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File:KotORII Map Jekk'Jekk Tarr Tunnels.png
Map of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr tunnels

Jekk'Jekk Tarr[edit | edit source]

Hanharr: This is your stronghold. It is well-hidden.
Visquis: Yes, and impossible to enter if I do not wish it. So I chose my visitors carefully - and my victims. We may talk freely here, as we did in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. It is my home, stocked with my soldiers, far from Goto's eyes.
Hanharr: You trust this clan of Ubese to walk among you. Even through their environmental suits, they smell of hate, barely controlled.
Visquis: They obey my orders, as do you. They are well-trained, know discipline, and despise Jedi. All that unpleasantness with the Republic bombing their world into a radioactive ball, you know, and the Jedi never moving to intercede. Such a tragedy... and from such tragedies, weapons and tools are forged.
Hanharr: You trust in their hate, not their skill. They cannot be controlled. The Jeedai will murder them.
Visquis: Curious - you sound almost hopeful, Hanharr. Or is it concern I detect? Regardless, you presume too much. This clan has dedicated themselves to revenge against all Jedi - their will is focused on training to hunt - and kill them.
Hanharr Mira
Hanharr: The Jeedai will kill them all. Slowly. Hanharr: The Jeedai will kill them all. It will be quick, I think.
Hanharr: These Ubese know battle - but they do not know war, as the Jeedai does.
Visquis: We shall see. But come, Hanharr, I have a gift for you. As a show of good faith. It will give us something to divert our time as we wait for the Jedi.

Vents[edit | edit source]

[There is the buzz of static from your map screen - it looks as if the interference in the tunnels is scrambling the map.]

The door to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr is behind you:

This door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened.

Just like the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, in the vent tunnels you'll be regularly afflicted by Poison, Average Weakness and Damage, inflicting -1 attributes and 4 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds unless a Fortitude save is made against DC 25. Using Breath Control or having permanent Immunity: Poison (or Fortitude 24 or more) should protect you.

The tunnels are divided into square compartments, linked to all neighbouring compartments by doors that close behind you, increasing the confusion caused by lack of a map. Many compartments are mined, and two contain corpses:

Suyin's Corpse
Average Frag Mine (2)
Average Frag Mine Average Frag Mine
High Security Door Average Gas Mine Average Frag Mine (2) Average Frag Mine
Average Frag Mine Average Frag Mine
Feraa's Corpse
Average Frag Mine (2)
Average Frag Mine Jekk'Jekk Tarr

Without a map, it's best to pick a direction and stick to it until you find the high security door. However, the most straightforward route is to go through the door opposite the entrance from the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, then turn left and go straight ahead through the doors until you see the high security door. For a comprehensive sweep, it's best to go straight ahead and clear column by column, right to left.

Awareness Average Frag Mine (12) Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Average Gas Mine Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Item(s) Received Feraa's Corpse This may be my last entry... I tried to navigate the vents beneath the docks to meet up with Suyin, but the map's showing static and I can't get a fix on my position. The vent doors keep sealing behind me, the gas mask's running out of air, and there's only a few charges left in my plasma torch. I'm not going to last much longer if I don't find an exit port.
Item(s) Received Suyin's Corpse First the map goes static, then I hit a frag charge, tearing my leg to hell. Who placed charges down here? Feraa must have set me up... or somebody else is protecting something down here. If I could still walk, I could gather the frag mines, use their beacons to leave a trail out, but there's not much chance of that. Looks like Vogga isn't going to get his spice after all... they'll break down into their chemical components in an hour in these fumes.

Combat Pit[edit | edit source]

