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Note: The placement of the sliding tiles at the start of this challenge is randomly-generated, so it may not look exactly as it does in the above screenshot.

At the start of this challenge, a scrambled eight-tile picture shall appear on the screen (the background shall also turn black in the BBC Micro version) as the text of "There is a picture of each animal beside its home..." appears below it; once you push  Space  to continue, the text of "...but this picture is all mixed up!" will appear at the bottom of the screen. Once you have pressed  Space  again, the text "The children need your help to sort out the picture." will appear at the bottom of the screen - and once you've pushed  Space  for a third time the text of "Use the arrow keys to sort the pieces." will appear at the bottom of the screen and stay there for the rest of the challenge. You shall now have to use the arrow keys to move the tiles into the empty space; once all eight tiles are in the right place (as seen in the image below, but this may take a while) the following text will appear at the bottom of the screen:

Nearly there, but there is still a
piece missing.

Press SPACE to fill in
the last piece.

Once you have pressed  Space  for a fifth time, the bottom-right corner of the picture will be filled in, and the text "What animal is it?" will appear at the bottom of the screen with three options (monkey, bear and gorilla) below it; the correct answer is gorilla, and once you have chosen it the text "That's right. Its a gorilla." shall appear at the bottom of the screen (the spelling mistake is also accurate). Once you have pushed  Space  for a sixth time, the following text will appear on the screen (the background shall also turn blue again in the BBC Micro version and stay that colour for the next challenge):

The children are pleased with their
work. The labels have all been sorted
out, but Badger has disappeared
without even saying thank you!
"I don't like that man Badger,"
says Butch crossly.

"Oh! Don't you be cross too," says
Jackie, "Mr. Trim was cross earlier
when I took the pieces of paper from
his shop."
"Let's see them!" says Trevor.

Once you have pressed  Space  for the eighth time, the game shall proceed to the ninth challenge (which involves unscrambling the pieces of paper); also, if you physically can't complete this challenge, you may skip it by resetting your BBC Micro or Archimedes, reloading the program into it, pressing  Y  for "yes" when the game asks "Have you played before?" on the title screen and selecting "Repairing the map" on the challenge selection screen.