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File:KotORII Map Entertainment Promenade.png
Map of the entertainment promenade

Refugee Landing Pad[edit | edit source]

Approach the door behind you to return to the refugee landing pad, or open the door ahead of you to enter the entertainment promenade at the middle of its left side. A little alien stands in the corner just to your right:

Kaalah-Nah: Cred to spare? Give-bits-Kaalah-Nah can sell?
4. I'll be going now.


1. What could you possibly have to sell me?
Kaalah-Nah: Many things going on in sector, not seen by bigs, but sometimes bigs forget to see little things around them. Kaalah-Nah watch for you, tell you when she sees something - good price, too.
1. How do I know it's worth it?
Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah-Nah always sees something worth knowing - pay me, you see!
2. [Give 5 credits] Can you tell me about the area? 1. [Give 5 credits] Can you tell me something about the area? 2. [Give 5 credits] Then say it before I mount your skin on my ship.
Kaalah-Nah: No credits, no information.

Otherwise you give 5 credits every time you ask:

Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah-Nah once seeing many things, now much less things. Not allowed in pazaak den, not allowed in bar. Kaalah see more, have much to tell!
Credits Lost: 5
1. Why aren't you allowed in the bar? 3. You are wasting my time.
Kaalah-Nah: Because Kaalah see too much! Eyes too good! If customers no see Kaalah, then they talk freely. Customers no love having Kaalah... or anyone... knowing secrets. There is money when you are too stealthy to be seen. Especially in the cantina. Kaalah-Nah: Fine. But you might find it useful too.
Kaalah-Nah: Kalaah-Nah just small. Hide easy. When people no see you, people talk as if you not there. Say things they would not say with you there. Get it?
2. Pazaak den?
Kaalah-Nah: Place where players play pazaak.
1. I gathered that much, why aren't you allowed in the pazaak den? 2. Don't get cute with me, rodent, tell me why you were banned.
Kaalah-Nah: Because Kaalah see too many cards. Kaalah's eyes see all cards. They think I cheat! Kalaah no cheat!
3. I'm here to see the Exchange.
Kaalah-Nah: Please no giving Kaalah-Nah pain! Many sorries, Kaalah-Nah not know you be in big with Exchange.
3. Just get out of my way, you rodent.


1. What makes you say that? 2. Why would I be in with the Exchange?
Kaalah-Nah: You dress different than other humans, come here on ship, only bigs with Exchange have that much creds, yes?
1. I'm here to crush the Exchange, and that's all you need to know.
Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah think it easier to kill a kath hound than what you say, Exchange very, very big, bigger than whole planet.
2. The Exchange and I have business, and I'm looking to sign on. 1. I've killed planets before, and I can do it again.
Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah-Nah think maybe you not wait long. Cannot walk on smuggler moon without running into Exchange, then they get really mad, give much pain.
1. We'll see about that. 2. I couldn't care less. I'll be going now. 3. Just get out of my way.

If you speak again, her reaction changes after calling her a rodent, or telling her to get out of your way or that you're here to crush the Exchange:

Kaalah-Nah: Come back again, give-creds this time? Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah-Nah not ask - begging for no pain, please?
3. What can you tell me about this area? 3. Tell me about this area. Now.
1. I want to know where I stand with the Exchange. 1. Relax. I'm not here to harm you, I just wanted to know how I stand with the Exchange. 2. Tell me where I stand with the Exchange and I'll think about "no pain."

Her reponses depend on how much attention and favor you've gained or lost with the Exchange:

Attention Dialog
0 The Exchange not know about you.
1 Exchange know you on Nar Shaddaa. They don't care.
4 Exchange watching you all the time.
7 Exchange very interested in you. Talk about you all the time.

Dialog now ends if you have a net gain of 4 or more favor with the Exchange. Otherwise:

Favor Dialog
+2 You help Exchange, they help you. Always way with Exchange.
0 Nar Shaddaa big place, make even big bounty hunter small ship in big hangar. Exchange has not made up mind on you.
-2 You make Exchange angry. They no like you in their affairs.
-4 Exchange want your head, Human. And with body or not, Exchange not care at this point.
Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah-Nah can change this if you like, but it cost you. Kaalah-Nah: Something else?
3. No thanks.

Otherwise, giving her 2000 credits increases the attention of the Exchange, and increases or decreases their favor, by 3:

1. [Give 2000 credits] Put in a good word for me. 2. [Give 2000 credits] Make sure they know I don't like them.
Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah will help. Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah will help you. Kaalah-Nah: You not have enough. Come back when do.
Credits Lost: 2000

Pazaak Den[edit | edit source]

A Gran and his two Trandoshan thugs stand in the corner just to your left after opening the door to the Entertainment Promenade:

Psst! Space off.
Twik'gar: Are you going into the pazaak den?
3. You should learn to keep to your own affairs.


