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You enter from the West Central Courtyard in the southwest corner of East Central, and you must travel to the Republic Enclave to the northeast of the courtyard and speak to Roland Wann in the Republic Embassy, who tells you about the ancient ruins on Manaan if you complete a Mission for the Republic: once you've infiltrated the Sith base via their private hangar, or decrypting a Passcard or interrogating a Prisoner (after which you can access the base in the East Courtyard when you exit to the southeast), you can return to get access to the Submersible to explore the Hrakert Rift.

Once Jolee has joined your party on Kashyyyk, you've met Elora in Ahto West and been appointed Arbiter in the Sunry Murder Trial by the High Court there, if you travel to the Visitor's Hotel opposite the Republic Enclave, to the northwest of the courtyard, then you can now question Ignus the Hotel Owner, Firith Me the Pazaak Player and Gluupor the Rodian, after which you meet a mysterious man as you leave. Once you've agreed to undertake a mission for the Republic, you can also access the embassy's data archives in its computer room.

Tyvark's Shop in on the west side of the courtyard. There's also a Shady Rodian selling Pazaak cards in the southeast corner of the courtyard, and another named Hulas standing at its south end.

Map of East Central courtyard

West Central Courtyard[edit | edit source]

With the door to the West Central courtyard behind you, a walkway leads east to the southwest corner of the East Central courtyard, where three Sith soldiers confront three Republic soldiers:

Sith Soldier: Your precious Republic's days are numbered! It won't be long until Malak turns his armada loose on Coruscant itself!
Republic Soldier: Save your empty threats, Sith scum! Malak isn't stupid enough to attack the Core worlds - not with the entire Republic fleet waiting for him!
Sith Soldier: You're a fool! When the Sith descend on Coruscant, our numbers will block out the sun itself! The galactic senators will collapse trembling in fear, and beg for mercy at Malak's feet!
Republic Soldier: You underestimate the Republic's resolve! We'll die before we surrender Coruscant!
Sith Soldier: That can be arranged. Remember what happened to Taris - Malak could do the same to the Core worlds!
Republic Soldier: He wouldn't dare!
Sith Soldier: Now it is you who underestimate our resolve.

The Sith soldiers move north, to the right of the door to the general store in the northwest wall, while the Republic soldiers go east, to the southeast corner of the courtyard's south pool.

You can speak to the southernmost Sith, but those to the northwest and northeast merely comment:

Sith Soldier: What's this? Another Republic lackey wandering the streets? Don't worry - the Sith will destroy you along with all the rest who don't bow down before Malak!
2. You'll want to change your tone. You wouldn't be the first Sith I've killed.
Sith Soldier: Save your empty threats. If you're stupid enough to attack me the Selkath authorities will lock you away for a long, long time.
1. I have no wish to trade childish taunts and empty words with you. 2. You'll want to change your tone. You wouldn't be the first Sith I've killed.
Sith Soldier: I have nothing more to say to you. I have important Sith business to tend to.
Malak will show you Republics how a war is really waged! You Republics sicken me! We'll do the galaxy a favor by wiping you out!

You can also speak to the southernmost Republic soldier, while those to the west and northeast also merely comment:

Republic Soldier: If it wasn't for those damn Selkath neutrality laws, I'd teach that Sith a thing or two!
1. You have to learn to control your anger. Anger leads to the dark side. 2. The Republic must respect the law. 3. Don't be such a coward - teach those Sith a lesson!
Republic Soldier: I... I suppose you're right. You probably know best - you are a Jedi, after all. I guess getting mad doesn't help any. Republic Soldier: I can't do anything that would get me in trouble, or the Selkath might slap export penalties on the Republic. We need the Selkath's kolto for the war effort against Malak. As long as the Sith stay out of my way, I'll stay out of theirs.
Those Sith are always trying to goad us. Why don't the Selkath stop them? I have to stop talking to Sith... they make me want to break so many laws just to pound the smirk off their faces!

A protocol droid wanders around the west, north and east sides of the south pool, while security and cleaning droids also patrol the area:

I cannot render assistance, citizen. Move along. Beep beep beep-oop!

Another Republic soldier wanders the courtyard, while two friendly Selkath stand by the north pool on the right, by the east wall:

Republic Soldier
Greetings, Master Jedi. I hope you have a pleasant stay here on Manaan. If you have any questions or needs, please direct them to our envoy Roland Wann at our Embassy.
Good thing Sunry got free! The Sith who tried to pin the murder on him would probably have made him disappear in prison.
Kolto production seems to have dropped off a LOT, recently. The Selkath have been eyeing us funny, too...
Greetings, off-worlder. While I do not have time to converse with you, I hope you find what you are looking for here on Manaan.
The Sith have tried to manipulate our courts time and again, seeking power for themselves. I hope our government decides to do more against this.
I find it shocking that a hero of the Republic - Sunry - could do such a thing. Perhaps I have been wrong in my judgment of the Republic.
It is most distressing that the Sith Embassy should have been invaded as it has. It makes us Selkath seem like we are failing in our duties...
Many say that the Republic has had something to do with the economic restriction our people have placed on all trade. I hope it is not true.

Tyvark's Shop[edit | edit source]

In the northwest wall of the southern courtyard is a door to the General Store, an octagonal room with an assistant droid in its northeast corner.

Beep beep beep-oop!

A Republic soldier is concluding his business with Tyvark Luowan, the Rodian proprietor standing in a kiosk in the southwest wall, when you enter:

Republic Soldier: How much for all this stuff, Tyvark? Republic Soldier: Hey, Tyvark - how's it going? Republic Soldier: Hi, Tyvark. I've got to stock up - they might be sending me to the front to battle the Sith.
Tyvark Luowan: For the Sith - a month's pay! But since you are a member of the Republic, I will charge you a week's salary. Tyvark Luowan: The Sith continue to befoul the beauty of this watery world. But otherwise, I am keeping well. Tyvark Luowan: I hope you win your glory by smashing their fleet, and return without injury.
Republic Soldier: Thanks, Tyvark. Catch you next week.. Republic Soldier: Ah, glad to hear it. This stuff's all for the Republic Embassy, so can you just bill it to them? Republic Soldier: You and me both, Tyvark. You and me both.
Tyvark Luowan: Of course, good soldier. I trust the Republic to pay its bills completely.

If you speak to the soldier:

