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After being saved from a burning lab by the commander of a mercenary group, Abel woke severely injured and with a case of amnesia. The commander looked after the young Frenchman and became a father-like figure. Before the commander's passing, he told Abel that the lab he was found in was actually the former base for Shadaloo and he should be wary of the crime organization. Now out on his own with his amnesia still haunting him, Abel works with Chun-Li to investigate the rumors surrounding the presumably destroyed Shadaloo syndicate, using his mixed martial arts combat to enter the new fighting tournament.

Abel is actually nothing more than a genetically engineered replacement body created for use by M. Bison. He was to be disposed of with the other failed specimens, but he alone managed to survive and escape.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Street Fighter IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Drop Throw
( +) +
Pincer Throw
+ +
Forward Kick
Change of Direction
Second Mid
+ During Change of Direction
Second Low
+ During Change of Direction
Finish Mid
+ After Second Mid or Second Low
Finish Low
+ After Second Mid or Second Low
Wheel Kick
Marseilles Roll
Falling Sky
Tornado Throw
Focus Attack

Super Street Fighter IV, SSFIV:AE, Ultra[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Drop Throw
( +) +
Pincer Throw
+ +
Forward Kick
Change of Direction
Second Mid
+ During Change of Direction
Second Low
+ During Change of Direction
Finish Mid
+ After Second Mid or Second Low
Finish Low
+ After Second Mid or Second Low
Wheel Kick
Marseilles Roll
Falling Sky
Tornado Throw
Focus Attack