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What's the best way to describe our emulation policy? I was thinking of:

StrategyWiki neither condones nor encourages the use of emulation for any purpose. While StrategyWiki contains some guides on how to use emulators, they are in no way liable or responsible for an individual's desire to use them. StrategyWiki does not know where to find ROMs, so do not ask. StrategyWiki is under a "don't ask, don't tell" policy in regards to the use of such devices. Any image that specifically states it was made with emulation will be deleted.

Of course, it needs more work, but it also needs to go into the disclaimer pretty soon (since nearly every month now the question has been raised). --Safety Skizzerz Talk · Contribs · Spel Chek™ · VFG · RTFM 17:27, 24 July 2007 (CDT)

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