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Box artwork for Sky Warriors.
Box artwork for Sky Warriors.
Sky Warriors
Developer(s)Wild Life Studios
Publisher(s)Wild Life Studios
Year released2021
System(s)iOS, Android
Genre(s)Flight simulation
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksSky Warriors ChannelPlaySkyWarriors

Sky Warriors, also known as Sky Warriors: Airplane Games is a free to play mobile arcade flight action game published by Wild Life Studios. The game features four game modes, three featuring two teams of three competing against each other and one free for all melee against five other players.

As with most mobile games, the game features two currencies - both of which can be purchased using real life cash. A fuel gauge that refills every 5 minutes is used to limit players from playing too many games, and regular deals are hosted on the in-game store to encourage players to spend money.

Table of Contents
