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List of ColecoVision games. This list is believed to be complete, but there may be some erroneous or missing entries.

Total games: 157

  1. 2010: The Graphic Action Game (1984, Coleco)
  2. Adam's Musicbox Demo (1987, Coleco)
  3. Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress (1985, Activision)
  4. Alphabet Zoo (1984, Spinnaker)
  5. Amazing Bumpman (1986, Telegames)
  6. Antarctic Adventure (1984, Konami)
  7. Aquattack (1984, Interphase)
  8. Artillery Duel (1983, Xonox)
  9. BC's Quest for Tires (1983, Sierravision)
  10. BC's Quest for Tires II: Grog's Revenge (1984)
  11. Beamrider (1983, Activision)
  12. Blockade Runner (1984, Interphase)
  13. Boulder Dash (1984, Micro Fun/Telegames)
  14. Brain Strainers (1984, Carousel)
  15. Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (1983, Sega)
  16. Bump 'N' Jump (1982-84, Mattel/Data East)
  17. Burgertime (1982-83, Mattel/Data East)
  18. Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventure in the Park (1983)
  19. Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (1984)
  20. Campaign '84 (1983, Sunrise)
  21. Carnival (1982)
  22. Centipede (1983, Atarisoft)
  23. Choplifter (1982-84, Broderbund)
  24. Chuck Norris: Super Kicks (1983, Xonox)
  25. Congo Bongo (1984)
  26. Cosmic Avenger (1982, Universal)
  27. Cosmic Crisis (1983, Bit Corp)
  28. The Dam Busters (1984)
  29. Dance Fantasy (1984, Fisher-Price)
  30. Decathlon (1983, Activision)
  31. Defender (1983, Atarisoft)
  32. Destructor (1984, Coleco)
  33. Dig Dug (1983, Atarisoft, Prototype)
  34. Donkey Kong (1982)
  35. Donkey Kong for Adam (1982)
  36. Donkey Kong Jr (1982-83)
  37. Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (1984, Coleco)
  38. DragonFire (1984, Imagic)
  39. The Dukes of Hazzard (1984, Warner Bros)
  40. Escape From The Mind Master (1983, Starpath, Prototype)
  41. Evolution (1983, Sydney)
  42. Facemaker (1983, Spinnaker)
  43. Fall Guy (1983, 20th Century Fox, Prototype)
  44. Fathom (1983, Imagic)
  45. Final Test Cartridge (19xx)
  46. Flipper Slipper (1983, Spectravideo)
  47. Fortune Builder (1984, Circuits and Systems)
  48. Fraction Fever (1983, Spinnaker)
  49. Frantic Freddy (1983, Spectravideo)
  50. Frenzy! (1982-83)
  51. Frogger (1982-83, Parker Bros)
  52. Frogger II: ThreeDeep! (1984, Parker Bros)
  53. Frontline (1983, Taito)
  54. Galaxian (1983, Atarisoft)
  55. Gateway to Apshai (1984, Epyx)
  56. Gorf (1981-83, Midway)
  57. Gust Buster (1983, Sunrise)
  58. Gyruss (1984, Parker Bros)
  59. H.E.R.O. (1984, Activision)
  60. The Heist (1983, Micro Fun)
  61. Illusions (1984, Nice Ideas)
  62. Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (1984, Xonox)
  63. James Bond 007 (1984, Parker Bros)
  64. Joust (1983, Atarisoft, Prototype)
  65. Juke Box (1984, Spinnaker)
  66. Jumpman Junior (1984, Epyx)
  67. Jungle Hunt (1983, Atarisoft)
  68. Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (1983)
  69. Keystone Kapers (1983-84, Activision)
  70. Lady Bug (1982, Universal)
  71. Learning With Leeper (1983, Sierravision)
  72. Linking Logic (1984, Fisher-Price)
  73. Logic Levels (1984, Fisher-Price)
  74. Looping (1983, Venture Line)
