.1 N/A Iron Working Iron 30 Warrior Persian unique unit, replaces Swordsman.
Impi 1.2.2 N/A Bronze Working none 20 none Pikeman Zulu unique unit, replaces Spearman.
Jaguar Warrior 1.1.2 N/A none none 10 none Swordsman Aztec unique unit, replaces Warrior.
Javelin Thrower 2.2.1 1.0.1 Warrior Code none 20 none Longbowman Mayan unique unit, replaces Archer. Can enslave workers.
Legionary 3.3.1 N/A Iron Working none 30 Warrior Roman unique unit, replaces Swordsman.
Mounted Warrior 3.1.2 N/A Horseback Riding Horses 30 Chariot Knight Iroquois unique unit, replaces Horseman.
Numidian Mercenary 2.3.1 N/A Bronze Working none 30 none Musketman Carthaginian unique unit, replaces Spearman.
Spearman 1.2.1 N/A Bronze Working none 20 none Pikeman The standard defender through most of the era.
Not available with Sumerians.
Swordsman 3.2.1 N/A Iron Working Iron 30 Warrior The standard infantry for civs with iron.
Three-Man Chariot 2.2.2 N/A The Wheel Horses 30 none Knight Hittite unique unit, replaces Chariot.
War Chariot 2.1.2 N/A The Wheel Horses 20 none Knight Egyptian unique unit, replaces Chariot.
Warrior 1.1.1 N/A none none 10 none Swordsman The weakest military unit. Used for very early defense, exploration, and escorting.

Military Units of the Middle Ages[edit | edit source]

Unit A.D.M B.R.F Tech Resource Cost Upgraded from Upgrades to Description
Ansar Warrior 4.2.3 N/A Chivalry Horses, Iron 60 Horseman Cavalry Arab unique unit, replaces Knight.
Berserk 6.2.1 N/A Invention none 70 Archer Guerrilla Viking unique unit, replaces Longbowman. Has amphibious attack.
Cannon 0.0.1w 8.1.1 Metallurgy Iron, Saltpeter 40 Catapult
Caravel 1.2.3n
N/A Astronomy none 40 Galley Galleon Can transport three. Sinks in ocean.
Carrack 2.2.4n N/A Astronomy none 40 Galley Galleon Portuguese unique unit, replaces Caravel. Can transport three.
Cavalry 6.3.3* N/A Military Tradition Horses, Saltpeter 80 Knight none
Cossack 6.4.3*
N/A Military Tradition Horses, Saltpeter 90 Knight none Russian unique unit, replaces Cavalry.
Can blitz.
Crusader 5.3.1 N/A Chivalry none 70 none none Can build fortresses. Cannot be built - one created every five turns from Knights Templar.
Frigate 2.2.4n
Magnetism Iron, Saltpeter 60 none none
Galleon 1.2.4 N/A Magnetism none 50 Caravel Transport Can transport four.
Hwach'a 0.0.1w 12.1.1
Metallurgy Saltpeter 40 Catapult
Artillery Korean unique unit, replaces Cannon.
Lethal bombardment.
Keshik 4.2.2* N/A Chivalry Horses 60 Horseman Cavalry Mongolian unique unit, replaces Knight. Only uses one movement point to cross hills and mountains.
Knight 4.3.2 N/A Chivalry Horses, Iron 70 Horseman Cavalry
Longbowman 4.1.1
Invention none 40 Archer
Man-O-War 3.2.4n
Magnetism none 65 none none English unique unit, replaces Frigate.
Medieval Infantry 4.2.1 N/A Feudalism Iron 40 Swordsman Guerrilla Not available for Persia.
Musketman 2.4.1 N/A Gunpowder Saltpeter 60 Pikeman Rifleman
Musketeer 3.4.1
Gunpowder Saltpeter 60 Pikeman Rifleman French unique unit, replaces Musketman.
Pikeman 1.3.1 N/A Feudalism Iron 30 Spearman Musketman Not available for Greece
and Carthage
Privateer 2.1.3n
Magnetism Iron, Saltpeter 50 none none Hidden nationality.
Can enslave Privateers.
Rider 4.3.3 N/A Chivalry Horses, Iron 70 Horseman Cavalry Chinese unique unit, replaces Knight.
Samurai 4.4.2 N/A Chivalry Iron 70 Horseman Cavalry Japanese unique unit, replaces Knight.
Sipahi 8.3.3* N/A Military Tradition Horses, Saltpeter 100 Knight none Ottoman unique unit, replaces Cavalry.
Swiss Mercenary 1.4.1 N/A Feudalism Iron 30 Spearman Musketman Dutch unique unit, replaces Pikeman.
Trebuchet 0.0.1w 6.1.1 Engineering none 30 Catapult Cannon
War Elephant 4.3.2 N/A Chivalry none 70 Horseman Cavalry Indian unique unit, replaces Knight.
Has extra hit point.