1. Yes, can I help you with something? 2. And if I am?
Twik'gar: There is a player inside by the name of Geredi. We need him to come out here so we can talk to him.
3. I don't have time for this.


2. Why don't you just go in and see him?
Twik'gar: The management won't let us in.
1. Can I pass along a message for you?
Twik'gar: No, we would prefer to tell him the news in person. It is better this way.
1. I'll see what I can do. 2. That sounds like it might be worth some compensation.
Twik'gar: Let's just say you would be doing me a favor.

If you speak again:

Twik'gar: What happened? Why isn't Geredi with you?
3. Why do you want to talk to him?
Twik'gar: That is a personal matter.
1. I couldn't get him to come out. 2. What did you want me to do again? 4. I'm not doing your dirty work for you.
Twik'gar: Try harder. 5. Never mind. Twik'gar: Then we will find some other way. He has to come out sometime. Thank you for nothing.

There's a door labeled Pazaak Den at the top end of the hallway to your left, in its right wall.

Password[edit | edit source]

As you approach the door, the Gran guard to its left speaks:

Door Guard: Password?
5. I'll be leaving now.


2. Are you speaking to me?
Door Guard: Only if you want to get in.
4. What is this place? 1. Get in where?
Door Guard: This is a pazaak den. Open only to those who know the password. You obviously don't. Dust off.


Low (Affect Mind) 3. [Force Persuade] I can go in.
Door Guard: [Failure] Only if you know the password.
1. Password?
Door Guard: Password.
1. What if I don't know the password?
Door Guard: Then you can't get in.


2. I do not need a password.
Door Guard: Everyone needs to know the password if they want to get in.
1. Do you know the password?
Door Guard: Of course I do.
1. Then what is it? 2. Give it to me.
Door Guard: I'm not laughing.
1. I am. 2. Neither am I.
Door Guard: Then laugh. Just do it out here. Door Guard: Then you can stand out here not laughing.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den Password
Apparently you need a password to gain entry to the pazaak den on Nar Shaddaa.

The pazaak den is impossible to unlock. However, now when you ask Kaalah-Nah about this area she must know the password, which she gives you for 5 credits:

1. Then you must know the password to the pazaak den.
Kaalah-Nah: Kaalah know password. You want?
1. [Give 5 credits] Yes, I want. 2. You will give it to me.
Kaalah-Nah: Yes. Password is "Holdout". Credits Lost: 5
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den Password
You have discovered the password to the pazaak den. You can probably get in now.

You can now give the guard the password, although this isn't necessary if you can dominate minds:

1. The password is "holdout". High (Dominate Mind) 3. [Force Persuade] I can go in.
Door Guard: You can enter. Door Guard: [Success] You can go in.

The Restored Content Mod adds this line after successfully using the Force if Kreia is in your party:

Kreia: Do not use the Force as a crutch - you have survived long without it, do not use it to weaken you.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den Password
You have gained entry to the pazaak den. You are free to come and go as you please.
You can go in. Keep quiet about this place.

You can now go through the two doors into the pazaak den, where two Quarren patrons sit at the table to your left by the entrance, a Weequays and a Gran patron sit at the bottom table opposite, and a male and female gambler wander:

Who let the likes of you in here? Smooth-skins shouldn't walk free... Space off.
I swear half of these players must have skifters up their sleeves. I swear. Half of these players must have skifters up their sleeves.
These tables are going to bleed me dry.
I'm almost afraid to win, with the Exchange watching the tables.
Feels like years since I got pazaak.

After completing Nar Shaddaa:

Been a lot less wins in here lately.
That crazy pazaak droid shut down not long ago, no one knows why.

S4-C8[edit | edit source]

There's an untended bar at the bottom end of the pazaak den on its left side, and a droid stands between the window and the table on its right side:

S4-C8: Oh! Hello! You have caught me at a rare time. Usually there are many players who seek to play, but you are fortunate to have caught me at a moment of quiet.
3. If you're ready to play pazaak, so am I. 4. Never mind. I'll be going now.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: S4-C8
A droid designated S4-C8 has offered to play pazaak with you. She seems to be a major personality at the pazaak den.


