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Clear Conditions
Develop the city and bring the population up to 5,000 Sims

In this level, you start to learn the ropes. You start with only the ability to build residential zones and animal paths. Start by building an animal path around a forest hunting area and then building some residential area and surrounding it by path. Then wait until you get more logs and then keep repeating the process and growing your population until a box comes up saying 'There is a new notice, please go to the Mayor's office'. When you see this, you automatically go to the mayor's office and your advisor, Maxis, will let you build Public Squares for 500 trees each. Build Public Squares near the residential area then wait some more.

Eventually, one of your hunting grounds/fishing spots will run out. Your advisor then says you can now build Farms to sustain your Sims after your food sources run out. When they do, build farms to replace the food areas. While you build, make sure to keep an equal balance of farms and houses, or houses will be abandoned.

Next at around 2,000 in population, Maxis introduces Trading Centers to help your city develop, where Sims trade tools and goods. Build these 2x3 tiles wide.

About halfway through your goal (2,500 Sims) Maxis instructs you to build a Symbol of the Age, 4x4-tile sized landmark. The Symbol of the Age will get larger as your city grows. When you reach your goal on every time period, the Symbol of each level will reach completion. The Symbol for Dawn of Civilization is the Tower of Babel

As you may have known, tornadoes occur a lot in your city. The Sims propose an Altar. This Altar is really useful, as it greatly reduces the chances of a tornado happening, and those that do appear are quickly stopped. Also, building a Pyramid to honor a dead Sim. Any and all residential and Trade Centers that are surrounding the Pyramid will develop really quickly, and land values are highly boosted. After building these, develop the city more.

Finally, you have completed the age! Not to mention, the Tower of Babel is finished construction. At this, Maxis offers you a choice: travel to the next time period, or stay behind.

Do You Travel?
If you do travel, then you are given two choices: the European Renaissance Age, or the Open Asia Age. Which one you pick is up to you.
Do You Stay?
It's recommended that you stay, since there's a little something special for you if you do. First, grow your population to 6,000 Sims. Maxis then tells you to place a Garbage Dump in the city. Although it might not sound special, this dump will become a landmark in the future. After this, press the button (the picture of the Tower of Babel) on the touch screen, and you will be taken to the next time periods. Plus you may receive the two extra maps for freeplay.