Republic Soldier: I have to get back to my post at the Republic Embassy. My break is almost over. Republic Soldier: Tyvark hates the Sith, so he's always giving us Republic soldiers discounts. I bet he gives you Jedi a great deal. Republic Soldier: I always shop here. Tyvark's prices are the best in the city.
Republic Soldier: The Selkath aren't harvesting kolto anymore. Something strange is going on... I bet the Sith are up to something! Republic Soldier: The Selkath seem to be pretty cold to the Republic lately. It's almost like they blame us for the disappearance of the kolto.
Tyvark Luowan: The Selkath now seem more distant than before... They treat members of the Republic at arm's length only... I hope this does not negatively impact our trade. If they give too much deference to the Sith, then the monsters will simply come in and take over! Tyvark Luowan: Greetings, human. I welcome you to my store. But if you have come seeking med kits, I must apologize for the price in advance. The Selkath say the kolto harvest is the lowest it has ever been, and healing salves have become extremely expensive.
2. Why do you dislike the Sith so much?
Tyvark Luowan: How can you ask such a question? They are cruel and ruthless, and care nothing for the welfare of others. And the Sith regard my species with particular disdain.
Tyvark Luowan: But my feelings about the Sith are well known around Ahto City. I shall spare you further outbursts. What may I do for you?
Tyvark Luowan: Come in, come in! You honor my humble store with your presence. All of Manaan has heard tell of your glorious swoop riding exploits. I carry many other choice items of the highest quality. Items a celebrity of your stature might be interested in.
2. I think I'll be going now.
Tyvark Luowan: As you wish, human. Please return when you have need of anything from my vast inventory.
1. Let me see what you have in stock.
Tyvark Luowan: As you wish, human. My inventory contains the finest Aratech equipment you can find on Manaan - all of it far superior to the Czerka Corp swill the Sith are so fond of.
Tyvark Luowan
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Advanced Medpac 80 5 Light Repeating Blaster 500 1
Medpac 40 Infinite Blaster Carbine 500 1
Parts 200 2 Ion Rifle 400 1
Military Suit 150 1 Disruptor Rifle 400 1
Combat Suit 50 1 Sonic Rifle 400 1
Battle Armor 400 1 Blaster Rifle 300 1
Light Battle Armor 250 1 Pistol Targeting Optics 8000 1
Bothan Stun Stick 230 1 Combat Sensor 6000 1
Vibroblade 80 1 Stabilizer Mask 5500 1
Vibro Double-Blade 180 1 Advanced Aural Amplifier 400 1
Vibrosword 120 1 Breath Mask 100 1
Bothan Needler 1750 1 Neural Band 100 1
Arkanian Pistol 1000 1 Aural Amplifier 50 1
Arkanian Heavy Pistol 1000 1 Strength Gauntlets 1000 1
Mandalorian Blaster 750 1 Cardio-Regulator 100 1
Disruptor Pistol 200 1 Adrenaline Amplifier 100 1
Sonic Pistol 200 1 Beemon Package 7500 1
Blaster Pistol 100 1 Echani Battle Stimulant 200 1
Hold Out Blaster 100 1 Advanced Stun Ray 900 1
Zabrak Battle Cannon 4000 1

After being appointed Arbiter in the Sunry Murder Trial:

Tyvark Luowan: I have heard from several customers that you are now the Arbiter during the murder trial of Sunry, the Republic war hero. I admire you for accepting this position. I have no doubt Sunry has been framed by the Sith. If there is anything I can do to aid your investigation, I will be happy to help.
3. Do you know about the Sunry case?
Tyvark Luowan: Unfortunately, I cannot offer any great insight into this matter. I suggest you investigate the murder scene, or perhaps talk to the other residents of the hotel where the crime occurred.

Republic Enclave[edit | edit source]

Exit the courtyard to the north and open the door to the east to the Republic Embassy. A security droid patrols the corridor beyond, which leads to a lobby at its east end. The door to the rest of the embassy is in the north wall:

[Republic security clearance is required to enter.]

Helmeted Republic soldiers flank it to either side, but speaking to them isn't useful:

Republic Soldier
I'm sorry, I'm on duty, citizen. Please refer any questions to our diplomatic corp. Thank you.
Kolto sales seem to have dropped off considerably. The Selkath are no longer exporting it, it seems. A lot of them act like they're blaming us...

Fortunately, their 'diplomatic corp' is standing just to the right of this door...

Republic Embassy[edit | edit source]

Roland Wann, the official representative of the Republic Embassy on Manaan, stands behind a desk in the northeast corner of the lobby. Speak to him:

Roland Wann: Welcome to Manaan. I am Roland Wann. As the official representative of the Republic Embassy on this planet, I am here to help all citizens of the Republic should they require aid.
Journal Entry Added Republic Embassy
You finally managed to find the Republic Embassy on Manaan.
1. Why are your soldiers loading so much kolto?
Roland Wann: Kolto is a precious resource - it's healing powers are near miraculous. During times of war, kolto becomes even more valuable. As long as we have the permits, we will continue to harvest kolto and ship it to our Republic soldiers battling against the Sith. Of course, the Sith enjoy the very same privileges. If there was some way we could gain an edge over the Sith in our kolto supply... But the Selkath are fiercely protective of their neutrality in this conflict. They do not want to grant either side an advantage.
2. I have some questions about Ahto city.
Roland Wann: A beautiful place, Ahto city - a paradise on the water. But remember, within the city itself the Selkath have absolute authority. They are a tough race, but fair. Obey the Selkath laws, keep the peace and you should encounter no problems. I assume you received a visitor guide to the city when you docked your ship. I regret there is little I can tell you that is not in the visitor guide, my good Jedi. My duties rarely permit me to venture beyond the walls of the Republic Embassy.

Although he'll answer questions about Ahto city, you want him to help you with your mission from the Jedi Council:

3. I am on a mission from the Jedi Council, perhaps you can help me with it.
Roland Wann: Uh... of course, of course. I will do whatever I can. But I am only a simple diplomatic representative of the Republic. I doubt I can be of any use to the Jedi Council.
1. I seek a Star Map, the remnant of an ancient and forgotten race.
Roland Wann: An ancient and forgotten race... and you think it may be here on Manaan? Hm...
1. You know something?
Roland Wann: Well... perhaps. But if you want to get information about that, you'll have to do something for me first.
Never 2. [Persuade] Come on, tell me.
Roland Wann: [Failure] No, no. You do what I want and maybe I can help you out. Until then: nothing.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You want to tell me.
Roland Wann: [Failure] Don't think you can manipulate me, Jedi! The Republic Diplomatic Corps has to deal with the Sith all the time, so we are very resistant to mental influence. Your only real choice is to help me, so I can help you.
4. I think I'll be going now.
Roland Wynn: Then I shall wish you good day. On behalf of the Republic, I hope you enjoy your time here on Manaan.

He can't be persuaded to tell you what he knows unless you do something for him first...

Star Map: Manaan[edit | edit source]

1. What do you want me to do?
Roland Wann: We were using a submersible reconnaissance droid in the ocean surrounding Ahto City and it was... damaged. It took a data recording of the outside of the city before being driven off by the firaxan sharks. But while it was returning to the surface it encountered difficulties and was disabled. Its automatic systems floated it to the surface, but we could not retrieve it in time. The Sith were applying subtle pressure to the Selkath authorities for some reason we have not determined, and were able to delay us long enough that they could retrieve the droid before we did. The droid's data centers are heavily encrypted, so it will take the Sith several days, we believe, to get to its data. It was captured 12 hours ago. It is imperative that we get it back!
4. What is this recording?
Roland Wann: It's intelligence information about Sith activities on Manaan, as well as some oceanographic reports on the local marine life.
3. I'm not your errand runner!
Roland Wann: But you need our information, and I guarantee you that you will never be able to get it unless we have our secrecy guaranteed against the Sith.
1. Where is the droid? 2. What do you want me to do? 3. I'm not your errand runner!
Roland Wann: It is heavily guarded, we are sure, in the Sith Embassy here on Manaan. Since we have no remaining soldiers to spare, and certainly not our elite ones, we have no one capable of entering the Sith base and retrieving it. That is what we would ask you to do.
2. Can I get back to you on this? 3. I do not want to get involved.
Roland Wann: If you want to find information about ancient ruins or your 'Star Map' or whatever it is, I think this is your best choice. But you will have time to consider your options. And when you come to the only conclusion possible, I will be here to tell you how we can work together.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Manaan
Roland Wann, the Republic diplomat on Manaan, has indicated that he may know something about ancient ruins on Manaan. He first requires you to retrieve a data module stolen by the Sith and bring it back to him before he'll tell you anything.

Perhaps if you asked him about this, he could tell you how you might accomplish this.

