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Table of Contents
Combat Chamber
TIE Fighter Missions
TIE Interceptor Missions
TIE Bomber Missions
TIE Advanced Missions
Assault Gunboat Missions
TIE Defender Missions
Battle One
- Patrol Jump Point D-34
- Red Alert
- Counter-Attack
- Outpost D-34 Has Fallen
- Attack Rebel Lt. Cruiser
- Destroy the Lulsla
Battle Two
Battle Three
- Load Base Equipment
- Destroy Pirate Outpost
- Hold Position
- Guard Space Station NL-1
- Thrawn Inspects NL-1
- Wait for Relief Forces
Battle Four
Missile Boat Missions
Battle Eight
Battle Nine
Battle Eleven
Battle Twelve
The TIE Fighter is the most basic of TIE craft - two laser cannons, no shields, and easily destroyed.
Mission 2: Flight Leaders & Wingmen[edit | edit source]
- Primary Goals
- 75% of all X-Wings must be destroyed
- 75% of all Y-Wings must be destroyed
- Secondary Goals
- 100% of all Heavy Lifters must be destroyed
- Bonus Goals
- 100% of all X-Wings must be destroyed
- 100% of all Y-Wings must be destroyed
- 100% of all A-Wings must be destroyed
- All Containers must survive.
This is a dogfight mission - focus on the X-Wings first, then target the Y-wings. Leave the heavy lifters for last, as they will take a while to leave.
On hard difficulty, the A-Wings will arrive as soon as you eliminate 75% of the X-Wings and half of the Y-Wings.
Go to top
- Gunnery
- Flight Leaders & Wingmen
- Destroy Depot
Table of Contents
Combat Chamber
TIE Fighter Missions
TIE Interceptor Missions
TIE Bomber Missions
TIE Advanced Missions
Assault Gunboat Missions
TIE Defender Missions
Battle One
- Patrol Jump Point D-34
- Red Alert
- Counter-Attack
- Outpost D-34 Has Fallen
- Attack Rebel Lt. Cruiser
- Destroy the Lulsla
Battle Two
Battle Three
- Load Base Equipment
- Destroy Pirate Outpost
- Hold Position
- Guard Space Station NL-1
- Thrawn Inspects NL-1
- Wait for Relief Forces
Battle Four
Missile Boat Missions
Battle Eight
Battle Nine
Battle Eleven
Battle Twelve