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At the battle of Yavin
Rebel terrorists, aided by
spies and traitors within the
Empire, struck a cowardly
blow at the new symbol of
Imperial power... The Death Star!

Darth Vader brought swift justice
to the Rebels by destroying their
main base on Hoth. The pitiful
remnants of the Alliance have
now scattered to the Outer Rim.

In the days ahead, the Emperor
will call upon the Imperial Navy
to eradicate the last vestiges
of rebellion and restore law
and order to the galaxy!

Battle Title Description System
One Aftermath of Hoth Pursue Rebels fleeing from Hoth. Hoth
Two The Sepan Civil War End a prolonged civil war. Sepan
Three Battle on the Frontier Establish a new Imperial base. Pakuuni
Four Conflict at Mylok IV Battle pirates in outer rim. Mylok
Five Battle for Honor Capture a defecting officer. Parmel
Six Arms Race Zaarin builds new technology. Parmic
Seven Treachery at Ottega Stop a revolt by rogue Imperials. Parmel