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Droids can use two utilities.

Droid equipment is normally received from the following:

World Area Source
Peragus II Administration Level Broken Droid
Broken Droid
Hangar Bay Broken Droid
Broken Droid (2)
Telos Polar Plateau HK-50 (3)
Dantooine Enclave Sublevel Broken Droid (3)
Khoonda Broken Droid (4)
Khoonda Plains Akkere

Summary at end of page.

Class 1[edit | edit source]

These utilities have Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 1, which is only granted to Droids.

Droid Optimized Interface[edit | edit source]

This interface is streamlined for more efficient, and thus more effective, interactions with computer terminals.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 50 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 50 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 55 1

Droid Stabilization Subroutine[edit | edit source]

This module provides extra computing power for the droid's motivators and actuators, allowing it to make smoother and more subtle movements... two very handy things to have when disarming a mine.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 100 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 100 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 110 1

Droid Lockout Bypass[edit | edit source]

This interface is designed to bypass most standard lock-out and security measures common for mass-produced terminals and locks.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 850 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 850 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 935 1

Droid Exchange Interface[edit | edit source]

This interface solves the problem of unknown access codes - if you can find it on the black market.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchant:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 12000 1

Class 2[edit | edit source]

These utilities have Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 2, which is normally only granted to level 7+ Droids.

Droid Machine Interface[edit | edit source]

This interface is designed to interact with most standard types of droids, machines, and equipment, allowing complex and detailed analysis of problems to be sent to the droid for reference.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 300 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 300 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 330 1

Droid Durability Upgrade[edit | edit source]

This module increases the droid's survivability by creating redundant programs and upgrading the self-repair software.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 2900 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 2900 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 3190 1

Droid Agility Upgrade[edit | edit source]

This module increases the droid's agility by creating new programs to run its motivators and increase their reaction time.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 4700 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 4700 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 5170 1

Droid Wisdom Upgrade[edit | edit source]

This module increases the droid's reasoning and self-identity by removing most of the factory-installed safety restrictions put in place during its manufacture.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 7600 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 7600 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 8360 1

Droid Remote Interface[edit | edit source]

This interface uses a wire-free signal to completely bypass security hardware and countermeasures. This signal takes much of the droid's power to maintain, however, and a loss of cognitive awareness is the result.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchant:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 14800 1

Droid Anatomy Library[edit | edit source]

This upgrade provides the droid with numerous files and other reference material relating to the anatomy of humanoid creatures, giving the droid an intimate knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Docks Cleaning Droid 18000 1

Class 3[edit | edit source]

These utilities have Feats Required: Droid Upgrade Class 3, which is normally only granted to level 13+ Droids.

Droid Parabolic Guides[edit | edit source]

These modifications tie directly into the droid's sensors and provides multiple trajectory possibilities and solutions for munitions fired at the droid.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 1100 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 1100 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 1210 1

Droid Motivator Booster[edit | edit source]

This module ties directly in with a droid's motivators, increasing their output drastically. Even the most sluggish droids will show a marked improvement.

There's a chance to buy from the following merchants:

World Area Source Cost Amount
Telos: Citadel Station Residential 082 East Opo Chano 1700 1
Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad Kodin 1700 1
Onderon Western Square 1B-8D 1870 1

Droid Scavenger Upgrade[edit | edit source]

This upgrade enhances your droid's self-diagnostics and self-repair capability, allowing it to sustain itself by scavenging parts from the environment as well as its own non-critical systems.

Droid Source Ripper[edit | edit source]

This interface allows the droid to see the original coding used to create a computer system, thus allowing unprecedented access to sub-systems that even the programmer might not have known to exist.

Droid Systems Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Using higher mathematics and an advanced binary languages, this upgrade completely re-writes the droid's system software to be more efficient, more powerful, and much faster.

Droid Self-Sustaining Unit[edit | edit source]

By reprogramming its internal systems, this upgrade takes the droid's built-in diagnostic routines to the next step: self-repair. Through several, closely-guarded processes, the droid can actually sustain and repair itself, regardless of availability of repair kits.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Peragus II Administration Level HK-50 Assassin Droid 6000 1

Goto Targeting Module[edit | edit source]

This droid auxiliary processor provides exceptional ranged combat abilities.
World Area Source Cost Amount
Nar Shaddaa Ebon Hawk G0-T0 4000 1

Droid Stealth Booster[edit | edit source]

This unit coaxes more power out of existing stealth unit circuitry, improving its effect notably.

This can only be acquired using Cheats (giveitem d_g0t0_01).

Droid Singularity Projector[edit | edit source]

While it is unknown where the technology came from to create such a device on such a small scale, the outcome is well worth any possible compatibility dangers. This unit actually folds space around the droid, making it not only appear to be gone, but actually ripping it out of normal space... the droid *is* gone.

This can only be acquired using Cheats (giveitem d_g0t0_03).

Summary[edit | edit source]

Code Utility Class Attributes Skills Other bonus(es)
Dex Con
01 Droid Optimized Interface 1 Computer Use+2
02 Droid Stabilization Subroutine 1 Demolitions+4
03 Droid Machine Interface 2 Repair+4
04 Droid Lockout Bypass 1 Computer Use Security+3
05 Droid Parabolic Guides 3 +2 Saves: Reflex +2
06 Droid Motivator Booster 3 +1 Defense: +2
07 Droid Durability Upgrade 2 +1 Saves: Fortitude +2
08 Droid Agility Upgrade 2 +3 Saves: Reflex +2
09 Droid Wisdom Upgrade 2 Wisdom: +2 Saves: Will +2
10 Droid Exchange Interface 1 Computer Use+3 Security+6
11 Droid Remote Interface 2 Awareness-3 Security+10
12 Droid Anatomy Library 2 Attack: +3 vs. Human
13 Droid Scavenger Upgrade 3 +2 Repair+5 Saves: Fortitude +3 Immunity: Critical Hits
14 Droid Source Ripper 3 Computer Use+10 Defense: +2 vs. Droid
15 Droid Systems Upgrade 3 +4 +2
Droid Self-Sustaining Unit Useable by: T3-M4 Feat: Regenerate Vitality Points Regeneration3
Goto Targeting Module Useable by: G0-T0 Feat: Power Blast Improved Power Blast Rapid Shot Improved Rapid Shot Sniper Shot Improved Sniper Shot