Hanharr: We are wasting time. We must prepare for the Jeedai.
Visquis: Be patient, Hanharr. The gas in the tunnels will take care of the Jedi for us. Besides, one who does not know the tunnels has no chance of finding the exit.
Hanharr: The Jeedai will find her way. She has endured worse. Hanharr: The Jeedai will find his way. He has endured worse.
Visquis: You think much of the Jeedai's chances. Even should the Jedi reach the exit, the door will not open - either back to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, or here into my stronghold. It would have to be opened from the inside, and even if it was, then my guards would do what the gas could not. But enough - as I said, I have a gift for you.
Visquis: Ah, Mira. I am pleased that my traps did not cause any permanent scarring.
Visquis: It turns out the Jedi you decided to ambush has decided to come here anyway, no doubt to put an end to you. You know how base and vengeful humans can be. It would be amusing if the Jedi were to catch you. But I have other plans for you. The Jedi's attack has ruined certain... amusements I had planned. You must make those up to me, I think. Visquis: It turns out your Jedi friend has decided to come here anyway, in search of you. How touching. It will not be long before the Jedi lies unconscious in the tunnels, and I will send the Ubese to hunt it down.
Visquis: But in the meantime, as boss of this sector, I must pronounce judgments on those who have crossed me - and reward those who serve me. Mira, I believe that you know this one - as he knows you. Hanharr, I have heard tales of how you have ripped humans in half. Indulge me. I have left her armed - I do not want her to die too quickly.
Hanharr: Here, we are far from the eyes of other bounty hunters. Now, my debt will be ended.
Mira: That does it, Hanharr. I don't want to kill you, but I will if you don't get out of my way.
Hanharr: Your threats mean nothing to me. You do not have the strength to kill, little girl.

If Hanharr was the bounty hunter who first approached you back in the Docks:

Hanharr: I must kill you quickly - and open the doors of this stronghold for the Jeedai before she dies beneath the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Hanharr: I must kill you quickly - and open the doors of this stronghold for the Jeedai before he dies beneath the Jekk'Jekk Tarr.
1. [Hanharr has become your temporary character. Kill Mira, then escape the arena and let the Jedi into Visquis' stronghold.]
1. [Hanharr, in addition to his great strength, also has Wookiee Toughness and can Rage, increasing his strength further.]
Mira (main character level 15)
Set 3
Level 11
Class Scout
Alignment 55 (neutral)
Awareness 6
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 14 +2
Wisdom 11 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 92
Force -
Defense 31
Fortitude 18
Reflex 20
Will 17
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 21 -
Energy 3-17-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 16 -
Slashing 4-24-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket Damage Resistance vs. Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing5/- Wrist Launcher + Vibroblade Blaster Pistol

Uncanny Dodge I Armor Proficiency: Light Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Dueling Close Combat Targeting II Precise Shot I Rapid Shot Sniper Shot13 Critical Strike11


If Mira was the bounty hunter who first approached you back in the Docks:

Hanharr: There is no one coming to save you. Your Jeedai friend is trapped in the tunnels of this place... and soon, dead. If you want your bounty, then go rescue your Jeedai - but first, you must go through *me.*
1. [Mira has become your temporary character. Defeat Hanharr, then escape the arena and let the Jedi into Visquis' stronghold.]
1. [Mira comes equipped with a rocket launcher, which can fire grenades, darts, and rockets. She also does not trigger mines.]
Hanharr (main character level 15)
Set 2
Level 11
Class Scout
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 7
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 6 -2
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 158
Force -
Defense 18
Fortitude 20
Reflex 13
Will 16
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 14 8
Piercing 3-13,+52-12,+5
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Ryyk Blade(2)

Uncanny Dodge I Wookiee Toughness I Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Power Attack13 Flurry


In either case, Hanharr starts in the top half of the circular combat pit and Mira starts in the bottom half, and Hanharr or Mira now have access to your party Inventory (Hanharr is only equipping twin Ryyk Blades, while Mira is only wearing Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket and her Wrist Launcher), and can level up.

There's a high security door at the top end of the combat pit, and a pit door at its bottom end:

[This door is magnetically-sealed. You'd need an emergency keycard to open it from this side.]
[This door is magnetically sealed and of reinforced durasteel.]

The floor is mined:

Awareness Average Flash Mine (2) Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Average Frag Mine (2) Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)
Awareness Average Gas Mine (2) Detect 15 (-5) Demolitions Disable 20 (0) Recover 30 (10)

The flash mines are to the top right and bottom left of the pit, the frag mines are to the top left and bottom right, and the gas mines in the middle. Mira's Point Guard feat allows her to run over these mines without triggering them, so that Hanharr does so as he pursues her.