1. Why so many players? 2. What are you talking about?
S4-C8: I fear it is because I am simply not a skilled pazaak player. I am afraid protocol droid skills and language interpretation are not something that lend themselves to pazaak and probability.
1. So why do you play? 2. Why do you waste your time then?
S4-C8: Why, I cannot help myself - in fact, every time I seek to find the answer to that question, I am consumed with the need to come here and play pazaak. I am concerned that the problem may lie with my memory core - without routine memory wipes, you know, such degradation is known to occur, leading to instabilities.
T3-M4: Dee-reet, deet-deet. Dee-reveet.
S4-C8: Yes, well, I am somewhat embarrassed by the whole thing, but thank you for the support. I find it difficult to share such inadequacies in front of other droids.
S4-C8: I fear my obsession with pazaak is one such corruption.
Intelligence 1. [Intelligence (15)] Wait... you said come here and play pazaak. Why here?
S4-C8: Why, I do not k- would you like to play pazaak?
1. Uh, maybe in a moment. Why would you want to come here specifically?
S4-C8: Like I was saying, I do not k- would you like to play pazaak?

Otherwise, if you have any Repair skill, or Bao-Dur or T3-M4 are in your party:

Repair 2. [Repair (1)] Would you mind if I took a look? Maybe it can be fixed. Repair 3. [Computer (1)] I could take a look at your programming. 4. My friend here can take a look at it.
S4-C8: I am not sure I wish it fixed. I do find some degree of satisfaction in playing. Would you like to play?
Atton: Yeah, maybe if the droid's not very good, there's some credits to be made here.
S4-C8: Oh, most certainly, sir. I am not a good player. Quite the mark, as it were.

If you have any Repair skill:

Repair 1. [Repair (1)] If you are damaged, it might be good to stop the damage before it gets worse.
S4-C8: Why, you are quite correct. If you are indeed skilled, then I would not mind a quick look.
1. [Repair] Let's open you up and take a look.
Repair S4-C8: [Success (11)] [You find the malfunction and correct the problem.] S4-C8: [Failure] [You fail to find anything wrong with the droid.]

If you have any Computer Use skill:

Computer Use 2. [Computer (1)] There is obviously a problem in your programming. You should have it fixed before the damage spreads to other areas.
S4-C8: I suppose you're right. I wouldn't want the problem to spread to my many other functions.
1. Just let me access your central processing core...
Computer Use S4-C8: [Success (11)] [You find the faulty programs and delete them from the droid's memory.] S4-C8: [Failure] [You cannot find any programs that do not belong there.]
T3-M4: Dee-reet? Deet?
1. Would you like to take a look?

Otherwise, or if any repair or computer use fails, with Bao-Dur or T3-M4 in your party:

4. No, really, it's no trouble. You don't mind, do you?
Bao-Dur: I used to work on droids like this in the war. Let me take a look. Here's the problem... it's just a matter of changing out this and reconnecting this... T3-M4: Deet deet.
T3-M4: Deet.
S4-C8: Oh! That feels much better. I cannot believe I went on and on about such a foolish game. Thank you, truly, thank you.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: S4-C8
You have managed to reduce the number of players in the pazaak den and get some more notice.
Thank you for repairing me. I feel ever so much better now.

This loses the favor and gains the attention of the Exchange. Otherwise, if you have some Awareness or S4-C8 has just been repaired:

Awareness 3. [Awareness (15)] [Check the droid for oddities.] Awareness 3. [Awareness (6)] [Check the droid for oddities.]
S4-C8: [You notice that there is an unusual looking module attached under the droid's left arm. ] S4-C8: [You notice nothing out of the ordinary.]
3. [Leave the module alone.]

Otherwise you can try hooking the module up to your datapad, or attempt to open the module's casing:

1. [Computer] [Hook the module up to your datapad.]
Computer Use S4-C8: [Success (16)] [You have successfully interfaced with the module.] S4-C8: [Failure] [You cannot gain access to the module's system.]
S4-C8: [According to the memory core, the module was set to send burst transmissions at a set interval. The signal was omni-directional and therefore the receiver remains anonymous.] S4-C8: *MODULE SAFEGUARD ENGAGED. ERASING ALL DATA AND BACKUPS*
T3-M4: Deet-dreet, deeeeet.
1. A rogue signal? What are talking about?
T3-M4: Dreeet. Deet-dreeep.
1. So it was transmitting a signal when I took it off the droid. Can't you trace where the signal was being sent?
T3-M4: Dwooo.
2. [Repair] [Attempt to open the module's casing.]
Repair S4-C8: [Success (16)] [You have opened the casing without damaging any of the components inside.] S4-C8: [Failure] [You pry the casing open, however you use too much force and the components inside come loose and scatter at your feet.]
S4-C8: [Inside the casing, there is a data-recorder and a high-powered burst-transmitter. This is obviously a passive information gathering device.] Bao-Dur: Nice. It looks like this was a high-powered transmitter of some kind. The only reason for something like this is to transfer large quantities of data to a third-party.

