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Like the Special Stages, the Bonus Stages are borrowed from an older game in the Sonic series: Sonic 3 & Knuckles. The goal of the game is to convert all blue spheres into red spheres by stepping over them, and converting them into rings if possible by stepping over the outer frame of a box of blue spheres. Stepping into a red sphere will transport you out of the stage, so make sure to avoid them. The player character will speed up as time goes on, making the action more hectic and otherwise nonlethal obstacles, such as springs or bumpers, a danger that could very well throw you off.

In Sonic Mania, there are 32 bonus stages to clear. Silver medallions are obtained by simply clearing the stage, and gold medallions are obtained by additionally collecting all rings in the stage. To enter a bonus stage, collect 25 rings before passing a Star Post; a Star Circle will appear above the checkpoint, which you can subsequently jump into to enter a random Bonus Stage. The Bonus Stages will cycle depending on which of them you have yet to clear until all Gold Medallions are collected. In Sonic Mania Plus, if all Gold Medallions are collected, the Star Circles above checkpoints will lead to an alternate pinball stage. The pinball stage ends when the player character falls off the table.

Below is a list of Bonus Stages based on their appearance alongside tips on how to clear them.

Stage How to clear
This one is simple. The blue spheres come in groups of 16 (which you can convert into rings by stepping along the blue spheres surrounding the box) and 4 (which you can convert into red spheres). There are also trails of 11 blue spheres surrounded by bumpers; just carefully follow the trail of spheres in order to avoid being pushed back into a red sphere by a bumper.
Groups of 12 blue spheres that can be converted into rings are surrounded on either side by bumpers, and between these are groups of 15 blue spheres that can also be converted into rings. A massive box of blue spheres with a bumper in the center can also be converted into rings. Lastly, there is a single box of blue spheres that surround bumpers. This is the only group of blue spheres in the stage that cannot be converted into rings, and so is best saved for last (to avoid concluding the stage by converting a box of blue spheres into rings, ending the stage before the rings can be collected).
This stage seems easy, but because the path set by the blue spheres ends in a box that can be converted into rings, getting the Gold Medallion can be tricky. For the Gold Medallion, simply jump over the fifteenth pair of blue spheres rather than walking through them (or alternatively, jump over a pair when you have 18 blue spheres left). This ensures that you can collect all rings before the stage ends; simply run through the pair you jumped over to end it and obtain the Gold Medallion.
This stage contains sets of blue spheres coming in three different forms: boxes which can be converted into rings (these should be prioritized), groups of four blue spheres with a ring in the center, and a zigzagging trail of blue spheres that can only be converted into red spheres (these are best saved for last, in case not all rings are found). Use the springs to reach opposite sides of the stage, but make sure to turn to avoid red spheres once you land.
This stage contains boxes of blue spheres that have a couple of red spheres on their outer edges. Simply circle the rest of the box to collect the rings and use the springs to proceed to the next location. Boxes with a short line of blue spheres at the head can also be found here; just avoid the short line and surround the box with red spheres for the rings. At the final area, deal with the four boxes in the center first; once all rings are collected there, you can get the few blue spheres and rings around this same area to clear the stage and obtain a Gold Medallion.
To the right of where you start is a box of blue spheres with bumpers in the corners. Skirt around the bumpers and surround the box just like you would any other to collect the rings. Lines of blue spheres lead into other areas, where you can find more of these boxes. Rings in between bumpers also lead to other areas. Ensure that you collect all the rings within the boxes before getting any other blue spheres for the Gold Medallion; jump over a pair of blue spheres if you have to.
This stage contains groups of partially completed boxes that you must finish to collect the rings. Some pairs of blue spheres by bumpers can be found around the stage; save the first one you come across for last to avoid finishing the stage before you have the chance to collect all rings. Springs can be used to get around if you see no other alternative, and you must also jump over some springs to get to a few groups of blue spheres. A group of rings can be found out in the open to one side of the stage; you must jump over some bumpers to get to them.
This stage makes heavy use of bumpers, but is otherwise straightforward. Pairs of blue spheres surround boxes that can be converted into rings, and lines of blue spheres surrounded by bumpers can be found in the corners of the area. Groups of six blue spheres lead into different areas. These groups, the lines, or the pairs can be left for after the box is converted into rings in order to ensure a Gold Medallion.
You must jump over red spheres and bumpers to get to boxes of blue spheres in this stage. In one area, you can find single blue spheres surrounded by bumpers; these are best saved for last if you intend on getting the Gold Medallion, as there are many rings to be collected in this stage.
