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Box artwork for Sprint 4.
Box artwork for Sprint 4.
Sprint 4
Year released1977
Preceded bySprint 2
Followed bySprint 8
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksSprint 4 ChannelSearch

Sprint 4 is a racing arcade game which was released by Atari in 1977; it utilizes a Motorola M6502 (running at 756 KHz), and as the name suggests, it is the sequel to Sprint 2, which was released in the previous year. The players must use a steering wheel and a four-position gear shifter to take in control of a car (beige for 1P, magenta for 2P, green for 3P, and blue for 4P), with a single pedal to make them accelerate - and, if there are less than four players, the remaining cars will be coloured white and controlled by the CPU, their score displays will also say "TRAFFIC" instead of a number. As in the original game, the object is to drive around your chosen track as many times as possible; you'll again receive 2 points for every metre travelled, but this time the game timer is not displayed upon the screen, so you cannot tell whether you have earned enough points to extend it (however, the required value to do it is 250). Once the time (which can either be 60, 90, 120, or 150 seconds, determined by what the arcade operator has set the cabinet's "Play Time" dipswitch setting to) has run out, all the players will again be rated "GRANNY", "ROOKIE" or "PRO" - and there are also ten different tracks to choose from, which is two less than the amount of tracks from the original game.