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The TIE Fighter is the most basic of TIE craft - two laser cannons, no shields, and easily destroyed.

Mission 2: Flight Leaders & Wingmen[edit | edit source]

Primary Goals
  • 75% of all X-Wings must be destroyed
  • 75% of all Y-Wings must be destroyed
Secondary Goals
  • 100% of all Heavy Lifters must be destroyed
Bonus Goals
  • 100% of all X-Wings must be destroyed
  • 100% of all Y-Wings must be destroyed
  • 100% of all A-Wings must be destroyed
  • All Containers must survive.

This is a dogfight mission - focus on the X-Wings first, then target the Y-wings. Leave the heavy lifters for last, as they will take a while to leave.

On hard difficulty, the A-Wings will arrive as soon as you eliminate 75% of the X-Wings and half of the Y-Wings.