The TIE Fighter is the most basic of TIE craft - two laser cannons, no shields, and easily destroyed.
Mission 1: Gunnery[edit | edit source]

This is a simple mission: Destroy all enemy targets.
- Primary Goals
- 100% of all ships in Container D group Target must be destroyed. (Appears as 8 instances.)
- Secondary Goals
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Mover must be destroyed.
- Bonus Goals
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Fighter must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Diad must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Triad must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Quad must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Quin must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Hex must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Dodec1 must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Dodec2 must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Dodec3 must be destroyed.
- 100% of all ships in Z-95 Headhunter group Dodec4 must be destroyed.
The primary and secondary goals are straightforward - simply destroy all targets as they appear.
In case of the movers, you can find a sweet spot near the platform to take out the targets as they launch. You should at least be able to take out the enemies upto group Fighter, before having to change tactics.
The action picks up with Z-95 Headhunter Fighter 2, where shields start to regenerate, Fighter 4 where shields are at 50%, and Fighter 5 which has fully charged shields, all alongside an increase in pilot strength.
After the first five fighter groups, you will receive groups of targets. First, you fight against 2 Z-95 headhunters, with wave size increasing by one. When you destroy the group of six, the next wave is a set of 12 Z-95 Headhunters. Destroying those launches a group of 12 X-Wings, with a replacement wave.