There are also the remains of five pit victims, in similar positions to the mines:

Item(s) Received Pit Victim Item(s) Received Pit Victim
Item(s) Received Pit Victim Item(s) Received Pit Victim
Item(s) Received Pit Victim

Once Hanharr kills Mira, or Mira defeats Hanharr:

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 375 Killed Mira (level 13)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 300 Defeated Hanharr (level 13)

Beast Pen[edit | edit source]

Hanharr Mira
Hanharr: I have killed her. It was not as... satisfying as I hoped. I do not kill any human for free. And now, I want my payment. Visquis: Hmmm. That was... unexpected. Still, I have the Jedi. And now I have no need to pay Hanharr for his services. I have other entertainments for you, I think. I am going to check on the Jedi - I will leave you here, with the payment I intended for Hanharr.
Visquis: Oh, yes - your payment. After all, Vogga did pay me for my services. A portion of that payment is yours. Did you know that when the humans bombed Dantooine, few kath hounds were left? They fetch a rare price on the galactic market. Of course, the drawback is that one must keep them fed. So here is your payment, Hanharr - your credits, each with four legs, teeth, and very, very hungry. I shall send tenders in to collect your remains when they are finished with you.
1. [You need to find a way out of the pit, and find a way to open up Visquis' stronghold and let the Jedi in.]

The pit door at the bottom end of the combat pit has opened, releasing six kath hounds from the beast pen, although if the fight between Hanharr and Mira ended in the top half of the pit then they won't be aware of you.

Item(s) Received Mira Item(s) Received Hanharr
  • Average Frag Mine (3)

The kath hound in the center of the front row has the highest Vitality:

Kath Hound (main character level 15)
Set 1
Level 13
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness -1
Strength 3 -4
Dexterity 3 -4
Constitution 3 -4
Intelligence 3 -4
Wisdom 3 -4
Charisma 3 -4
Vitality 83
Force -
Defense 15
Fortitude 9
Reflex 9
Will 9
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 12 -
Slashing 1-2-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




The three kath hounds in the back row have less than half that:

Kath Hound (main character level 15)
Set 1
Level 11
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 4 -3
Dexterity 4 -3
Constitution 4 -3
Intelligence 4 -3
Wisdom 4 -3
Charisma 4 -3
Vitality 39
Force -
Defense 16
Fortitude 10
Reflex 10
Will 10
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 11 -
Slashing 1-3-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




The two remaining kath hounds in the front row are almost identical to these, except the front left has 17 Defense and 75 Vitality, and the front right has 48 Vitality.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Kath Hound (6) (level 13)

The old beast tender's corpse is in the front left corner of the beast pen, and there's another corpse in the back right corner:

Item(s) Received Old Beast Tender Corpse
  • Beast Tender Keycard
  • Average Frag Mine (2)
  • Credits (50)
Item(s) Received Corpse
  • ?
This keycard looks like it was intended to open the arena door in the event of an emergency. The beast tender never had a chance to use it before Visquis had him fed to his own hounds.

You can now open the high security door at the top end of the combat pit. However, before leaving make sure you've got everything you want from the pit and the beast pen, because your main character won't be able to get anything later.

Sparring Room[edit | edit source]

When you open the high security door at the top end of the combat pit, the two Ubese bounty hunters flanking the door at the top of the ramp ahead become aware of you, unless you're in Stealth mode and remain undetected.

Ubese Bounty Hunter (main character level 15)
Set 1
Level 11
Class Minion
Alignment 20 (dark)
Awareness 4
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 81
Force -
Defense 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 13
Will 15
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 11 5
Slashing 3-132-12
Threat 20-20,x220-20,x2
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Double-Bladed Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (2) (level 13)

There are three high security doors at the top of this ramp:

Security High Security Door (3) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Able to use the Map screen again, it should be clear that the left and right doors lead to the viewing gallery around the combat pit. However, it's best to find a way to open up Visquis' stronghold and let your main character in as soon as possible.

The top door leads to the sparring room, containing two Ubese bounty hunters.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (2) (level 13)

There are doors in the bottom corners of the left and right walls, each of which leads to a room containing three Ubese bounty hunters.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (3) (level 13)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (3) (level 15)

The right room has a door in the left corner of its top wall, leading to the bottom end of a corridor with a high security door in its left wall, and at its top end another door in its left wall and the high security door from the tunnels in its right wall:

High Security Door: [This door is magnetically sealed and triple-reinforced durasteel. It looks like it leads to the vent tunnels where the Jedi is trapped - there may be an override somewhere else on the level.]

The left room has a door in the right corner of its top wall, and another labeled Escape Tunnel in its bottom wall:

Escape Tunnel: [This door is magnetically sealed and triple-reinforced durasteel - it looks like it was designed to keep someone in, or keep others out.]
Escape Tunnel: [It looks like it's an emergency escape route of some sort - controlled by the sophisticated hand terminal next to it.]

