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Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together!
Developer(s)SFB Games
Year released2017
System(s)Nintendo Switch
ModesSingle player, Co-op
Rating(s)ESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 3+
Snipperclips Plus
Developer(s)SFB Games
Year released2017
System(s)Nintendo Switch
LinksSnipperclips: Cut It Out, Together! ChannelSearch

Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together! is a 2017 puzzle game for the Nintendo Wii. The game revolves around the two playable characters cutting pieces out of each other by carefully overlapping in strategic ways. Snipperclips Plus, an expanded version of the game with thirty additional levels was released later the same year.

Table of Contents


Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together!/Table of Contents