Dahnis[edit | edit source]

A Twi'lek female stands by the window behind the top table in the lower of the two partitioned areas at the top of the pazaak den:

Dahnis: Hello. Looks like Nar Shaddaa finally coughed up someone worth my time. Dahnis: What do you want?
2. I've never had a worm-head come on to me before. 4. I'll be going now.


3. Do you have any extra cards I could buy?
Buy Item Cost Amount Buy Item Cost Amount
Pazaak Card Flip 3&6 175 1 Pazaak Card -3 25 1
Pazaak Card +/-2 150 1 Pazaak Card -4 25 1
Pazaak Card -1 100 1 Pazaak Card -6 5 1
Pazaak Card +/-5 75 1 Pazaak Card +6 5 1
Pazaak Card +3 50 1


Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: Dahnis
An aggressive Twi'lek named Dahnis has offered to play pazaak with you. She seems to be a major personality at the pazaak den.


1. Hello yourself, gorgeous. Dahnis: What can I do for you, handsome?
3. I just want to play some pazaak. 1. A little game of pazaak would be wonderful.
Dahnis: Oh, I don't know if I can compete against one so skilled in the ways of winning.

If your male character cools her off instead or you're female, but Atton, the Disciple or Bao-Dur are in your party:

2. A few answers to a few questions. 2. You can cool your engines long enough for us to play a game of pazaak.
Atton: I think maybe you should let me... handle... this one. Dahnis: I see. Well I only have time for pazaak... and he looks like a perfect partner.
Dahnis: I'd be happy to play a game... with him. Dahnis: I'd love to play a game... with him.
1. Him?
Disciple: Me? Bao-Dur: Me?
Dahnis: That was... magnificent. Thank you for such a stimulating game.

So if she plays any male character, you don't actually have to play and beat her. Otherwise, you do:

Dahnis: Are you ready? Dahnis: I only have time for pazaak.
1. Let's play.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: Dahnis
You have managed to gain Dahnis' respect and gain some recognition at the pazaak den.

Geredi[edit | edit source]

A Duros stands by the window behind the table in the upper of the two partitioned areas at the top of the pazaak den:

Geredi: Searching for a game, hu-man, hmmmn? Must be willing to lose if you play, no time for great human upsets and accusations, very troubling, very upsetting.
1. I had some questions about the other players.
Geredi: I have time for pazaak, hu-man, no time for anything else. If too difficult for you to understand, maybe hu-man step away, make room for another loser, yes?
2. Fine. Let's play. 3. Maybe some other time.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: Geredi
A brutally efficient player named Geredi has offered to play pazaak with you. He seems to be a major personality at the pazaak den.

You can remove Geredi as an obstacle by beating him or, once you've spoken to Twik'gar outside about him:

2. You've got some friends waiting out front.
Geredi: Friends? What are you talking about?
Persuade 1. [Persuade/Lie (11)] There was a female Twi'lek asking for Geredi. She was very attractive.
Geredi: [Failure] I don't know any Twi'leks. And I don't trust people whom I've just met for the first time. Space off.


Geredi: [Success] Really?! It must be Marlo. I knew she would come around one of these days. Right outside you said? Low (Affect Mind) 2. [Force Persuade] You should go outside.
Geredi: [Success] I should go outside.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1

Geredi walks outside and gets surrounded by Twik'gar and his thugs:

Twik'gar: Geredi, my favorite Duros. How are the cards treating you?
Geredi: Twik'gar? I-I was just coming to see you. I have your credits.
Twik'gar: It is too late for credits, Geredi...


3. Some thugs looking to rough you up by the look of things.
Geredi: Twik. That stankweed-eating chubba-face! I will not pay them no matter how long they harass me. I can stay in here all day if it takes.
1. Then perhaps I should take you out to meet them.
Geredi: What? No! They will throw me down the nearest garbage hatch!
1. Maybe you deserve it. 2. I don't remember saying anything about caring.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Geredi: No! I'll do anything for you! Just tell me what to do!
2. How many credits do you have on you?
Geredi: Credits? You want credits? If I had credits I wouldn't be hiding in here, now would I?
1. Let's say that you suddenly have a long stretch of bad luck when it comes to pazaak. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Geredi: Yes! I am already feeling my game slip away! Let us play some pazaak!
Geredi: Yes, see? You have beaten me fair and square!
I am finished with you, hu-man.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: Geredi
You have managed to remove Geredi as an obstacle and gain some recognition at the pazaak den.