You have no choice but to help him:

Roland Wann: Ah, you're back. Have you decided to assist us and, at the same time, yourself?
1. I'll get your recording for you. 2. Not right now. 3. Quit bothering me, imbecile.
Roland Wann: Good. I'm glad that you have come to accept the inevitable. Now we can really get down to work. Roland Wann: Very well. Roland Wann: There is no need to be so rude.
1. How do I get in the Sith base? 1. I'll get your recording for you.
Roland Wann: There are several leads we have been working on to get into the Sith base. Any of them should work for you, although it might be wise to concentrate your efforts on just one. The first method that's possible is to help us interrogate a Sith prisoner we managed to catch after he tried to infiltrate our base. He is being held just inside our enclave. We think he may be able to give us the passcode that the Sith give their informers to enter the base. He has proved most resilient so far...
1. Interrogating the prisoner sounds good.
Roland Wann: Good. It's a logical place to start. But you should also hear about the other options available to you.
1. Interrogating the prisoner sounds good. 2. Is there another way?
Roland Wann: We managed to pick up a crate of blank Sith data cards the type they use for passcards. The encryption system to unlock them is very difficult however, but if you are more skilled than our technicians, you may be able to gain access that way.
1. Decrypting the passcard sounds good.
Roland Wann: Good. It is a very intelligent and skilled individual who can crack the matrices of a Sith encryption system. But there is one last method you should know about in case all other options fail.
1. Decrypting the passcard sounds good. 2. Is there another way?
Roland Wann: The Sith have got the Selkath to give them exclusive use of one of the main hangar bays. Visiting Sith masters use this bay to land, then take a speeder over the water to an external entrance to the Sith enclave. The luckless spy we mentioned earlier had a passcard to that hangar on him. While it is surely well guarded, it may prove to be the most direct route. Here is the card. The Sith base itself is very heavily guarded. If they became aware of your presence, I fear you would be quickly outnumbered and killed. Here is a passcard to get you inside our facility. You should find all you need to get started in there. You can choose whichever of the methods you want as long as you get in the base and get the data recording back. Which method do you think you would like to try first?
1. I think I'll interrogate the prisoner. 2. I think I'll decrypt the passcard. 3. I think I'll raid the landing bay.
Roland Wann: Good call, just make sure you don't push him too hard or we might lose him. Roland Wann: Good choice. We've been working at that for a while, but it's been too difficult so far. Maybe you'll have better luck. Roland Wann: You'll need luck for that one - odds are they have some pretty strong guards in there. But it's also the way most likely to succeed.
Roland Wann: I wish you luck in your task. Should you retrieve the data recording from the droid, return it here to me and we can see about getting you that information.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Manaan
Roland Wann, the Republic diplomat on Manaan, has indicated that he may know something about ancient ruins on Manaan. He first requires you to retrieve a data module stolen by the Sith and bring it back to him before he’ll tell you anything.

Mission for the Republic[edit | edit source]

Journal Entry Added Mission for the Republic
You have spoken to Roland Wann, the representative of the Republic Embassy on Manaan. He says that he may have information about the Star Map, but will only tell you what he knows if you retrieve the remains of a Republic Probe droid lost recently to the Sith. The droid has sensitive data recordings of its mission outside of Ahto City and the Republic wants it back before the Sith are able to decrypt it. To do this, you will need to enter the Sith Embassy.

He has said that there are 3 ways to get into the Sith base:

1) You can interrogate a Sith prisoner who was found snooping around the Republic Embassy. He knows a pass code that allows him entry to the Sith base.

2) You can decrypt some captured Sith passcards and use them to open the door to the base.

3) You can use the key Roland gave you and force your way into the Sith controlled hangar and fly outside Ahto City into the Embassy through the rear entrance. The hangar is located at the west end of the Ahto City Docking Bay.

Once you have entered the Sith base, retrieve the data module and return it to Roland.
Item(s) Received Roland Wann
  • Sith Hangar Key
  • Republic Enclave Key
A key card to the Sith Reserved Hangar in Ahto City.
An access key to the outer doors of the Republic Enclave in Ahto City.
Roland Wann: Have you managed to retrieve the data from our droid in the Sith base?
1. No I have not.
Roland Wann: Time is a critical factor. We cannot allow the Sith to decode that data recording or our operations on Manaan would be compromised.

With the Sith hangar key, you can return to Ebon Hawk then travel from there to the west end of the docking bay, open the door to their Private Hangar and fight (or sneak) your way aboard a transport to the Secondary Entrance of the Sith base. Although more experience is received due to combat, this entrance is also mined and one of your party needs Awareness rank 10 to detect this if you don't want to trigger anything.

Otherwise, you need to decrypt a captured Sith passcard or interrogate the Sith prisoner for the pass code to the main entrance in Ahto East, both of which require you to go deeper into the Republic enclave. The Republic enclave key now opens the door in the north wall.

Beyond is a bareheaded Republic soldier working to the left by the three metal boxes at the corner of the room as it turns west:

Republic Soldier
I can't talk now. I have to get this kolto loaded up before my shift is over.
If you got a problem go talk to our diplomatic representative. Don't bother me with it.
People are saying the Republic did something to cripple the kolto production here on Manaan, but I don't believe it. Sounds more like something the Sith would do.

To the north is a control terminal to the right of two energy cages, the left of which contains the Sith prisoner. Another helmeted Republic soldier stands around the corner to the west.

Passcard[edit | edit source]

Beyond the door in the Republic Embassy's east wall is the computer room, where you can try decrypting Sith passcards. A Republic technician approaches and speaks to you enter:

Republic Technician: So you're the one who's going to try to get into the Sith base, eh? Heh. Good luck. You're going to need it. This is our main computer room here. We've got the box of passcards we got from the Sith, but we haven't been able to break their encryption yet. We have been able to decode the numeric system they use, but there are holes in our terminal sequence patterns.
1. Terminal sequences? 4. I have a passcode to the Sith base.
Republic Technician: The strings of numbers that end the code sequences. If we could complete those strings, we would have the key to their encryption system. Republic Technician: Oh, OK. Well I'll just explain the encryption method anyway, you might need it if your passcode doesn't live up to expectations.
1. Terminal sequences? 2. What kind of holes? 3. What do I have to do? 4. I have a passcode to the Sith base.
Republic Technician: The encryption system is composed of 6 'matrices'. Each is based on a mathematical method. The holes we're missing are the final number in each of the strings. Most are simple, but the final two matrices seem to be much more difficult. The second-last matrix has a pattern looping back on itself, or something, and the last is divided into smaller subparts. Maybe the pattern for that is within each part... But I have to admit, all this is a bit over my head. I haven't even been able to slice past the first matrix and I've been at this for hours. I've ruined a dozen cards already... But the good thing is we have a whole box of them, so you don't have to worry about running out any time soon. Since Roland said you were cleared, you can use the computer freely. I'll be here if you have any questions.

He returns to the large computer in northeast corner, but you can ask him about the Sith encryption matrices again (among other things later) if you speak to him:

Republic Technician: Can I help you with anything?
1. Tell me about the Sith encryption matrices.
Republic Technician: The Sith encryption scheme on these cards is based on a sequence of simple mathematical principles. We have managed to decode the majority of the encryption algorithm, but the final segments of the terminal sequences elude us. If you think you are able, you can try to break the code on the card. Don't worry if you happen to ruin the card, the box we captured has a whole bunch of them.
2. What do you know about this data recording?
Republic Technician: That recording? I have no idea what it is. Its probably classified... and I don't have clearance for that sort of thing. It might be something one of our intelligence agents picked up.
3. What do you know about the Hrakert Facility?
Republic Technician: I actually don't know much about it at all. It's some sort of facility the Republic built here wasn't it? I'm not really cleared for that sort of information...
Republic Technician: Can I help you with anything else?
4. Nothing for now.
Republic Technician: Ok, sure. Come back if you need anything.