This stage features partially-completed boxes, blue spheres lined around bumpers, and rings out in the open. Jump over bumpers and springs to get to different areas. Around the area where the large partially-completed box can be found are rings. In another area, groups of blue spheres lined around bumpers sit next to smaller partially-completed boxes. If this is the last area of the stage you take on, make sure to take care of the boxes first and collect the rings.
In this stage, groups of four blue spheres separate large boxes that can be converted into rings. When you come across your last box, jump over a group of four to give yourself the chance to collect all rings for the Gold Medallion.
After converting the first big box of blue spheres you come across into rings, follow a line of blue spheres to a spring. The spring leads you to a couple more boxes of blue spheres and some rings. Another line of blue spheres leads to the next area, in which four blue spheres are lined up in a cross. Pick up the rings to the side and simply jump over the sphere in the middle when crossing the second time. Another line of blue spheres leads to a longer cross and some more rings, as well as another spring. The next spring following a straightforward line of blue spheres leads to a large box that can be converted into rings despite bumpers being placed in its corners. The final line of blue spheres leads to another long cross and afterward, a big box surrounded by some rings and only a few blue spheres. Save those few for after all rings are collected to pick up the Gold Medallion.
This stage has a multitude of partially-completed boxes and bumpers that you must zigzag around. Make sure to approach these boxes from the right angle in order to pick up rings from them, even if you must travel around the stage to do it. You can jump past a couple of red spheres for some hidden rings, but otherwise the rings can be picked up with relative simplicity. As always, make sure to leave a few blue spheres that cannot be converted into rings for last to ensure a Gold Medallion.
In this stage, the number of rings to collect outweighs the blue spheres. This is because there are boxes of rings with only a couple of blue spheres left surrounding them; as long as you're able to step over these two spheres, the rings will be yours. Jump over the springs around here to avoid being launched into an unfamiliar section of the stage prematurely; if you see a box of blue spheres on the other side of a spring, simply find your way around. There are only a few blue spheres in this stage that cannot be converted into this ring, so make sure to avoid getting them once you come across them.
This stage has large boxes with blue spheres only in the corners or centers of the sides surrounding it; step over the few remaining blue spheres to collect the rings. These two boxes are the only places in which rings can be found in this stage. Across from these boxes are blue spheres in pairs and fours that can be converted to red spheres after the rings are collected.
To the left and right of the start of this stage are boxes of blue spheres that can be converted into rings. Ahead is a long cross in which the center sphere can be jumped over the second time crossing. At the top-right of this area is a spring that can be jumped to. The spring sends you into a bumper, which sends you back into some blue spheres. Progress to the right to another spring which follows the same pattern. Eventually, you should come across another box of blue spheres that can be converted into rings. In the top-left corner of this area is another spring; let yourself be bumped back into a couple of blue spheres and turn left to find one last cross. Walk down the first line without jumping to convert the box of blue spheres to the right into rings, then step over the last blue sphere to the left to pick up even more rings. The final blue spheres can be found by taking the only spring here into the final area; after being bumped back, be very careful when turning right, as you must jump over the blue sphere here to pick up the final rings before ending the stage.
All of this stage's rings can be found in its main area (accessed from the start after bouncing on a couple of springs), consisting of some rings scattered out in the open and a couple of boxes of blue spheres that can be converted into rings. Most of the rest of the blue spheres can be found in between bumpers.
Turn right at the start of this stage to find a couple of rings behind a blue sphere. Let the bumper bounce you back and continue forward. To the right of the big group of red spheres is a line of blue spheres that leads into a box, which can be converted into rings. To the left of the big group of red spheres is another group just like this one, as well as another couple of rings hiding behind a blue sphere. Across from the big group of red spheres is a mirror image of the other groups. Continue the pattern and you should have all rings. For the rest of the blue spheres, head back to the other side of the big group of red spheres and head to the right of where you entered this area, jumping over the springs. Here you should find a group of blue spheres that leave you with only four remaining. Continue forward from here, jumping over another set of springs but using the set of springs ahead of those to jump right into a group of four.
Jump over some bumpers to find groups of blue spheres that you can convert to rings. This should leave you with four blue spheres left. Jump back over the bumpers, into the area you were in when you started. In the center, you should see some springs in front of red spheres, and in the center of each side, some springs in front of more springs. Use these springs to hit the center of the square, where the final four blue spheres can be found. To reach them all, you may have to go around to another side's springs after using the two springs on one side, as chances are you'll only hit one blue sphere out of the four.
For this stage, you'll have to circle around the map, following the track left by the red spheres as you go. Walk straight until you come across the first couple of blue spheres. After turning them into red spheres, you should come across a wall of red spheres. Make a turn here and continue along the path, jumping over bumpers to collect blue spheres as you go (with the occasional ring). When you get close enough to the center, you should have one ring left and be moving very quickly, but simply focus on the path to obtain the Gold Medallion.
