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Power is the energy required to provide the city with electricity and it is produced by power plants.
Unlike previous SimCity games, power plants don't need road connection or power lines, so they can be placed anywhere on the map. However, some of them will reduce the happiness effect of homes and venues if they are placed too close to them.
As with other buildings, power plants have a daily maintenance cost if played on Strategic mode.
This is a list of the Power Plants available in SimCity Societies:
- BioMass Power Plant
- In-game description: Some believe the ecological effects of biofuel might as drastic as those of fossil fuels.
- Price: 1,500
- Power provided: 100
- Daily maintenance cost: 60
- Carbon level: Low
- Building action: Overload
- Unlocking prerequisites: >20 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: High smog, reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues
- Carbon Exchange
- In-game description: Reap the rewards for maintaining a safe level of atmospheric carbon.
- Price: 7,500
- Power provided: None
- Daily maintenance cost: 300
- Carbon level: None
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: >150 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: Provides daily income for maintaining a low carbon footprint with a high power output
- Coal Plant
- In-game description: An ugly, smog-belching monstrosity -- but a great source of power.
- Price: 3,000
- Power provided: 500
- Daily maintenance cost: 120
- Carbon level: High
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: available from the start
- Other effects: High smog, reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues.
- Coal-Hydrogen Plant
- In-game description: Improved technology lowers the carbon output of coal power, but at a higher cost.
- Price: 9,000
- Power provided: 500
- Daily maintenance cost: 360
- Carbon level: Low
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: >80 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: Slight smog, reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues
- Hydrogen Power Plant
- In-game description: A newly-designed hydrogen power plant is more efficient and cleaner than the Coal-Hydrogen retrofit.
- Price: 6,000
- Power provided: 600
- Daily maintenance cost: 240
- Carbon level: None
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: available from the start
- Other effects: None
- Major Wind Farm
- In-game description: An efficient and clean source of Power. The savings are passed on local businesses.
- Price: 1,500
- Power provided: 50
- Daily maintenance cost: 60
- Carbon level: None
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: available from the start
- Other effects: None
- Natural Gas Power Plant
- In-game description: Gas plants strike a good balance, with relatively low pollution, good energy output and a low price.
- Price: 13,500
- Power provided: 750
- Daily maintenance cost: 540
- Carbon level: Medium
- Building action: Overload
- Unlocking prerequisites: >10 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: Slight smog, reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues
- Nuclear Power Plant
- In-game description: Produces good clean power, but many Sims will be afraid to live nearby.
- Price: 30,000
- Power provided: 1,500
- Daily maintenance cost: 1,200
- Carbon level: None
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: >40 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: Reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues
- Oil Power Plant
- In-game description: Dangerous and dirty, but a good source of Power on the cheap.
- Price: 4,500
- Power provided: 500
- Daily maintenance cost: 180
- Carbon level: Medium
- Building action: Overload
- Unlocking prerequisites: available from the start
- Other effects: Darkens local skies with smog, reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues
- Power Collection Hub
- In-game description: Power output from renewable resources is inconsistent; storing energy here makes them more efficient.
- Price: 1,500
- Power provided: 10
- Daily maintenance cost: 60
- Carbon level: None
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: >40 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: Increases the Power output of Renewable Resource Power buildings
- Power Substation
- In-game description: Essentially a giant capacitor, this facility smoothes the flow of renewable resource power, increasing net output.
- Price: 1,125
- Power provided: 5
- Daily maintenance cost: 45
- Carbon level: None
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: >10 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: Increases the Power output of Renewable Resource Power buildings
- Solar Farm
- In-game description: Harvesting the bountiful energy of the sun is pollution free, if slightly inefficient way, to power a city.
- Price: 3,000
- Power provided: 100
- Daily maintenance cost: 120
- Carbon level: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: >40 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: None
- Super Coal Plant
- In-game description: For a titanic output of Power and atmospheric carbon, look no further.
- Price: 18,000
- Power provided: 2,000
- Daily maintenance cost: 720
- Carbon level: High
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: >1,500 city population
- Other effects: High smog, reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues
- Trash Incinerator
- In-game description: Keeps the streets clear of refuse and the lights on for the city.
- Price: 750
- Power provided: 100
- Daily maintenance cost: 30
- Carbon level: Low
- Building action: Overload
- Unlocking prerequisites: >10 Knowledge produced by city
- Other effects: High smog, reduces happiness effect of nearby homes and venues
- Wind Farm
- In-game description: The winds will always blow, and here they can be harnessed for cheap and clean Power.
- Price: 600
- Power provided: 25
- Daily maintenance cost: 24
- Carbon level: None
- Building action: None
- Unlocking prerequisites: available from the start
- Other effects: None