You can use the large computer in the southeast corner to decrypt a Sith passcard:

Large Computer: SYSTEM BOOTING...
1. Decrypt Sith passcard.
TERMINAL SEQUENCE - 1 2 4 7 11 16
1. 19 2. 22 3. 24 4. 31
TERMINAL SEQUENCE = 21 18 16 15 15 16
1. 14 2. 18 3. 19 4. 21
TERMINAL SEQUENCE = 1 2 4 8 16 32
1. 48 2. 52 3. 64 4. 96
TERMINAL SEQUENCE = 128 64 32 16 8 4
1. 2 2. 1 3. 0 4. -2
TERMINAL SEQUENCE = 1 32 81 64 25
1. 1 2. 3 3. 6 4. 9
TERMINAL SEQUENCE PAIRS = 1 0 - 8 3 - 32 5 - 128
1. 5 2. 6 3. 7 4. 8

Any error results in failed decryption and an unusable card:


The final segments of the six terminal sequences are determined as follows:

Matrix Sequence
Additive 1 2 4 7 11 16 22
1 + 1 2 + 2 4 + 3 7 + 4 11 + 5 16 + 6
Subtractive 21 18 16 15 15 16 18
21 - 3 18 - 2 16 - 1 15 - 0 15 - -1 16 - -2
Multiplicative 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
1 x 2 2 x 2 4 x 2 8 x 2 16 x 2 32 x 2
Divisive 128 64 32 16 8 4 2
128 / 2 64 / 2 32 / 2 16 / 2 8 / 2 4 / 2
Exponential 1 32 81 64 25 6
2 5 3 4 4 3 5 2 6 1
Logarithmic 1 0 8 3 32 5 128 7
2 0 2 3 2 5 2 7
Item(s) Received Large Computer
  • Sith Base Passcard
A passcard used to enter the Sith Base in Ahto City.

If you speak to the technician again:

Republic Technician: Hey, great! You sliced the encryption on those cards! They change the codes regularly, so you'll have to use it pretty soon or not at all.

Exit to the Ahto East Courtyard and the passcard can be used to open the door to the Sith Base.

Prisoner[edit | edit source]

The Sith prisoner is being held in the energy cage on the left by the Republic Embassy's north wall with an intelligence officer standing nearby, and beyond a door in the west wall is a short corridor ending in another door labelled Restricted Access.

*groan* Uhh... [Republic security clearance is required to enter.]

To interrogate the prisoner, speak to the intelligence officer:

Intelligence Officer: So you're the one Roland has got to help us interrogate this prisoner. I hope your Jedi powers will come in useful, this one has been most resistant. He's a Sith spy we picked up a little while ago snooping around outside trying to get in. We thought he was suspicious and brought him inside when the Selkath weren't looking. But it seems the Sith have done a pretty good job of conditioning this guy, and we haven't been able to break him yet.
2. What was he doing out there?
Intelligence Officer: We're not sure exactly... If you can convince him to talk, we should be able to find that all out.
1. What did they do to him?
Intelligence Officer: The Sith protect their really important spies with some sort of mental Force feedback system. They can turn their minds in on themselves so Force compulsions won't affect them. Combine this with conventional training to resist interrogation and it sometimes takes months to get them to tell what they know. Do you want to interrogate him now?
3. I don't have time for this now.
Intelligence Officer: Well if it's so important, just go then. Not like losing that droid would do anything harmful... like getting us banned from Manaan!

If you speak to him again:

Intelligence Officer: You're back. Do you want to interrogate the prisoner?
2. Not right now. 3. I have a passcard to the Sith base.
Intelligence Officer: No problem. He's not going anywhere for a LONG time. Intelligence Officer: Oh, OK. If you need to find out anything else from this prisoner, though, he'll be here for quite a while, I'm thinking.


2. I will interrogate him now. 1. Yes.
Intelligence Officer: While the training the Sith gave him will protect him from most normal interrogation techniques, and also from Force persuasion, we have found a few hooks you might find useful. He was with another man when he was first spotted. We think it was another spy, but we didn't manage to catch him. We also seized some personal documents he had on him when he was captured. It would seem that he's married to a woman named Tela. We checked this in our computers and it seems to hold up. We've sent a couple agents to investigate, but it may be a while.
2. Let's get started.
Intelligence Officer: Ok, but you should know what we have to work with here first.
1. What do I have to work with? 2. Let's get started.
Intelligence Officer: What we have here is your standard issue truth serum. It should make him spill his guts in no time. BUT, there is a catch...
1. A catch?
Intelligence Officer: Because of his conditioning, he's able to resist it at small doses. But if you give him too much, his body realizes what you're trying to do and shuts his mind down completely. If you do that, you'll have to inject him with an antidote that neutralizes the truth serum. Unfortunately, that, too, has a drawback.
1. I detect a pattern here...
Intelligence Officer: It causes short term memory loss. This may work to your advantage, because you can try the same tactic over and over again. But if you use it too much, he may forget everything we want to know. Shall we get started then?
1. Yes. Intelligence Officer: Let's get it started then.
Intelligence Officer: Hey you! Wake up! Someone wants to talk to you. Sith Prisoner: [The prisoner looks dazed. He has been injected with a dose of truth serum by the Republic officer. It's up to you to try to persuade him to talk with you now.]
Sith Prisoner: Uhhh.... *groan*
1. Interrogate him. 4. Let's try something else.
Sith Prisoner: Wh... What do you want? Sith Prisoner: Uhhh.... *groan*

His mental state changes as you interrogate him: each of the three dialog options and successful Persuade checks from three subsequent options for each will get him closer to the threshold at which he'll tell you what you want to know.

State Option(s)
+1 1. Relax. I'm not here to threaten you.
+2 Hard 1. [Persuade] We're the only ones who will take you in now. Medium 2. [Persuade] If you talk, we can make it worth your while. Hard 3. [Persuade] I don't want to hurt you unless you make me.
+2 2. We know about your companion.
+2 Medium 1. [Persuade/Lie] We don't really need you. Your companion will tell us what we need to know anyway. Hard 2. [Persuade/Lie] If you don't tell us, he will suffer. Easy 3. [Persuade/Lie] Perhaps we would give you back to the Sith, but keep him.
+3 3. Maybe we should do something about Tela.
+2 Medium 1. [Persuade] We could make life easy for both of you here in the Republic. Easy 2. [Persuade] Talk or something may happen to her. Easy 3. [Persuade/Lie] We have her already. She may be spared if you talk.

Exactly +9 is required, and the final +2 must come from success of one of the three easy Persuade checks. If this is exceeded, he blanks out:

Sith Prisoner: [Failure] Urgg... No! Never!...
Intelligence Officer: Damn, he blanked out!
1. Inject him with the neutralizing agent and start over with a new dose of truth serum. 2. Stop talking to him.
Sith Prisoner: Uhhh.... *groan* Intelligence Officer: Giving up so soon? I think he could last a bit longer. Come back if you want to try to break him again. He's not going anywhere for a LONG time.

