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This is the first game in the SimCity series. For other games in the series see the SimCity category.

Box artwork for SimCity.
Box artwork for SimCity.
Publisher(s)Brøderbund Software, Maxis, Electronic Arts
Year released1989
System(s)DOS, Mac OS, Commodore 64/128, Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, SNES, FM Towns, Windows, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Acorn Archimedes, Game Boy Advance, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Web browser, Wii, EPOC32
Followed bySimCity 2000
Designer(s)Will Wright
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ELSPA Ages 3+ESRB Everyone
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksOfficial websiteSimCity at PCGamingWikiSimCity ChannelSearch
This guide is for the original SimCity. For the 2013 Windows game, see SimCity (2013).

SimCity is a real-time strategy and simulation city-building computer game. It is game developer Maxis' flagship product. There are four versions: the original SimCity (1989, later re-released as SimCity Classic), SimCity 2000 (1993), SimCity 3000 (1999) and SimCity 4 (2003). All of the games were re-released with various add-ons including extra scenarios. In addition, SimCity Classic is available for PalmOS and on the website as Classic Live. SimCity 2000 is also available for handheld organizers running Microsoft's Windows PocketPC, as well as the Game Boy Advance and PlayStation. SimCity and SimCity 2000 were also released for the SNES. There was also a SimCity 2000 3D hybrid called SimCity 64 which was released only in Japan for Nintendo 64's add-on, the 64DD. Versions of SimCity for the BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, and Acorn Archimedes computers were published by Superior Software.

SimCity is what many players consider a highly addictive simulation game and is even used in some Urban Planning classes. The game can be played forever as there is no end. However, many fans of the series agree that the game is very replayable.

SimCity inspired a new genre of video games, "software toys" that were open-ended with no set objective. It also led to the creation of Wright's own The Sims, which went on to be the best selling computer game of all time.

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