This stage is similar to the last. You'll have to circle around the map along the path set for you, collecting blue spheres and the occasional rings, but things get tricky once you get close to the center. Once you've circled around most of the stage, you should have two rings and one blue sphere left; you'll have to jump over the final blue sphere in order to collect those rings first, then turn back for the blue sphere and the Gold Medallion. This can get tricky due to the speed of the stage at this point, but doable with some practice.
Follow the path forward and convert the boxes of blue spheres into rings as you go. At one point, you'll have to time a jump over a blue sphere in the middle of a box to get to the one surrounding it; if you jump onto the blue sphere in the center, you lose out on rings and the Gold Medallion. The rest of the stage should be fairly simple.
Leave behind a line of blue spheres if you intend on picking up the Gold Medallion, as this will give you the opportunity to pick up all rings before the stage ends. A massive misshapen box is where the bulk of the blue spheres (and rings) are located; convert this box into rings and there shouldn't be much else to do.
When you start the stage, leave a blue sphere behind. There are many boxes of blue spheres to fill out for rings here, split by single blue spheres and springs. As long as you don't get lost, this stage should be simple.
This is a stage that looks complicated, but really isn't if you follow the path set for you. Start by walking forward into a box you can convert into rings, then bounce on the spring. Let the bumper bump you back into the remaining blue spheres here, then pick up the rings. Go around the path, jump over the bumper, and bounce on the spring to end up on another box of blue spheres that you can convert into rings. Feel free to pick up the extra blue spheres to the side before continuing on. At the end of the path, jump over the red sphere into the pair of blue spheres and the spring. Walk forward, jumping over the red sphere in the center of the path, and simply continue forward. Continue to follow the path and you should come back around to the other line of blue spheres that you passed by. You should also have all rings by that point, earning yourself the Gold Medallion.
After picking up the initial blue spheres, take the spring behind you to find some more blue spheres and rings. Once those are picked up, take the spring back and continue down the only other path. Simply collect all of the rings and blue spheres you see (you don't have to leave a blue sphere behind) for the Gold Medallion here.
Jump over the bumpers to collect the rings in the center before collecting all the blue spheres. Then, jump back to where you left off and finish off the blue spheres. Walk into the spring at the end of the path and do the same for the next group. Simply follow the same pattern for the rest of the stage, jumping over a red sphere to get to a spring if necessary. The path should be self-explanatory.
Toward the left is a line of blue spheres leading into a box that you can convert into rings. Do so and follow the second line of blue spheres out. Over some bumpers to the left, you should find a group of rings. Jump back over after collecting them and continue down the path toward another group of blue spheres, and after exiting that group, jump over some bumpers to the left for some more rings. Jump back over and continue down the path for the next two groups of blue spheres, then jump over the last set of bumpers to the left to find the last set of rings. Jump back over and take a right turn this time, onto a spring and into the center of the stage, where the final rings can be found (by converting the big group of blue spheres in the center of the area) and the final blue spheres (surrounding the area).
Follow the path until you can convert a box of blue spheres into rings, then take the single spring out. As the next group doesn't contain a box, you'll have to jump over a red sphere to get to a spring. Be careful so as to not avoid the rings by the springs in the next area, then continue around. After taking the next spring, jump over the bumpers to the left to collect some rings before continuing on the spring to the right. You should be able to collect the rest of the blue spheres easily from here.
Go around picking up blue spheres before taking the spring, and do the same until you come across a path which you can follow to pick up rings and more blue spheres. Jump over a bumper at the end of the path to get to a group of blue spheres that you can convert to rings, then take the spring to the next area and do the same as before, picking up blue spheres before taking springs until you come across another path. Pick up the final rings and blue spheres here for the Gold Medallion.
Turn around to find a group of blue spheres that you can convert into rings. In an opening off to the side are some more rings. Afterward, you can turn back around and take the spring. After picking up the blue spheres here, take the spring to the left to find some rings, then take the spring to the right to find some more blue spheres. You can avoid this group in case you still need an opportunity to collect some rings, then take the northern springs to another big group you can convert into rings. In an opening off to the side are the final rings. Take the springs back to collect those blue spheres you missed and you should have the Gold Medallion.
The final stage is unique in that there are only four blue spheres to collect and sixteen rings. Turn around when you start and take the spring to find a blue sphere and four rings. Take a spring into the next area, where you should turn right and jump into the bumpers. When you see some more bumpers to the sides, turn right and jump into those. Keep jumping over them until you reach a clearing, where you can turn left and take the spring to find a blue sphere and another four rings. Continue to follow the springs from here and you should obtain the Gold Medallion.