The next time you interrogate him you start from zero:

1. Relax. I'm not here to threaten you.
Sith Prisoner: You're not? You... Lies! You work for the Republic!
Hard 1. [Persuade] We're the only ones who will take you in now.
Republic Officer: The Sith will never trust you again, spy! We're the only place you have left! Tell us what we want to know!
Sith Prisoner: [Success] But they... they wouldn't.... would they? Sith Prisoner: [Failure] Never! I am Sith, I will never betray them! Your Republic is weak and will soon fall at any rate!
Medium 2. [Persuade] If you talk, we can make it worth your while.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] Ha! Worth my while... The Sith don't pay very well, but they'd kill me... Sith Prisoner: [Failure] You think me weak enough to give in to false promises of wealth and riches? The Sith are stronger than that! We will have it all eventually anyway!
Hard 3. [Persuade] I don't want to hurt you unless you make me.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] Please... Please don't hurt me... Sith Prisoner: [Failure] There's nothing you can do to me, Jedi, that the Sith wouldn't do worse! I'm not afraid of you!
2. We know about your companion.
Sith Prisoner: What... what companion?
Medium 1. [Persuade/Lie] We don't really need you. Your companion will tell us what we need to know anyway.
Intelligence Officer: The gutless Sith worm is already starting to crack. We'll have what we need within hours.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] He wouldn't talk... or has he already? No... Sith Prisoner: [Failure] Ha! The Sith are stronger than you; each one of us! You'll never break us!
Hard 2. [Persuade/Lie] If you don't tell us, he will suffer.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] But he... I... Please don't hurt us. Sith Prisoner: [Failure] Nothing you could do to us would make us talk! We Sith are stronger than you give us credit for!
Easy 3. [Persuade/Lie] Perhaps we would give you back to the Sith, but keep him.
Intelligence Officer: Of course they would never believe we let you go so easily. But they would all too happily believe you betrayed them.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] You can't do this to me! They would kill me in ways too horrible for you to imagine! Sith Prisoner: [Failure] The Sith are not that easy to fool! We would see through your petty deceptions and destroy you for the way you try to humiliate us!
3. Maybe we should do something about Tela.
Sith Prisoner: T... Tela? How did you find out about her?
Medium 1. [Persuade] We could make life easy for both of you here in the Republic.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] could be... so much easier... Sith Prisoner: [Failure] You think bribes will work? You must be dumber than I thought to think that a Sith would join the losing side just for credits!
Easy 2. [Persuade] Talk or something may happen to her.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] No! Please don't hurt her! Please... Sith Prisoner: [Failure] Do whatever you want! I know you will fail! My fellow Sith are probably even now trying to free me!
Easy 3. [Persuade/Lie] We have her already. She may be spared if you talk.
Sith Prisoner: [Success] No! Please don't hurt her! Please... Sith Prisoner: [Failure] Ha! You couldn't have her! You're bluffing, Jedi scum!

There are obviously numerous ways to reach the threshold while finishing with a successful easy Persuade check, but some are easier than others:

  • If medium Persuade checks have good chance of success (ideally 100%), then mentioning Tela (+3) and success of the three Persuade checks that follow (+6) will achieve it.
  • If only easy Persuade checks have good chance of success (ideally 100%), then mentioning his companion (+2), convincing him he'll be given back to the Sith (+2), saying you'll try something else and then mentioning Tela (+3) and convincing him to talk to spare her or something may happen to her (+2) will achieve it.
  • If even easy Persuade checks have minimum 40% chance of success, then getting +4 from non-persuasive options (for example, mentioning his companion (+2), saying you'll try something else then mentioning his companion again (+2) ) before mentioning Tela (+3) and convincing him to talk to spare her or something may happen to her (+2) will achieve it: there's still 64% chance that one of the two easy Persuade checks will succeed.

Persuade options are removed once taken, regardless of success or failure, until you inject him with the neutralizing agent and start over with a new dose of truth serum, or stop talking to him. Once the threshold is reached:

Sith Prisoner: [Success] Alright! Alright! I'll tell you what you want to know.
Intelligence Officer: What's the passcode to the Sith base?
Sith Prisoner: It... It's... zeta 245698 alpha... just... no more.
Intelligence Officer: Good. With this pass, you should be able to get into the Sith base without trouble. Just don't delay too long, or they might learn that he's been captured.

If you speak to the intelligence officer again:

Intelligence Officer: Good job in getting the pass code out of him. I was sure he couldn't be broken.

Exit to the Ahto East Courtyard and give the pass code to the Sith diplomat in the lobby of the Sith Base and he'll open the door for you.

Submersible[edit | edit source]

Once you've infiltrated the Sith base and retrieved the remains of the Republic Probe droid, return to the Republic Embassy and speak to Roland Wann again:

Roland Wann: Have you managed to retrieve the data from our droid in the Sith base?
1. Yes, here it is.
Roland Wann: Excellent! It does not appear to have been tampered with, so the Sith did not manage to copy its contents yet. And now for your information... We are not supposed to speak of this, but since you are a Jedi, and we have exhausted all the other options, I think I can entrust you with this. As you know, the Republic is fighting for its very existence against the evil of the Sith Empire. As you also undoubtedly know, we are doing very poorly. We need much in the way of supplies and material to stem the tide of battle and bring us victory. Manaan is the sole source of kolto, the most powerful medical substance in the galaxy. Frankly, we need as much of it as we can get.
1. What has the Republic done? 2. Yeah, yeah, get to the point.
Roland Wann: The Selkath conservatives with their neutrality treaties seek to treat the Sith and the Republic equally. This includes kolto exports. But a few more far-sighted Selkath see that if the Sith are ever allowed to win, the galaxy will be plunged into darkness and there would be nothing to stop them from taking Manaan anyway. So we made a deal...
2. You violated the treaty?!? 3. This is dangerous...
Roland Wann: Shhh! Not so loud! Yes, it is a technical violation of the treaty, but it is sanctioned by elements of the Selkath government. We need only keep it hidden from the Sith. Roland Wann: I know... but to the senators, it seemed to outweigh the risks.
1. What sort of deal? 2. You violated the treaty?!? 3. This is dangerous...
Roland Wann: We recently began construction of a secret underground facility to harvest kolto directly at its source. We also hope to one day be able to synthesize it effectively. Current techniques are insufficient for the task, so we must mine it for now. The amount we take would hardly be noticed, since most is lost naturally before it reaches the surface anyway. We were nearing completion of the base when the digging teams reported some sort of obstruction... an ancient building or artifact. Possibly your 'Star Map'. Transmissions from the base were cut off abruptly after that, and we haven't heard from the station since.
2. What happened down there? 3. What does this have to do with me?
Roland Wann: *Sigh* We don't know. We just don't know. Roland Wann: Please, just let me explain.
1. Why have you not investigated? 2. What happened down there? 3. What does this have to do with me?
Roland Wann: As you may have noticed, we are hiring a lot of mercenaries around here. Ostensibly they're to be shipped off-world to aid in our fight against the Sith, but they are really for another purpose. When we lost contact with the station in the Hrakert Rift, we sent our contingent of Republic soldiers down to investigate. None returned... We have tried hiring mercenaries and sending them down as well, but none of those expeditions have returned either. The reason we really sent that droid underwater - and the reason we needed its data back so badly - was to find out what had happened to the Hrakert Rift station. But now that we have the data back, our operation is in no danger of exposure to the Sith. And now I must live up to my end of the bargain.
1. How will I get down there? 2. What will you do for me?
Roland Wann: I took the liberty of having a submarine prepared for your departure. Merely use this card to get past the door behind our kolto packing room and enter the sub therein. It has been programmed to take you down to the station, and also to take you back up should you need something. I would send soldiers to assist you, but we have lost many of ours, and nearly exhausted the mercenary population of this planet. The soldiers we have are barely enough to keep this base secure! The Sith have also noted our interest and begun to bribe mercenaries away from us... Please, find out what happened to the facility. There may be some survivors left down there, perhaps even the head scientist - Kono Nolan. Good luck in your efforts.
Journal Entry Added Mission for the Republic
Roland Wann, the representative of the Republic on Manaan, has told you that the Republic has made a secret base underwater near the source of kolto emissions to study and eventually synthesize kolto. They ran across some mysterious ruins that may be related to the Star Map. Unfortunately, something happened down there at the base, and all contact was lost.