The Emergency Tunnel Control is mounted on the wall to its right:

Emergency Tunnel Control: PRIVATE SECURITY SYSTEM
1. Access all available escape routes.
Emergency Tunnel Control: Based on the area schematics, there are only two entrances into Visquis' base. One is through the tunnels from the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. The other is a private emergency tunnel, a pre-programmed escape route to the Nar Shaddaa docks in the event the security door to the vent tunnels is opened.
Emergency Tunnel Control: If you open the entrance to the vent tunnels (rescuing the Jedi), this will seal you off from the rest of the complex - you will not be able to re-enter. Emergency Tunnel Control: Someone has activated the emergency escape tunnel. By doing so, it opened the door to the vent tunnels where you were trapped, letting you escape.
1. Activate emergency escape route and leave. 2. Log out.
Visquis: Eh - the alarm? Who opened the door to the vent tunnels early? I ordered it sealed until I gave the command! How could the Jedi have opened it from the ins-?
Visquis: Hanharr. Visquis: Mira.
Visquis: We must go to the arena - our bait has escaped. Deploy more of the clan to cover the base - we will need all of them. And tell them I no longer care if the Jedi lives or dies.

The high security door to the tunnels opens, and your main character enters Visquis' stronghold...

Storage Room[edit | edit source]

[It looks like the interference in the tunnels is not present here - your map has been re-calibrated. If you go back through the tunnels, your locator should work normally.]

The high security door from the tunnels is in the right wall at the top end of the right corridor: through the door in the left wall opposite is the top corridor connecting to the left corridor, which is beyond another door at the opposite end, behind two Ubese bounty hunters.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (2) (level 15)

There are two low security doors in the top wall of this top corridor, at its left and right ends:

Security Low Security Door (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

The left storage room has two large lockers by the left wall in its top corner, and the right storage room has two by the right wall in its top corner (the right one is locked).

Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Large Locker (4)
  • ?

Vent Control[edit | edit source]

Beyond a high security door in the inner wall at the bottom end of both the left and right corridors is another corridor linking the two, containing two Ubese bounty hunters.

Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (2) (level 15)

There are two more high security doors in the bottom wall at the left and right ends of this linking corridor.

Security High Security Door (4) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

There's also a door in the top wall at both the left and right ends of this corridor. The top left room has a locked large locker by the top wall in its left corner, while the top right room has two large lockers by the top wall in its left corner (the right one is locked).

Security Large Locker (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Large Locker (3)
  • ?

Beyond the two high security doors in the corridor's bottom wall is the ventilation control room, with a locked large locker by the wall at either end.

Security Large Locker (2) Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Large Locker (2)
  • ?

Ventilation Control is in the bottom wall:

Computer Use 1. [Computer] Slice the computer. (2 spike(s))
Ventilation Control: [FAILURE] ACCESS DENIED
2. Log out.
Ventilation Control: EXITING SYSTEM...
1. [Computer] Access security cameras. 3. [Computer] Return to camera root menu.
3. [Computer] Return to root menu. Ventilation Control: ENTER COMMAND

If you access security cameras, you can gas the Sparring Room and overload the power conduit in the room to its right (Chamber West):

1. [Computer] CAM-305 Training Chamber 1. [Computer] Switch to camera. 2. [Computer] CAM-305 Chamber West
Ventilation Control: CAM-305 SUB MENU
Computer Use 2. [Computer] Gas room. (5 spike(s)) Computer Use 2. [Computer] Overload power conduit in Chamber West. (5 spike(s))
Ventilation Control: [SUCCESS] SWITCHING TO CAMERA. Ventilation Control: [FAILURE] ACCESS DENIED
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 20 * level Gassed room

You also receive experience for any Ubese bounty hunters killed by the gas or overload.

2. [Computer] Access system commands.
Computer Use 1. [Computer] Open all security doors. (3 spike(s)) Computer Use 2. [Computer] Upload area schematics. (5 spike(s))
Ventilation Control: [FAILURE] ACCESS DENIED
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 15 * level Opened all security doors

For maximum experience, first open all security doors with Security.

Workbench[edit | edit source]

There's a Workbench by the middle of the top wall of the Vent Control room.

Combat Pit[edit | edit source]

Beyond the doors at the bottom end of the left and right corridors flanking the Storage Rooms and Vent Control rooms are the chambers to either side of the Sparring Room. Exiting the sparring room through the doorway in its bottom wall takes you back to the top of the ramp up from the Combat Pit.

