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Click here for more information about Dee Jay's other fighting game appearances.

Dee Jay is the Jamaican kickboxing champion who moonlights as a top musician, creating best selling albums worth millions in his spare time. Cheerful and fun, Dee Jay is always smiling fighting with a carefree abandon. He values rhythm, both in music and in fighting, which he uses to create rapid attacks. Dee Jay finds out about the tournament and enters to have a little fun.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Super Street Fighter IV, SSFIV:AE, Ultra[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Swing Over Launch
( +) +
Rip Throw
+ +
Knee Shot
Air Slasher
Double Rolling Sobat
Jacknife Maximum
Machinegun Upper
Focus Attack
Sobat Carnival
Sobat Festeval
Climax Beat