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T. Hawk is a proud warrior and a member of the Thunderfoot tribe. Despite his massive frame, T. Hawk attacks with a mix of power and grace. He recovered the Thuderfoot's sacred land after it was taken from the tribe by M. Bison. Bison also killed the tribal chief and T. Hawk's father, Arroya Hawk, was killed and his girlfriend, Julia. Being chosen to succeed his father as chief, T. Hawk doesn't believe he deserves the title. Desperate to find his Julia, T. Hawk begins the journey again.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Super Street Fighter IV, SSFIV:AE[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Neck Hanging Tree
( +) +
Mexican Throw
+ +
Heavy Body Press
Heavy Shoulder
Thrust Peak
Tomahawk Buster
Condor Dive
for EX Special version, after EX Special Tomahawk Buster only
Condor Spire
Mexican Typhoon
Focus Attack
Double Typhoon
Raging Typhoon
Raging Slash

Ultra Street Fighter IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Neck Hanging Tree
( +) +
Mexican Throw
+ +
Heavy Body Press
Heavy Shoulder
Thrust Peak
Tomahawk Buster
Condor Dive
for EX Special version, after EX Special Tomahawk Buster only
Condor Spire
Mexican Typhoon
Focus Attack
Double Typhoon
Raging Typhoon
Raging Slash