Beyond the high security door in the left wall is a small landing, with two Ubese bounty hunters at the top of the ramp to the viewing gallery to your left, and three more in the room beyond the door in the left wall, which also contains a large locker by the bottom wall in both the left and right corners (the left one is locked).

Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (5)
Item(s) Received Large Locker (2)
  • ?

Up the ramp, there are two more Ubese bounty hunters midway down the viewing gallery, and another two outside the high security door at the bottom end, beyond which there is a room with two large lockers by the back wall (the left one is locked).

Security High Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Security Large Locker Lock DC level + 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (4)
Item(s) Received Large Locker (2)
  • ?

Beyond the high security door in the right wall is another small landing, with two Ubese bounty hunters at the top of the ramp to the viewing gallery on your right, and three more in the room beyond the door in the right wall, which also contains a large locker by the bottom wall in the left corner.

Security Large Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (5)
Item(s) Received Large Locker
  • ?

Up the ramp, there are two more Ubese bounty hunters midway down the viewing gallery, and another two outside the high security door at the bottom end, beyond which there is a room with a large locker in its bottom left corner.

Security High Security Door Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
Security Large Locker Lock DC level + 28 (8) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 175 Killed Ubese Bounty Hunter (4)
Item(s) Received Large Locker
  • ?

The high security door at the bottom of the ramp to the combat pit is closed again, and as you approach it you have a Precognition of Visquis waiting there for you. Save game before opening it:

Visquis: You have finally arrived - both much sooner, yet much later, than I'd hoped.
2. I'm not looking for trouble - I was hoping for a civilized discussion. 5. I'm here to kill you, Visquis.
Visquis: I will not be the one violating ettiquette - see you do not do the same.
Light Side Points Gained: +1 Dark Side Points Gained: -1


1. You're the one who wanted to see me. So what did you want? 3. Get to the point. 4. Stop wasting my time.
Visquis: Very well, let us dispense with the pleasantries. You are, after all, human.

In every case:

Visquis: Based on your actions alone, I take it you are not familiar with the organization I serve... or my responsibilities. I run the Refugee Sector - I decide what happens here, I control the flows and currents of this sector.

If your favor with the Exchange isn't negative:

Visquis: You have done much to aid the Exchange here on Nar Shaddaa. I wish to know why.
1. Because you've put a bounty on my head.
Visquis: So you are the exile mentioned in the coreward database. Strange... I had not thought even an ex-Jedi would stoop to such depravities.


2. I've heard of the Exchange - and I want to join you. 3. I'm looking to become the new Exchange boss in this sector.
Visquis: Join us? Now, why would I want such a threat at my feet? And why now? We have been hunting for you for such a long time, harming so many refugees to draw you out. Visquis: Then we do have something in common. How humorous. But I must ask - why now? We have been hunting for you for such a long time, harming so many refugees to draw you out.

If your favor with the Exchange is negative:

Visquis: You have caused a great deal of trouble for the Exchange here on Nar Shaddaa, and I wish to know why.
1. Because you've all put a bounty on my head. 2. Your bounty hunters attacked me first. 1. Tell me why you put a bounty on my head.
Visquis: So you are the exile mentioned in the coreward database. It seems my squeezing of the Refugee Sector has yielded success, after all.

Otherwise, regardless of your favor with the Exchange:

3. I had to get your attention somehow. 5. Why don't you tell me why you're squeezing life out of the refugee sector?
Visquis: Oh, you have had it for quite some time. I must admit, once you were on Nar Shaddaa, you became difficult to track, but that is what bounty hunters are for. Visquis: We sought to put pressure on the Refugee Sector for a simple reason - whenever seeming-innocents are placed in danger, especially human fodder, there the Jedi are, lightsabers blazing.


4. I'm looking for some information.
Visquis: Ah, of course. Information is such a high commodity here on Nar Shaddaa. And by virtue of coming to meet me, you have proven to have nothing I require.
2. I haven't even begun to get your attention yet.
Visquis: That may be. But you were so slow to respond, I thought you might be nothing but a cantina tale.

