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Dudley is a wealthy, refined gentleman and a British heavyweight boxer. A proud perfectionist Dudley always fights with power and dignity, yet still have time to smell the roses and stop for tea. When Dudley took over his late father's floundering business, he made it a success and regained most of the assets they lost. Dudley enters the world tournament to buy more roses for his massive garden and to distract him from the problem of finding his father's car.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Super Street Fighter IV, SSFIV:AE, Ultra[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Kidney Crusher
( +) +
Dynamite Throw
+ +
Slipping Jab
Stomach Blow
Kidney Blow
Step Straight
Dart Shot
Target Combo 1
Target Combo 2
Target Combo 3
Target Combo 4
Target Combo 5
( or + )
Target Combo 6
Target Combo 7
Target Combo 8
Victory Rose
+ + Extra Taunt
Jet Upper
Machine Gun Blow
Cross Counter
Short Swing Blow
Ducking Straight
After Duck
Ducking Upper
After Duck
Focus Attack
Rolling Upper
Rolling Thunder
Corkscrew Cross