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Battle across two distinctive levels of this long map set on an unfinished suspension bridge. Close quarter encounters are common in the narrow hallways of the lower floor, while the grated walkway on the upper floor leaves squids dangerously exposed.

Layout[edit | edit source]

Hammerhead Bridge is a fairly linear map far longer than it is wide. Its main feature is a long grated bridge running over most of the map, terminating close to the spawn points of either team, with its supporting pillars being the main way for squids to swim up to it from below. The spawn area is initially quite narrow but opens up after advancing a bit, having the choice of the left, middle and right path. The middle is the most straightforward route, featuring the start of the grated walkway as well as a drop to the lower level. From here, dropping one step will bring you to the first supporting pillar from spawn, with walls that can be inked so you can swim on to the pillar and use the grate walkway. On the walkway before the pillar is a small block that serves as cover for the defenders. Another small step down from the lower level and one will have reached the center arena, with the only way back being an uninkable ramp.

Taking the left path leads to a one way drop on to an elevated square overlooking part of the lower area. A long wall separates this path from the main path, though players can climb on to the top of the wall for a high vantage point. From the square, players have close access to the nearby pillar in case they need to get on to the grate, or they can just drop down into the action at the center of the map. The right path has full visibility of the grated bridge, at one point even branching off on to a ramp over the grate. Continuing down the path leads to two more drops before reaching the lowest section on the map.

The most notable feature of the central arena are the two center pillars, which serve as both cover and a way to reach the upper floor. The tops of the pillars are partially walled, and there is a cylindrical barrier at the base of either pillar. The grate walkway branches off into two smaller pillars off to the side, where a slope serves as another way on to the upper level. Near either of the smaller pillars is a tall wall for extra cover, dividing the open middle region into smaller hallways.

Mode strategies[edit | edit source]

Turf War[edit | edit source]

Splat Zones[edit | edit source]

Oddly the zone is a narrow but wide patch of ground sandwiched by the two central pillars and extending to the two walls on the side. The walls on the central pillars facing the zone have been removed, and there are extra cylindrical barriers placed on the zone for cover. Inkable blocks form steps leading up to the enemy's right path from spawn. There is also an inkable block beside the uninkable ramp.

Tower Control[edit | edit source]

The tower begins on the middle of the grated walkway and moves along the upper floor until it reaches the pillars on the sides, where it descends to ground level. It then ascends back up on to the square that can be reached from the defender's left path. After that, it drops down once more and travels beyond the far supporting pillar to reach its goal at the lower level off the grated walkway. The inkable metal boxes present in Splat Zones reappears here, along with a new metal block to help players reach the square the tower travels along during the 50-20 section of the track.

Rainmaker[edit | edit source]

The Rainmaker is initially located at the center of the grated walkway, and the goal is near the end of the walkway, on solid ground in front of the defender's spawn. A cylindrical barrier has been placed near the goal for cover. Many of the metal blocks from Splat Zones and Tower Control are still present but relocated slightly, but they all serve to let attackers swim up to otherwise inaccessible areas. There is also another metal block on the grated walkway that lets players get on to the highest portion of the right path leading out from the defenders' spawn.