If you haven't said you want to join the Exchange or become the new boss in this sector:

Visquis: It is curious, though - we have been applying pressure on the humans in this sector for some time, yet only now do you show yourself.
1. I only just arrived on Nar Shaddaa - I couldn't have helped these people any faster. 2. I wasn't aware of the situation here on Nar Shaddaa, or I would have come earlier.
Light Side Points Gained: +1
Visquis: Ah, the Jedi have always been slow to act when danger threatens, more so now than in the past, and you are no different. Still - if you are only a recent arrival... that would lend some validity to the rumors of another Jedi being here on Nar Shaddaa.
Visquis: Fortunately for me, I require just the one.
6. After putting a price on my head, prepare to die. 3. Enough - why did you put a bounty on me? 3. So you hired bounty hunters to track me down. Why?
Visquis: Oh, you mistake me. I was not the one who put the original bounty on you - we all have our Masters, you know. My soon-to-be-deceased boss, Goto, is the one who placed the monumental sum of credits upon your head. Your price is so high that any bounty hunter who captures you would be able to buy their own planet. You must have angered Goto greatly for him to hunt you so. And that is why you are the perfect bait... and why I will bring you to Goto, then kill him.

Gas vents from the floor:

Visquis: The gas... it isn't... you... eh... I order you all - attack the Jedi!

The six Ubese bounty hunters standing behind you run past to confront Visquis:

Visquis: You all, attack the J... You all... you never truly worked for me.
Goto: While the Jedi remains on Nar Shaddaa, my eyes shall watch her. Goto: While the Jedi remains on Nar Shaddaa, my eyes shall watch him.
Visquis: Goto, I didn't... I wasn't... Please, take the Jedi - I offer the human as a gift, freely, as I would my own li-
Goto: Enough.
1. Leave him alone! 2. There's been enough killing - stop!
Light Side Points Gained: +1
3. Go on, kill him - slowly. 4. He's *mine* to kill, not yours.
Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Goto: What an amusing Jedi specimen you are.

An Ubese bounty hunter killed Visquis, and you're now shocked until you collapse. Meanwhile, Hanharr or Mira is still trying to escape the tunnels. If Hanharr was your temporary character:

Hanharr: No! Visquis dead... the Jeedai gone! Wh... And this tunnel is sealed - there is no way back into the Jekk'Jekk Tarr! That means Goto has the Jee-

Zez-Kai Ell appears:

Hanharr: I thought I smelled a human, waiting like a coward at the end of this escape tunnel. Were you waiting for Visquis, human? If so, you are too late. But not too late to die. Eh? Why is the do-

Zez-Kai Ell uses Force Push on Hanharr, before choking and collapsing as Kreia appears behind him.

If Mira was your temporary character:

Mira: Great. I need to get out of here.

Zez-Kai Ell appears:

Zez-Kai Ell: Your friend has been captured by Goto.

In either case, Visquis' stronghold is now devoid of life as Kreia approaches Hanharr, who now lies unconscious in the middle of the combat pit:

Kreia: Awaken, beast.
Hanharr: Who are you... how did you bring me here, from the tunnel? I was attacked... by another Jeedai! And you, what did y- Hanharr: What... what have you done?
Kreia: I have saved your life, beast. That makes it mine. Kneel.
Hanharr: Why... why do you do this?! Why... did you not let me die?!
Kreia: Because there is something to be learned of strength, beast, even within your empty shell. And it will be needed in the times ahead. Kreia: Because I need you to hunt, beast. This prey is something you have chased all your life... you are born and bred to it, like no predator before you.
Hanharr: You... want me to hunt the human Jeedai? Hanharr: You want me to hunt the human Jeedai, the exile - and kill h-
Kreia: No, that you shall not do. You will not bring harm to the exile - and if you do, beast, I shall break you. Even your madness will not save you if you bring harm to the exile. Know this.
Hanharr: Kill me... I cannot bear the weight of another life-debt... kill me, or I swear I shall kill you.
Kreia: Ah, the life-debts of your people... the life-debt you have twisted with your hate. I felt it within you. I shall promise you this, beast. Unlike the red-maned huntress, as long as you are loyal, I shall never show you mercy. No pity.
Kreia: All it requires is that you immerse yourself in another lie, beast. The exile - you shall be her servant, until I call upon you. Kreia: All it requires is that you immerse yourself in another lie. The exile - you shall be his servant, until I call upon you. Kreia: But most of all, I promise you an end to your debt. Hunt her, pursue her - kill her. And ending her life will end your debt to me. The pain will pass... I was able to heal some of the wounds, but the rest must remain. You will need that pain when you travel, and it will give you strength for the hunt to come.
Hanharr: Where... where can I find Mira?
Kreia: Do this thing, and I shall grant your desire. Kreia: I will tell you where you must go. If you survive that place, then she will come to you. But first, I must prepare you for what is to come.