Champ[edit | edit source]

After defeating S4-C8, Dahnis and Geredi, the next time you approach the door a little alien like Kaalah-Nah walks in, and then up to you:

Dahnis: Ooo, he's so handsome. I'd love to play him all day.
Champ: You are big stuff, no?
3. Compared to you, my boot is big stuff.
Champ: Not "tall" stuff. "Big" stuff. Big pazaak player.
1. I have won a few matches, yes. 2. Who are you?
Champ: I am the Champ. I win pazaak. All the time I win. You play me? Come talk to me.

If you talk to him:

Champ: Hello big stuff. You play pazaak now?
1. Let's play. 3. I don't think so.
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: The Champ
You have managed to defeat the top ranked players in the pazaak den and succeeded in drawing The Champ out of retirement.
2. Who are you again?
Champ: Am pazaak champ. I win. I win every time.
4. Never mind.
1. [Force Persuade] Except this time.
Low (Affect Mind) Champ: [Failure] What? No. This time I win. I win every time. High (Dominate Mind) Champ: [Success] Except this time. This time I lose.

The Restored Content Mod adds this line after successfully using the Force if Atton is in your party:

Atton: Just like a Jedi.


2. So if you win every time. Why do you play? 3. You can't win every time.
Champ: I play because I am the Champ. I win. Champ: Yes. The Champ always wins. Every time.
1. But what fun is playing if you know you are going to win? 2. Perhaps it is time you stopped having fun.
Champ: Fun? Fun is win.
1. Every time, though? 2. Exactly.
Champ: Every time. Champ: You want the Champ to stop having fun? Stop wins?
1. Really? 2. Every time? 1. Yes. 2. You have such a big brain for such a little body.
Champ: Well. Not every time. Champ: Why should the Champ lose?

If Persuade rank > 1:

Persuade 1. [Persuade (10)] If you aren't having fun winning, maybe you should lose a game. Persuade 1. [Persuade (6)] Because the Champ likes to live more than he likes to win.
Champ: [Failure] Why lose when I can win? Win more fun. Champ: [Failure] Tall threats from tall people do not scare the Champ!


Champ: [Success] Yes. I will lose one. Then I will win. Win will be more fun. Champ: [Success] Champ understand. Champ is champ no more.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Champ: No more! Champ lose no more! Here, take this Golden Card and don't come back.
Convinced the "champ" to lose the game without playing
Journal Entry Added Pazaak Den: The Champ
You have defeated The Champ and gotten a golden card!
Item(s) Received The Champ No more! Champ lose no more!

This gains the attention of the Exchange.

Cantina[edit | edit source]

From the entrance to the entertainment promenade, there's a door labeled Cantina at the bottom of the hallway to your right, in its right wall: beyond it is another door into the cantina, where a Weequays patron sits at a table opposite the entrance, two Duros sit at the next table to your right with a Duros thug who stands and then falls in the corner behind them, and a Gran and a Trandoshan patron sit at a table by the entrance, also to your right:

Smooth-skins shouldn't walk free...
Keep walking.
You looking for trouble?
Exchange has more eyes than a horde of Grans.
Refugees keep breeding down in the lower sectors.
Enh? What... you... what you... nnnrrrrhhhhh! Zzzzsnore... hnnhguh... zzzszznn...
Space off. Humansss... taste like Gizka.

Vogga the Hutt[edit | edit source]

There are two partitioned areas at the bottom end of the cantina. A Quarren patron sits alone at a table in the bottom area:

Who let the likes of you in here?

There are two tables in the top area, with two Trandoshans, Vogga thugs, standing behind the top table:

Vogga Thug: Shhh - someone approaches. Too many ears.
Vogga Thug: Eh? No room at table, human, get away.
Vogga Thug: Private conversation, human. Not for your ears.