Roland has given you access to a submersible to go down to the base and find out what happened. Hopefully, this will lead to one of the Star Maps as well.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 600 Given access to submersible
Item(s) Received Roland Wann
  • Submersible Bay Key
Key to the Submarine Bay in the Republic Enclave in Ahto City.
Journal Entry Added Star Map: Manaan
The Republic has constructed a secret facility at the bottom of the Hrakert Rift with the purpose of secretly harvesting and synthesizing kolto. Roland Wann has offered the use of a Republic submersible to travel down to the ocean floor so that you may investigate. He mentioned that the Republic has run across some sort of old ruin near the Rift itself.
Roland Wann: When you are ready to explore the Hrakert Rift, enter the Republic base. In the kolto packing room there is a door leading to the Republic submarines. The sub will have a course to the Hrakert Scientific Research facility charted in. It will take you to the Hrakert Rift. I wish you luck on your quest. Hopefully a Jedi can succeed where so many others have failed.

If you speak to him again after using the submersible, but before finding out what happened down there:

Roland Wann: You have returned! I was beginning to fear that you, too, might have been lost. Did you find out what had happened down there at the facility?
1. I haven't finished my investigation.
Roland Wann: Please, continue your investigations and find out what happened to our facility.

You can now return to the Selkath Nilko Bwaas in Ahto West's mercenary enclave to tell him about the Republic Hiring Mercenaries, completing that quest, although it may be more convenient for a light side character to do so after exploring the Hrakert Rift and finding the Star Map there (provided you don't get banned from the planet afterward).

Beyond a door to the west of the energy cage that contained the Sith Prisoner is a short corridor to another door labelled Restricted Access, beyond which is the submersible bay. The submersible docked there can be used to take you down to the Republic's secret research station on the sea floor:

Submersible: [This submersible can be used to descend to the deep ocean Hrakert research station.]
1. [Use the submersible.] 2. [Step away from the submersible.]

If you are a dark side player, note that it is a prudent investment to purchase as many medpacs as you can afford due to the consequences of the final dark side choice in the Hrakert Rift.

Visitor's Hotel[edit | edit source]

Exit the courtyard to the north, open the door to the west and continue down the corridor to open the door of the visitor's hotel. The lobby beyond is patrolled by a cleaning droid and a security droid, while the proprietor Ignus stands behind the reception desk along the north wall:

Ignus: Sorry, but the hotel is closed. Ever since the murder, the Selkath have made me keep this place locked up tight. Only the Selkath authorities and those authorized by them are allowed in.
1. What murder?
Ignus: This old Republic war-hero by the name of Sunry was seeing this Sith woman here - Elassa. Well, they were seeing each other, but the other night a blaster went off in one of the rooms. Sunry got seen leaving the place and the Sith woman was dead on the floor. But not everyone thinks this Sunry did it, so the Selkath are holding him in prison while the case gets sorted out. In the meantime they close down my hotel! But enough about my problems... You can't stay here while the investigation is on. You'll have to find someplace else to stay. Sorry.
2. [Lie] I am authorized by the Selkath government.
Ignus: [Failure] Ha! They sent me a list of people to let in, and they're all Selkath. Somehow, you just don't look like one.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 1. [Force Persuade] You want to let me in.
Ignus: [Failure] I... I... Sorry mate, but it's Selkath authorities only since the murder. You're gonna have to go someplace else to stay.
3. Who are you?
Ignus: Me? Oh, right. I'm Ignus. This is my hotel. But since the murder happened I haven't exactly been able to do a lot of business. That's the price of law and order here, I guess.
4. Have you seen a Star Map?
Ignus: A what? No, never heard of it. Now this area is closed on account of the murder, so you're gonna have to leave.
5. I'll be going now.
Ignus: Yeah. Maybe you can find someplace else to stay.

The hallway exiting the lobby to the south has two doors on both sides, leading to four rooms. The northwest room is inaccessible, while the southeast room is locked.

Security Door Unlock 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Inside is a footlocker by the west wall, to the left of the door.

Item(s) Received Footlocker

The northeast and southwest rooms are sealed:

[A note reads: This room is sealed by order of the Selkath High Court. Only court appointed arbiters may enter.]

This changes once you've been appointed Arbiter in the Sunry Murder Trial, and Ignus can be questioned further.

Ignus the Hotel Owner[edit | edit source]

Ignus: You're the one defending Sunry now, eh? Well, the hotel's open for you and I guess I got to answer any questions you want, too.
3. Who are the witnesses in the hotel?
Ignus: There were only two other people in the hotel when it happened. One was a Rodian named Gluupor. Seems like a really dirty, shifty type. Normally I don't let his kind in here - I'm a reputable business man, you know! - but there weren't many people here, so I decided to take a chance. The other is a regular named Firith Me. He's a Pazaak player. Probably an addict, but he claims he's big in some circles. Don't know anything about him other than that. Anything else you want to know?
2. What do you know about Sunry and Elassa?
Ignus: Elassa used to rent rooms here every week or so. Then Sunry would come by a couple hours later and stay all night. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what was going on.
1. Tell me what you saw the night of the murder.
Ignus: The Sith woman Elassa rented a room in the hotel. An hour or two later Sunry comes in and goes to her room. A couple hours later I hear a blaster shot and see Sunry running.
Ignus: He can't run good 'cause he's a cripple, but still he was going pretty fast. I would swear he started after the shot though. Ignus: Sure. *wink* *wink* Sunry left before the blaster went off, so he couldn't have done it. Do you need to know anything else?
1. Are you sure?
Ignus: Yeah, I'm pretty damn sure he left after the shot went off.
3. I want to ask something else.
Ignus: What do you want to know?
4. I have no more questions for now.
Ignus: Well, OK. If you need anything else I'm going to be right here.
Journal Entry Added Ignus the Hotel Owner
Ignus is the proprietor of the hotel that the murder of Elassa occurred at. He told you that he heard the blaster shot go off, then saw Sunry hobbling away from the scene of the crime.

If you ask Ignus about Sunry and Elassa, then when you return to Ahto West you can ask Elora or Sunry about the affair. After asking him to tell you what he saw the night of the murder, you can ask him if the blaster shot could have gone off after Sunry left:

2. Could it have gone off after he left?
Ignus: No, I don't think so. I mean, it's possible, just barely, but I wouldn't say that to the court.
Never 1. [Persuade] You could testify it happened after he left. Hard 2. [Persuade] I could pay you 200 credits to say it. link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You will testify Sunry left before the shot.
Ignus: [Failure] No. No way I'm lying to the court just because you want to get your Republic buddy off, or whatever. I have no interest in going to prison! Ignus: [Failure] What?? Why the hell should I? I'll tell them what I saw and that's it. Now is there anything else you want?

Persuasive skill alone won't change his testimony, and even with a bribe it's still hard:

Hard 2. [Persuade] I could pay you 200 credits to say it.
Ignus: [Success] That's a lot of money... Maybe I could do something for you then. Alright, I'll do it. I'll tell the Selkath that he left before the shot went off, but this is our little secret. If you try and turn me in for lying, I'm making sure you come with me!
Bastila: I know you want to help Sunry, but we should not be manufacturing evidence like this. Juhani: I see you are more interested in winning than in trying to solve this case. I cannot say I approve of your actions here. Jolee: Hmm... I guess this is what they call working the system. Not that I'm objecting. I just hope the Selkath don't find out about it. Mission: Looks like Manaan isn't much different than Taris: justice is up for grabs to the highest bidder. Carth: Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I want to help get Sunry acquitted, but what if the Selkath find out about this?
Ignus: Now, was there anything else you wanted?
Credits Lost: 200

If you can dominate minds then he agrees to change his testimony... although he reneges on this at the trial:

link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You will testify Sunry left before the shot.
Ignus: [Success] Yeah. I'll tell the court Sunry left before the shot went off.
Jolee: Hmm... I guess this is what they call working the system. Not that I'm objecting. I just hope the Selkath don't find out about it. Bastila: I know you want to help Sunry, but we should not be manufacturing evidence like this. Juhani: I see you are more interested in winning than in trying to solve this case. I cannot say I approve of your actions here. Carth: Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I want to help get Sunry acquitted, but what if the Selkath find out about this?
Ignus: Now, was there anything else you wanted?
Journal Entry Added Ignus the Hotel Owner
You have managed to persuade Ignus, the hotel owner, to tell the court that he saw Sunry leaving before the shot went off.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Persuaded Ignus to tell that he saw Sunry leaving before the shot went off

If you speak to him again after the trial:

Ignus: Shame about Sunry getting convicted like that. I guess he really did kill Elassa after all. Ignus: I guess Sunry didn't kill the Sith woman after all. Could have sworn he left after the shot though... Ignus: There, you got what you wanted: Sunry's free. Now don't ever mention my part in this again!