  75. M.A.S.H. (1983, 20th Century Fox, Prototype)
  76. Matt Patrol (1984, Atarisoft, Prototype)
  77. Memory Manor (1984, Fisher-Price)
  78. Meteoric Shower (1983, Bit Corp)
  79. Miner 2049er (1983, Micro Fun)
  80. Monkey Academy (1984, Konami)
  81. Montezuma's Revenge (1984, Parker Bros)
  82. Moonsweeper (1983, Imagic)
  83. Motocross Racer (1984, Xonox)
  84. Mountain King (1983-84, Sunrise)
  85. Mousetrap (1982, Exidy)
  86. Mr. Do! (1983, Universal)
  87. Mr. Do's Castle (1983, Parker Bros)
  88. Nova Blast (1983, Imagic)
  89. Oil's Well (1984, Sierravision)
  90. Omega Race (1981-83, Midway)
  91. One on One Basketball (1984, Micro Fun)
  92. Pac-Man (1983, Atarisoft, Prototype)
  93. Pepper II (1983, Exidy)
  94. Pitfall II: Lost Caverns (1983-84, Activision)
  95. Pitfall! (1983, Activision)
  96. Pitstop (1983, Epyx)
  97. Popeye (1983, Parker Bros)
  98. Porky's (1983, 20th Century Fox, Prototype)
  99. Power Lords: Quest for Volcan (1983, Prototype)
  100. Q-bert (1983, Parker Bros)
  101. Q-bert II (1984, Parker Bros)
  102. Quest for Quintana Roo (1983, Sunrise)
  103. River Raid (1982-84, Activision)
  104. Robin Hood (1984, Xonox)
  105. Roc 'N Rope (1983-84, Konami)
  106. Rock 'N' Bolt (1984, Telegames)
  107. Rocky Super-Action Boxing (1983, Coleco)
  108. Rolloverture (1983, Sunrise)
  109. Sammy Lightfoot (1983, Sierravision)
  110. Sector Alpha (1983, Spectravideo)
  111. Sewer Sam (1984, Interphase)
  112. Sir Lancelot (1983, Xonox)
  113. Skiing (1986, Telegames)
  114. Slither (1983, Century II)
  115. Slurpy (1984, Xonox)
  116. Smurf: Paint 'n Play Workshop (1983)
  117. Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle (1982)
  118. Space Fury (1983, Sega)
  119. Space Panic (1983, Universal)
  120. Spectron (1983, Spectravideo)
  121. Spy Hunter (1983-84, Midway)
  122. Squish 'Em Sam! (1983, Interphase)
  123. Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (1984, Sega)
  124. Star Wars: The Arcade Game (1984, Parker Bros)
  125. Steamroller (1984, Activision, Prototype)
  126. Strike It! (1983, Telegames)
  127. Subroc (1983, Sega)
  128. Super Action Baseball (1983, Coleco)
  129. Super Action Football (1984, Coleco)
  130. Super Action Soccer (1984, Coleco)
  131. Super Cobra (1983, Parker Bros)
  132. Super Cross Force (1983, Spectravideo)
  133. Super DK! (1983, Prototype)
  134. Super DK! Junior (1983, Prototype)
  135. Tank Wars (1983, Bit Corp)
  136. Tapper (1984, Midway)
  137. Tarzan (1984, Coleco)
  138. Telly Turtle (1984, Carousel)
  139. Threshold (1983, Sierravision)
  140. Time Pilot (1983, Konami)
  141. Tomarc the Barbarian (1984, Xonox)
  142. Tournament Tennis (1984, Imagic)
  143. Tunnels & Trolls Demo (1983, Adam)
  144. Turbo (1982, Sega)
  145. Tutankham (1983, Parker Bros)
  146. Up 'N Down (1984, Sega)
  147. Venture (1982, Exidy)
  148. Victory (1983)
  149. Video Hustler (1984, Konami, Prototype)
  150. War Games (1983-84)
  151. War Room (1983, Probe 2000)
  152. Wing War (1983, Imagic)
  153. Wizard of Id's Wizmath (1984, Sierravision)
  154. Word Feud (1984, Xonox)
  155. The Yolk's on You (1983, 20th Century Fox, Prototype)
  156. Zaxxon (1982, Sega)
  157. Zenji (1984, Activision)