They only speak when they think they're alone, so you or one of your party need to turn on Stealth mode before approaching again:

Vogga Thug: Vogga the Hutt make big trouble for all us.
Vogga Thug: It is Exchange Boss Goto who make the big trouble for Vogga, who get mad, then make the big trouble for all us. Long chain.
Vogga Thug: Vogga not even see visitors now.
Vogga Thug: Not unless they come to talk to him about Goto, he not let them in. It all he sees, thought of Goto consume Vogga like big gundark.
Vogga Thug: Vogga be big meal, even for gundark. Maybe whole gundark nest.
Journal Entry Added Vogga the Hutt
You overheard two thugs talking about Vogga the Hutt and the crimeboss Goto, and it sounds like Vogga's got problems with Goto. Mentioning Goto might be a way for you to meet with Vogga, if the Hutt's obsessed with him.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 100 Overheard two thugs talking about Vogga the Hutt and crime boss Goto

Vogga's Dancers[edit | edit source]

There's a bartender standing behind a bar in the top left corner of the cantina:

Bartender: So, you have the look of a seasoned spacer about you. What backwash you looking for?
2. Nothing today. I'll be going now.


1. Know anything interesting about the area?
Bartender: Well, honestly there's not much for people like you and I to do around here, if you, uh, catch my meaning.
3. Your subtlety reminds me of a rancor I once knew.
Bartender: So does your wit. Now buy a drink or get out.


1. How do you mean? 2. I think I understand. What can you tell me, then?
Bartender: Well our kind isn't exactly the majority on this planet.
Bartender: Well, there is plenty for them to do. The pazaak den, swoop races, the Jekk'Jekk Tarr... they're pretty much taken care of.
1. Pazaak den?
Bartender: Yeah, the pazaak den is a glorified social club for hard-line pazaak players. It's exclusive, though, with a guard at the door and a password needed to simply get in. Don't know why you'd want to get in that place. Bunch of Firaxa Sharks will strip you clean of your credits. Especially The Champ.
1. The Champ? 2. How clever.
Bartender: You can make fun of him all you want, just so long as you don't play him.
Bartender: He only shows up to play people he deems worthy enough. You'd just have to beat about everyone in that place before he'd even think of coming out of hiding.
2. Swoop races?
Bartender: Bah! Don't bother with Lupo's racing gallery. The track's deadly and the betting's awful. Borna Lys keeps threatening to take the place over and run it right, but I don't see how she could.
3. Jekk'Jekk Tarr?
Bartender: Now there's a place that's literally deadly for our kind. Jekk'Jekk Tarr is a bar filled with cyanogen gas. It's poisonous to you and I but the aliens "drink" it up and pay good money to do so. The cyanogen gas also acts as a social buffer since the people who typically frequent Jekk'Jekk Tarr aren't interested in speaking to the likes of you and I in the first place.
4. I'll be going now.

Once you've overheard the two thieves in the flophouse on the docks plotting to steal Vogga's Hoard from his chambers:

1. Actually, I'm looking for enough juma juice to make some kath hounds take a nap.
Bartender: That so? Well, you're in luck - I got plenty of it. Cost you a hundred credits for a flask big enough for what you need, no more.
4. Don't have that much on me right now. I'll be back. 5. Never mind. Maybe another time.
Bartender: All right, then. I'm not going anywhere.
Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] I'm not paying you anything. Just give me the juice. Now.
Bartender: [Success] You know, you're not paying me anything. I'll just give you the juice - now.

You'll also pay nothing if you successfully threaten him, or he'll halve the price if you can persuade him:

Persuade 2. [Persuade (8)] A man who makes that kind of offer is asking to die. Persuade 3. [Persuade (8)] A hundred credits is a lot for a flask. How about another offer?
Bartender: [Failure] Well, you aren't just paying for the drink and the flask - you're paying for me to keep my mouth shut about why you need it. Understand?


Bartender: Heh. You're not much of a haggler, are you? Yeah, all right, take the juice. But I don't take kindly to being threatened in my own place. Bartender: [Success] All right - guess you weren't as desperate as I thought. Fifty credits, no more.
4. Fair enough. Here's the credits. 2. That's more like it. Here's the credits.
Bartender: Here's the flask. Aged to perfection - should be just what you need.
Credits Lost: 100 Credits Lost: 50
Item(s) Received Bartender
  • Juma Juice Canister
This is a large flask of juma juice, aged to perfection. It should be more than enough to put some kath hounds to sleep if they ingest it.