Military Units of the Industrial Age[edit | edit source]

Unit A.D.M B.R.F Tech Resource Cost Upgraded from Upgrades to Description
Artillery 0.0.1 12.2.2 Replaceable Parts none 80 Cannon Radar Artillery
Bomber 0.2.10 12.0.3 Flight Oil 100 none none
Lethal bombardment.
Battleship 18.12.5n 8.2.2 Mass Production Oil 200 none none
Carrier 1.8.4n
N/A Mass Production Oil 180 none none Can carry four aircraft. Has radar.
Cruiser 15.10.6n 7.1.2 Combustion Oil 160 none AEGIS Cruiser Has radar.
Destroyer 12.8.5n
6.1.2 Combustion Oil 120 none none
Can see submarines.
Fighter 4.2.6 3.0.1 Flight Oil 20 none Jet Fighter
Lethal sea bombardment.
Flak 1.6.1 N/A Flight none 70 none Mobile SAM
Guerrilla 6.6.1 3.0.1 Replaceable Parts none 90 Medieval Infantry
TOW Infantry
Helicopter 0.2.6 N/A Advanced Flight Oil, Rubber 100 none none Can carry one foot unit.
Can carry three foot units.
Infantry 6.12.1 N/A Replaceable Parts Rubber 90 Rifleman Mech Infantry
Ironclad 4.4.4n
Steam Power
Coal, Iron 90 none
Marines 12.6.1 N/A Amphibious Warfare Rubber 120 none none Has amphibious attack.
Panzer 16.8.3* N/A Motorized Transport Oil, Rubber 100 none Modern Armor German unique unit, replaces Tank. Can blitz.
Paratrooper 6.8.1*
N/A Advanced Flight Oil, Rubber 90 none
Modern Paratrooper
Can airdrop six squares.
Rifleman 4.6.1 N/A Nationalism none 80 Musketman Infantry
Submarine 8.4.3n
N/A Mass Production Oil 100 none none Submarine. Can detect Submarines.
Stealth Attack.
Tank 16.8.2* N/A Motorized Transport Oil, Rubber 100 none Modern Armor Can blitz.
Transport 1.4.5n
N/A Combustion Oil 100 Galleon none Can transport eight.
Can transport six.

Military Units of the Modern Era[edit | edit source]

Unit A.D.M B.R.F Tech Resource Cost Upgraded from Upgrades to Description
AEGIS Cruiser 12.10.5n*
Robotics Aluminum, Uranium 160
none Has radar. Detects submarines.
Cruise Missile 0.0.1 16.2.3
Rocketry Aluminum 60 none none Lethal bombardment.
F-15 8.4.6
Rocketry Oil, Aluminum 100 Fighter none American unique unit, replaces Jet Fighter.
Lethal bombardment. Stealth attack.
ICBM 0.0.0 -.-.- Satellites Aluminum, Uranium 500 none none Nuclear weapon. Global range.
Jet Fighter 8.4.6
Rocketry Oil, Aluminum 100 Fighter none
Lethal sea bombardment.
Mech Infantry 12.18.2* N/A Computers Oil, Rubber 110 Infantry none
Mobile SAM 1.6.2 N/A Rocketry none 25 Flak none
Modern Armor 24.16.3* N/A Synthetic Fibers Oil, Rubber, Aluminum 120 Tank none Can blitz.
Modern Paratrooper 6.11.1* N/A Synthetic Fibers Oil, Rubber 110 Paratrooper none Can airdrop eight squares.
Nuclear Submarine 8.4.4n
N/A Fission Uranium 140 none none Submarine. Detects submarines. Can carry one Tactical Nuke.
Radar Artillery 0.0.2* 16.2.3 Robotics Aluminum 120 Artillery none Has radar.
Stealth Bomber 0.0.8
Stealth Oil, Aluminum 240 none none
Lethal bombardment. Stealth attack.
Stealth Fighter 0.0.6
Stealth Oil, Aluminum 120 none none
Lethal bombardment. Stealth attack.
Tactical Nuke 0.0.1 -.6.- Space Flight Aluminum, Uranium 300 none none Nuclear weapon.
TOW Infantry 12.14.1 6.0.1 Rocketry none 120 Guerrilla none

Unique units[edit | edit source]

  • Rome - Legionary
  • Greece - Hoplite
  • Germany - Panzer
  • China - Rider
  • Japan - Samurai
  • India - War Elephant
  • Aztecs - Jaguar Warrior
  • Iroquois - Mounted Warrior
  • Egypt - War Chariot
  • Babylon - Bowman
  • Russia - Cossack
  • America - F-15
  • France - Musketeer
  • Persia - Immortals
  • Zulus - Impi
  • England - Man-o-War
  • Arabs - Ansar Warrior
  • Carthaginians - Numidian Mercenary
  • Celts - Gallic Swordsman
  • Koreans - Hwach'a
  • Mongols - Keshik
  • Ottomans - Sipahi
  • Spain - Conquistador
  • Scandinavia - Berserker
  • Byzantines - Dromon
  • Hittites - 3-Man Chariot
  • Incans - Chasqui Scout
  • Mayans - Javelin Thrower (w/ Enslavement)
  • Netherlands - Swiss Mercenary
  • Portugal - Carrack
  • Sumeria - Enkidu Warrior