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This list is probably not complete, and is based on wp:List of Apple IIGS games (09/26/08). Items marked with "(GS)" are Apple IIGS exclusive.
Total number of games: 166
- 4th & Inches
- Aaargh!
- Airball
- Alien Mind (GS)
- Ancient Glory
- Ancient Land of Ys
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh
- Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition
- Bard's Tale
- Bard's Tale II
- Battle Chess
- Beyond Zork
- Black Cauldron
- Blackjack Academy
- Block Out
- Blockade
- Bouncing Bluster (GS)
- Bridge 6.0
- Bubble Ghost
- California Games
- Captain Blood
- Cavern Cobra (GS)
- ChessMaster 2100
- Club Backgammon
- Cogito
- Copy Killers (GS)
- Cosmocade (GS)
- Cryllan Mission 2088 (GS)
- Crystal Quest
- Dark Castle
- Defender of the Crown
- Deja Vu I: A Nightmare Comes True
- Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas
- Destroyer
- Diamonds
- Downhill Challenge
- Dragon Wars
- Dream Zone (GS)
- DuelTris (GS)
- Dungeon Master
- Fast Break
- Final Assault
- Firepower
- Full Metal Planete
- Fun Columns (GS)
- The Gate (GS)
- Gauntlet
- GBA Championship Basketball: Two on Two
- Gnarly Golf (GS)
- Gold of the Americas
- Gold Rush!
- Grackle (GS)
- Grand Prix Circuit
- Great Western Shootout (GS)
- Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers
- Halls of Montezuma
- Hardball!
- Hostage
- Hover Blade (GS)
- Hunt for Red October
- The Immortal (GS)
- Impossible Mission 2
- Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf
- Jigsaw! The ultimate electronic puzzle
- John Elway's Quarterback
- Kaleidokubes
- Keef the Thief (GS)
- King of Chicago
- King's Quest: Quest for the Crown
- King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne
- King's Quest III: To Heir is Human
- King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella
- The Last Ninja
- Laser Force (GS)
- Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
- Lemmings
- Life & Death
- Lost Treasures of Infocom
- Lost Tribe
- Mancala
- Manhunter: New York
- Marble Madness
- Mazer II
- Mean 18
- Mighty Marvel Vs the Forces of E.V.I.L. (GS)
- Mini Putt
- Mixed Up Mother Goose
- Monte Carlo (GS)
- Neuromancer (video game)
- Omega
- Operation Lambda (GS)
- Orbizone (GS)
- Out of this World (aka Another World)
- Panzer Battles
- Paperboy
- Pick 'n Pile
- Pipe Dream (video game)
- Plunder!
- Police Quest
- Puyo Puyo
- Puzznic
- Qix
- Quadronome (GS)
- Questmaster I
- Questron II
- Rastan
- Reach for the Stars
- Revolution '76
- Roadwar 2000
- Rocket Ranger
- Sea Strike (GS)
- Secrets of Bahras (GS)
- Sensei
- Senseless Violence: Survival of the Fetus (GS)
- Senseless Violence II (GS)
- Serve & Volley
- Shadowgate
- Shanghai
- Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye
- Shufflepuck Cafe
- Sid Meier's Pirates!
- Silent Service
- Silpheed
- Sinbad & the Throne of the Falcon
- Skate or Die!
- Solitaire Royale
- Space Ace
- Spacefox (GS)
- Space Quest I
- Space Quest II
- Space Shark (GS)
- Spirit of Excalibur
- Star Trek Classic (GS)
- Star Wizard (GS)
- Street Sports Soccer
- Strip Poker II
- Sub Battle Simulator
- Superstar Ice Hockey
- Task Force (GS)
- Tass Times in Tonetown
- Teenage Queen
- Test Drive II: The Duel
- Tetris
- The Tinies
- Thexder
- Third Courier
- Three Stooges
- Tomahawk
- Tower of Myraglen (GS)
- Transylvania III
- Triango
- Tunnels of Armageddon
- Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness
- Uninvited
- Vegas Craps
- Vegas Gambler
- War in Middle Earth
- Warlock
- Windwalker
- Winter Games
- Wolfenstein 3D
- World Games
- World Tour Golf
- Xenocide (GS)
- Zany Golf (GS)