A dancer and two Twi'lek dancers dance for a Twi'lek domo in the top right of the cantina. If you approach them:

Twi'lek Domo: No no no, that won't do at all! Where did you learn to dance, girl? Do you realize the insult your stumbling would be to Vogga? Get out of here, I have no use for an uncoordinated dancer with the appeal of a drunk rancor. I've seen enough for today. All of you can go. What are you waiting for? Go!
1. What's going on here? 2. She didn't look so bad.
Twi'lek Domo: My Master, Vogga the Hutt, is searching for new entertainment. He grew tired of his previous girls, and asked that I should find him the best dancer on the Smuggler's Moon to perform for him. But, as you can see, I do not think the "best" of the Smuggler's Moon would do much for one with as refined tastes as the great Vogga. Twi'lek Domo: Indeed, she looked much worse! Never have I been subjected to a dance as that one. Disgraceful for a Twi'lek to dance like that.
Twi'lek Domo: Vogga will be furious if I cannot find new entertainment for him. His last dancer was a relation of mine, and thus he placed much of his displeasure upon my shoulders.
Twi'lek Domo: But perhaps my luck is changing, look at what fate has brought me!
Twi'lek Domo: You might be to Vogga's liking - a skilled dancer or no.
Twi'lek Domo: I would be willing to give you a chance to learn to dance in a way that Vogga would find most pleasing.
Twi'lek Domo: Hm... A Miraluka? I do not believe one has ever graced Vogga's ch-
Visas: No.
Twi'lek Domo: You yourself are quite a specimen. Perhaps you would like to find work as one of Vogga's dancers?
Twi'lek Domo: Perhaps we can work out an arrangement of some sort. Twi'lek Domo: Perhaps you could find a promising female, and we could make an arrangement.
3. Tell me about Vogga.
Twi'lek Domo: Vogga is one of the most influential Hutts on Nar Shaddaa. He controls much of the fuel shipping out of Sleheyron in addition to the trade of countless other resources. And, as you might have gathered, he has quite an appetite for the finer things in life - food, drink, dance - which is why I am here today, and why I could use your help.
4. I don't think so.
Journal Entry Added Vogga's Dancers
The Twi'lek domo in the cantina in the Sector Hub mentioned that his master, Vogga the Hutt, is searching for a new dancer. He said that there would be a fee paid if you could find a woman that met his standards.
Twi'lek Domo: You have returned. Have you decided to help me?
3. No - I'll be going now.


2. What's in it for me?
Twi'lek Domo: You will be paid, of course. Vogga pays handsomely for his entertainments, and this would be no exception. You would receive a bonus, also, for the help you would be giving me.
1. What sort of arrangement? 1. What would you need of me?
Twi'lek Domo: Quite simple. All you would have to do is bring a willing female that would meet Vogga's standards to me. If she could dance well enough, then I would take her to dance for Vogga, and you would be paid in return.
4. I'll see what I can do.

Otherwise, or upon returning, a female character can suggest herself, and any character can suggest up to two other females present in your party:

Twi'lek Domo: Ah, you've returned. Perhaps you've brought me someone for Vogga? Or have you decided to dance yourself? Twi'lek Domo: Ah, you've returned. Have you brought me someone to dance for Vogga's entertainment?
1. What about me? 1. If you think I will be to Vogga's liking, I will dance for him.

If you're obviously dark side (Alignment 30 or less):

Twi'lek Domo: Er... I think that, perhaps, you might be a bit too imposing for Vogga's tastes. I mean it as no slight to you - only that Vogga's tastes can be extremely picky at times. It is not enough that I find you attractive, it is ultimately Vogga's credits.
3. Perhaps someone else could fit your needs then.
Twi'lek Domo: If you could find someone else that would suit Vogga's tastes, that would be acceptable.

He needs persuading, with skill or the Force:

Persuade 2. [Persuade (11)] What do you know? I think Vogga would find me to his liking.
Twi'lek Domo: [Success] I find it unlikely, but perhaps there's something to what you say. All right, I will let you dance for Vogga, if you wish. Twi'lek Domo: [Failure] No, I am fairly certain on this matter. I'm sorry, but you will have to find another.


Twi'lek Domo: Of course, if you're willing to do it, that would work.
2. Actually, I'd like someone else to do it. 3. I have some preparations to make first.
Twi'lek Domo: Very well then.


Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] You will let me dance for Vogga. 1. I'll do it.
Twi'lek Domo: [Success] But perhaps Vogga will appreciate the variety. Yes, you will dance for Vogga. I'll just need you to put this on and dance for a moment so I can make sure you'll be pleasing to him. Twi'lek Domo: Excellent, I'll just need you to put this on and dance a little, nothing fancy. I just need to make sure you'll pass.
1. Wait - did you say put something on?
Twi'lek Domo: Er, just an outfit. Very simple, something that all Vogga's dancers wear.

