Technologies are one of the major aspects of the game, as they indirectly affect how advanced you are in other aspects in the game. It also plays a key role in obtaining a Scientific Victory. Technologies require science to produce, which is rounded off into the number of turns needed. Changing the game speed will also change the cost of each tech, so the science cost displayed below only applies for the Standard game speed.
Ancient Era[edit | edit source]
Agriculture[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 20
- Leads to: Pottery, Animal Husbandry, Archery and Mining.
- Enables Farm
Agriculture played a key role in creating the earliest human civilizations. It allowed humans to abandon a nomadic lifestyle and settle down due to the ability to maintain a reliable and lasting source of food. Quite fittingly, it is the technology you start with in the Ancient Era, and gives you the ability to create the Farm tile improvement, useful for providing more food to your population.
Pottery[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 35
- Prerequisites: Agriculture
- Leads to: Sailing, Calendar, Writing
- Enables Granary, Shrine (G&K)
Pottery is perhaps one of the oldest forms of art. By shaping clay and heating it, ancient humans could create brittle but useful containers. It opens up a bunch of new research possibilities as well as gives you two helpful buildings. The Granary is useful for early growth while the Shrine is an early source of faith.
Animal Husbandry[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 35
- Prerequisites: Agriculture
- Leads to: Trapping, The Wheel
- Reveals Horses, enables Pasture
Animal Husbandry is the act of domesticating animals, either for food or utility. It reveals horses, a major strategic resource used throughout the Classical to Renaissance Eras, that let you create mounted military units.
Archery[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 35
- Prerequisites: Agriculture
- Leads to: Mathematics
- Enables Archers and Temple of Artemis
Archery involves the use of a bow to launch a thin projectile, a skill used for hunting and for most wars before the discovery of gunpowder. It lets you train the earliest ranged units, the Archers, which can be used to defend your cities and pepper barbarians.
Mining[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 35
- Prerequisites: Agriculture
- Leads to: Masonry, Bronze Working
- Enables Mines and the ability to clear forests
Mining is the act of excavating and extracting useful elements and minerals from the earth. It lets you contruct mines and clear forests, both of which gives you boosts in production. Mines are also needed to take advantage of a bunch of strategic and luxury resources, from Salt to Uranium, though you won't be able to do that until later in the game.
Sailing[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 55
- Prerequisites: Pottery
- Leads to: Optics
- Enables Work Boats, Triremes, Great Lighthouse and Fishing Boats
Calendar[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 55
- Prerequisites: Pottery
- Leads to: Theology
- Enables Stonehenge, Stone Works and Plantations
Writing[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 55
- Prerequisites: Pottery
- Leads to: Philosophy
- Enables Library, Great Library and Open Borders
Trapping[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 55
- Prerequisites: Animal Husbandry
- Leads to: Civil Service
- Enables Circus, Trading Post and Camps
The Wheel[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 55
- Prerequisites: Animal Husbandry
- Leads to: Horseback Riding and Mathematics
- Enables Chariot Archers, Water Mill and Roads
Masonry[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 55
- Prerequisites: Mining
- Leads to: Construction
- Enables Walls, Pyramids, Quarries and lets you clear marshes
Bronze Working[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 55
- Prerequisites: Mining
- Leads to: Iron Working
- Enables Spearmen, Barracks, Statue of Zeus and lets you cut down forests
Classical Era[edit | edit source]
Optics[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 80
- Prerequisites: Sailing
- Leads to: Compass
- Enables Lighthouse and embarking
Philosophy[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 100
- Prerequisites: Writing
- Leads to: Theology and Civil Service
- Enables Temples, National College, National Epic, The Oracle and Research Agreement
Horse Riding[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 100
- Prerequisites: The Wheel
- Leads to: Chivalry
- Enables Horsemen and Stables
Mathematics[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 100
- Prerequisites: The Wheel, Archery
- Leads to: Currency and Engineering
- Enables Catapults, Courthouses and Hanging Gardens
Construction[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 100
- Prerequisites: Masonry
- Leads to: Engineering
- Enables Composite Bowman (G&K), Colosseum, Circus Maximus, The Great Wall and Lumber Mills
Iron Working[edit | edit source]
- Cost: 150
- Prerequisites: Bronze Working
- Leads to: Metal Casting
- Enables Swordmen, Heroic Epic and reveals Iron resources.