Firith Me the Pazaak Player[edit | edit source]

The northeast room of the Visitor's Hotel is now unsealed, and within it there's a footlocker by the west wall, to the left of the door:

Item(s) Received Footlocker
  • Credits (100)

It also contains Firith Me, a human male Pazaak player, who can be asked what he saw on the night of the murder:

Firith Me: You with the Selkath? You here to see me about the murder too? I told the damn fish everything I knew, what more do you all want from me?
2. What did you see the night of the murder?
Firith Me: I was in my room, minding my own business with the lastest copy of Pazaak Weekly - checking out the listings for the big tournament that's gonna be held here soon - when I heard a blaster shot. Being still alive - and therefore smart enough not to stick my head out immediately - I didn't go out right away. I looked out after a minute and saw Gluupor in the hall by Elassa's room, and Sunry running like the wind. You can't tell me that someone who was running like that - and he was pretty fast for a cripple! - isn't guilty.
3. Nothing for now. 2. I have nothing more to ask for now.
Firith Me: Yes, well I'll be right here... Not like they're letting me go anywhere else...

Like Ignus, he can also be asked what he knows about Sunry and Elassa...

Elora, Sunry's Wife[edit | edit source]

Firith Me: You again... didn't I tell you people everything I knew? So why do you keep coming back to me?
1. What do you know about Sunry and Elassa?
Firith Me: Sunry I only heard of once or twice in passing. Some sort of old-time war hero against the Sith. Seen him around in the hotel too. Going to Elassa's room always of course. Kept the rest of the building up half the night with their damn antics usually!
2. Elassa roomed here often?
Firith Me: Yes. She rented a room every week or so. Coincidentally it was right about the same time that Sunry would show up. They didn't seem all that discreet either.
1. You mean Sunry was having a relationship with Elassa?
Firith Me: I'm not saying anything like that. What they did in that room, in private, is their business. And there isn't any rule against Sith and Republics seeing each other for personal reasons. Although if you think her Sith Master didn't know, heh, you must be fooling yourself.
Journal Entry Added Elora, Sunry's Wife
You have heard rumors that Sunry may have been cheating on his wife... Perhaps you should ask Elora about this.

When you return to Ahto West you can ask Elora or Sunry about the affair. You can also query his reference to Elassa's Sith Master:

1. Sith Master?
Firith Me: Uh... well Elassa was a Sith... so of course she'd have to have someone above her... yeah. I didn't see anything!
Hard 1. [Persuade] What did you see? Medium 2. [Persuade] Maybe if I tossed in 100 credits?
Firith Me: [Failure] I didn't see anything and there's no way you can make me say otherwise! Now quit asking! Firith Me: [Failure] 100 credits isn't enough for the kind of trouble I'd be having if I told you. Sorry, you're gonna have to look somewhere else.
4. Okay, okay, I'll ask something else.
Firith Me: Thanks...
Journal Entry Added Firith Me the Pazaak Player
Firith was staying at the hotel when the murder occurred. He claims he saw nothing and that that's all you'll get out of him.

It's difficult to persuade him to tell you what he saw (although it's easier with credits), but while it's easy using the Force it also moves you closer to the dark side:

Hard 1. [Persuade] What did you see?
Medium 2. [Persuade] Maybe if I tossed in 100 credits? link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You know you want to tell me.
Firith Me: [Success] Since you put it that way... Firith Me: [Success] You know, I think I could trust you. Heck, I don't know why I shouldn't tell you.
Credits Lost: 100 Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Firith Me: [Success] Well... one time... I saw Elassa coming in wearing this big cloak. I was on my way to my room, and she normally wears stuff like that so I didn't pay her too much attention. But this time I accidentally brushed up against her - accidentally of course! - and her cloak fell open... Now I don't have no qualms about the Sith! I leave them alone and they leave me alone. And seeing as how Elassa had a Sith lightsaber under her cloak, I'm not going to poke that hornet's nest.
1. She was a Dark Jedi? 2. A lightsaber does not mean anything. 3. I have a lightsaber too, you know.
Firith Me: Seems so... But I'm not getting myself in any further with the Sith. I know how ruthless they are. Firith Me: I know, I know, but you're a Jedi. Elassa never claimed to be.
Firith Me: I don't know what it means to you, but to me it kind of screams 'Dark Jedi'. And I'm not getting myself in any further with the Sith. I know how ruthless they are.
Firith Me: Now that's all I'm going to tell you. I'll testify it to the court, but you aren't going to get anything else out of me.
Journal Entry Added Firith Me the Pazaak Player
Firith told you he once brushed up against Elassa and her cloak fell open to reveal that she was carrying a lightsaber - the mark of a Jedi! It would seem that Elassa may have been a Dark Jedi allied with the Sith.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Persuaded Firith Me to tell you what he saw

Gluupor the Rodian[edit | edit source]

The southeast room of the Vistor's Hotel is also unsealed, but it only contains the Rodian Gluupor:

Gluupor: You here with Selkath? You have questions for Gluupor? Gluupor already say everything he knows. Gluupor: Why you back, human? Gluupor already tell you everything. Why you not leave Gluupor alone?
Gluupor: You here with Selkath? You have questions for Gluupor? Gluupor already say everything he knows. Gluupor: Why you back, human? Gluupor already tell you everything. Why you not leave Gluupor alone?
2. Do you know about a Star Map?
Gluupor: Gluupor not know what you talking about. But then again, Gluupor not very bright.
3. Do you know about the Selkath youths who have gone missing?
Gluupor: Gluupor heard of it, yes. But Gluupor been locked in this room for days. Gluupor think it rather poor insight to think he knows something.
1. I have questions about the murder of Elassa.
Gluupor: Gluupor tell everything to Selkath. You not know? Gluupor have no reason not to say. Gluupor tell everything. Everything about murder, everything about Sith lady's room. Gluupor: Gluupor already tell you everything, why you bother Gluupor more... Gluupor not answering any more question for you!
1. Why were you at the hotel?
Gluupor: Gluupor staying at hotel. Gluupor not very rich - hotel much too rich for Gluupor to live at - but Gluupor save for weeks and have enough to stay here for a few days. Using Gluupor's chance to live better for a while.
2. What did you see?
Gluupor: Gluupor not see murder, oh no. Gluupor did see Republic guy... the cripple... Sunry his name, Gluupor thinks. Gluupor see Sunry running away from scene of crime. Gluupor see nothing else. Nothing else at all. Especially not in Sith lady's room!
3. I'll ask more questions later.
Gluupor: Gluupor answer later too, then. Selkath not let Gluupor leave while trial still on...
Journal Entry Added Gluupor the Rodian
Gluupor was staying in one of the rooms of the hotel when the murder took place. He says that he had nothing to do with the crime, ESPECIALLY not with anything in Elassa's room.