Either of the following results in you dancing:

2. All right, if I have to. 1. I'd be happy to wear it.
Twi'lek Domo: Let's see how you look.
Twi'lek Domo: Perfect - Vogga will be very pleased.
2. What about Mira? Would she be good enough?
Twi'lek Domo: Mira? Ah, so that is her name. Absolutely - this vision of beauty before me would be more than acceptable for my Master.
Mira: Wait one second! I refuse to participate in this. I'm not dancing for some slobbering, overgrown slug.
1. Look, Mira, I really need you to do this. 2. You're the only one who can do this, Mira.
Mira: You need me to do this? Why don't you do it? Mira: You need me to do this? Can't we find another way?
3. All right, I'll try to find another way.

Any of the following results in Mira dancing:

1. You're the beautiful one, Mira. I need you to do this. 2. I couldn't possibly impress Vogga enough. 3. You're right, I guess you probably wouldn't be Vogga's type...
Mira: Well, all right... I guess I'll do it. Mira: Oh so it's going to be like that? Fine! I will do it. I'm not going to step down from a challenge like that.
Twi'lek Domo: Oh, this is wonderful news. Vogga will be most pleased to see you.
Mira: I don't know why I do these things for you, honestly. Vogga had better watch himself though, or he'll be the biggest lump of dead slug on Nar Shaddaa.
Twi'lek Domo: Yes yes, of course. Let me just get you to put this on and dance a little, so I can be sure.
Mira: Now what?
Twi'lek Domo: Please, it's just an outfit. Very simple, something that all Vogga's dancers wear.
Mira: All right, just give it to me and let's get this over with.
3. What about the Handmaiden?
Twi'lek Domo: Hmm... Yes, I think that Vogga would find her pleasing. But can she dance?
Handmaiden: I have not trained in the dance, but the Echani fighting arts are very dance-like in their movements. I do not think it would be a stretch for me to do this.
Twi'lek Domo: I would have to see you attempt a dance to be sure, but otherwise, I believe Vogga would be pleased with you.
1. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. 2. You're willing to do this?
Handmaiden: If you are sure. Really, though, I would be more than happy to do it. Handmaiden: If you want me to, yes I will do this for you. I would have no problem with it - truly, it is not much more than the fighting I am used to.
3. I don't want to have you do this.
Handmaiden: If that is your decision, however, if you need it of me, I will do it.

Either of the following results in the Handmaiden dancing:

1. In that case, thank you. 2. All right then, you will dance for Vogga.
Twi'lek Domo: Excellent! I am glad we have reached an agreement. Now, if you'll just put this on and dance for me - just a bit.
Handmaiden: "Put this on?"
Twi'lek Domo: Yes, the outfit Vogga's dancers usually wear. It is required attire.
Handmaiden: In that case, give it to me and I will prepare myself.
Twi'lek Domo: Very good. Here you are, and let's see how you look.
3. What about Kreia?
Twi'lek Domo: I don't mean any offense to you, but Vogga tends to favor younger dancers.
Kreia: None taken.
3. What about Visas?
Visas: Do not volunteer me so easily. There are certain favors that I would not perform, even for you - and especially not for a Hutt. Find another way.
1. Well, if you could find someone else that would suit Vogga's tastes, that would be acceptable.
Visas: Yes, that will be fine.

Kreia won't meet Vogga's standards, and Visas won't perform. Once another female character (you, Mira or the Handmaiden) has agreed to dance for Vogga, you travel with the Twi'lek domo to Vogga's enclave in the top left corner of the docks, where one of you will dance until Vogga sleeps:

Twi'lek Domo: Follow me. I will escort you to see Vogga. Do not be nervous, or he will not be pleased.
Twi'lek Domo: Master, I have found for you an exquisite girl. Her skill and beauty will surely prove to be pleasing to your Eminence.
Vogga: Send her in. I would much rather see her dance than listen to your tired recitations.
Twi'lek Domo: I apologize. My master frequently becomes drowsy watching dancers. Your services are complete, allow me to pay you for your performance. I am sure my master would ask me to convey his compliments. Now, if you will excuse me, I must attend to other business.
Journal Entry Added Vogga's Dancers
You danced for Vogga the Hutt. As additional payment, you were given your dancer's outfit as a gift.
Journal Entry Added Vogga's Dancers
Mira danced for Vogga the Hutt. As additional payment, she was given her dancer's outfit as a gift.
Journal Entry Added Vogga's Dancers
The Handmaiden danced for Vogga the Hutt. As additional payment, she was given her dancer's outfit as a gift.
Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen
Danced for Vogga
Credits Received: 300
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Danced for Vogga the Hutt
Item(s) Received Twi'lek Domo

You now have a chance to get Vogga's hoard.