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Click here for more information about Akuma's other fighting game appearances.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Zugaihatsu +
Tenmakyujinkyaku +
Gohadoken (EX) +
Shakanetsu Hadouken (EX) +
Zankuu Hadouken (EX) +
Goshoryuken (EX) +
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (EX) +
Airborne Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (EX) +
Hyakkishu (EX) + , then...
__Hyakki Gozan ... do nothing
__Hyakki Gosho ...
__Hyakki Gojin ...
__Hyakki Gosai ... + when close
Ashura Senkuu (Forward) + or
Ashura Senkuu (Backward) + or
Raging Demon +
Misogi +