He can always be persuaded to tell you about Elassa's room, although you receive no experience if you use the Force:

3. What about Elassa's room?
Gluupor: Gluupor just curious... just curious to see what had happened. Gluupor have no reason to go into room... no one pay Gluupor to do it.
link=Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic}}/Force powers#Affect Mind 3. [Force Persuade] You want to tell me who paid you and for what.
Gluupor: [Success] Gluupor want to tell you. Gluupor want to tell you Sith paid him money to plant medal on body. Gluupor want to tell you this because you are Gluupor's friend. Good friend... maybe give Gluupor money? Maybe not...

You do not need to give him credits:

Always 1. [Persuade] Did someone pay you to do something in that room Gluupor? Always 2. [Persuade] How about if I give you 100 credits to tell me?
Credits Lost: 100
Gluupor: [Success] How you know someone pay Gluupor?! Well... Sith man came up to Gluupor after murder, before Selkath arrive. He say he give Gluupor good money if Gluupor put medal into Sith's hand. Gluupor good. Gluupor plant evidence and leave no trace. But Gluupor not recognize Sith man anyway. Gluupor not recognize humans very well. No use to Selkath, so not bother to tell them. Well, that, and the Sith man say he kill Gluupor if Gluupor speaks. Uh... Oh, no... Gluupor think... Gluupor think he can't talk more right now. Gluupor feels the need to lie down... maybe just stay here...
Journal Entry Added Gluupor the Rodian
Gluupor confessed that the Sith made him plant the medal as evidence against Sunry after the murder occurred. It would seem that the Sith are indeed trying to point blame at Sunry.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Gluupor confessed that the Sith made him plant the medal

Sunry Murder Trial[edit | edit source]

After speaking to anyone in the hotel, a mysterious man appears in the corridor outside. When you leave, he speaks to you, advising you to seek information from both the Sith and the Republic if you want to get to the bottom of the murder:

Mysterious Man: *hushed* You, Jedi! I hear you are investigating the Sunry murder trial, are you not? Hmm. This case is not at all that it appears to be. Many currents, might I say, flow beneath the surface.
1. What do you mean? 2. Why are you telling me this? 3. I don't have time for this!
Mysterious Man: Let us just say that I am an interested party, and that I have, heh heh... concerns. Mysterious Man: Oh, but I think that you do!
Mysterious Man: This murder is much more complicated than it may first appear. Sunry and Elassa are proxies for their governments and both sides want the other to fail. You can see the journey, heh, by the footprints. You understand, yes?
1. Um... I think so... kinda... 2. Huh? 3. You're talking crazy talk.
Mysterious Man: Hmm, dear dear. I'm saying they both had something to do with it! They've both kept their hands in this from the start! If you want to get to the bottom of this murder, you might seek information from both the Sith and the Republic, likely in their Embassies.
1. They'd just give it to me? 2. Why should I believe you? 3. I've heard enough of you!
Mysterious Man: No, of course not! You think state secrets are for sale on the common market? You would have to be, heh, devious to get what you want. Mysterious Man: Because you have no one else to trust? Not Sunry, not the witnesses, and certainly not the judges! And if you take my advice, what have you to lose? Mysterious Man: And I've been seen speaking to you for far too long.
Mysterious Man: Heed my advice, Jedi, and you may yet find the truths in this murder.

Handily, the Republic Embassy is on the other side of the hall to the east, where you can question the diplomat Roland Wann about the Sunry case:

3. I'm investigating the Sunry case.
Roland Wann: I don't know much about the facts of the case, but I find it hard to believe. I never met Sunry, but he's a hero of the Republic - not a murderer. The so called evidence against him is an obvious frame up - it has to be! The Sith must have plotted Sunry's downfall to embarass and discredit the Republic!
2. Are you so sure it was the Sith? 3. Any chance the Republic is involved?
Roland Wann: Who else? Sunry's conviction will be a blow to Republic-Selkath relations. Who would benefit from this other than the Sith? Roland Wann: The Republic? That makes no sense. Sunry has no enemies in the Republic, and his conviction will make all of our jobs more difficult.
1. That's one possibility. 2. Are you so sure it was the Sith? 3. Any chance the Republic is involved?
Roland Wann: If you want to solve this mess, I would focus on the Sith. That, or check out the murder scene at the hotel. Talk to the other guests - maybe they know something. I regret I could not be of more assistance in your investigation. Is there anything else?

Once you've agreed to undertake a Mission for the Republic for him, you can access the computer room to the northeast and use the large computer in its southeast corner to slice the Republic system and access its restricted data archives:

Computer Use 2. [Computer] Slice Republic system. (1 spike)
Large Computer: [UNLOADING REP-OP LAYER...
Computer Use 1. [Computer] Open submarine bay doors. (100 spike(s)) Computer Use 3. [Computer] Disable local power grid. (125 spike(s))
Large Computer: OPENING BAY DOOR...
Computer Use 2. [Computer] Access restricted data archives. (5 spike(s))
[The computer screen switches to a fish-eye view from some sort of small surveillance device on a wall.]
[A beautiful young woman enters the room, followed by a much older man.]
[As she walks farther into the room, he softly closes the door, pulls a blaster, and shoots her in the back.]
[This must be some sort of secret recording of Sunry murdering Elassa.]
Large Computer: COMMAND QUERY?
4. Log off.
Large Computer: UNLOADING SYSTEM...
Journal Entry Added Sunry Murder Trial
As Arbiter you must defend Sunry to the best of your ability. However, you have found a data recording that clearly shows Sunry killing the Sith woman Elassa. Can you continue your role of Arbiter impartially, knowing that your client has committed such a crime?
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level Accessed restricted data archives
Item(s) Received Large Computer
  • Murder Recording
A recording of an older man murdering a young Sith woman.

You can return to the prison in Ahto West to confront Sunry and get him to admit to his crime, and even get him sentenced to death if you present it to the court. If you admit your crime to Roland Wann:

4. I found this recording in your computers.
Roland Wann: You mean you sliced into our... That is a very serious crime! We could have you executed for treason if that information caused any harm! But... I may just be willing to overlook this transgression if you NEVER EVER TELL ANOTHER LIVING BEING ABOUT IT. And that is all I will ever tell you on the matter.

East Courtyard[edit | edit source]

The corridor beyond the door in the east wall of the courtyard leads to Ahto East, where the Sith base and swoop racing can be found. The shady Rodian standing by the wall in the southeast corner of the courtyard sells Pazaak cards, but you'll get nothing else from him:

Shady Rodian: Why do you bother me, human? I do not wish to speak to you.
1. I just wanted to ask you a few questions. 2. Why are you just standing here in a corner?
Shady Rodian: I am not here to give you knowledge. Do business with me or leave. Shady Rodian: I am here for my own reasons. Those who know of me and wish to do business, know I can be found here. You will either do business with me or leave.
3. Never mind. 2. Fine, I'll leave.
Shady Rodian: Leave, human. Shady Rodian: Good.


1. Business?
Shady Rodian: I trade and sell Pazaak Cards for those that have interest. If you have interest, then we can do business. Otherwise leave.
1. Let's see what you've got.
Shady Rodian: Very well.
Shady Rodian
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Pazaak Card +/-1 200 1 Pazaak Card +3 50 3
Pazaak Card +/-2 150 1 Pazaak Card +4 25 3
Pazaak Card +/-3 125 2 Pazaak Card -3 25 2
Pazaak Card +1 100 2 Pazaak Card -4 25 2
Pazaak Card -1 100 1 Pazaak Card +5 12 4
Pazaak Card +2 75 2 Pazaak Card -5 12 4
Pazaak Card -2 75 1 Pazaak Card +6 5 5
Pazaak Card +/-6 50 3 Pazaak Card -6 5 5

The Rodian named Hulas standing alone on the south side of the courtyard may turn out to be the really shady one...