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  • Name: Heihachi Mishima
  • First appearance: Tekken

Moves[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Flash Punch Combo , ,
Left Right Combo , +
Demon Slayer , +,
Demon Kicker , +,
Tatarigoroshi +
Lightning Crush +
Chrome Dome +
Hammer Punch +
Eisho Mon +
Jichinsai +
Double Palm Strike + ,
Muso Tettsui + ,
Muso Kageki + ,
Rising Uppercut (EX) +
Dragon Uppercut (EX) + , press for follow up.
Heaven's Wrath (EX) +
Hell Axle (EX) +
Demon Breath (EX) +
Raijin Stance (EX) +
Raijin's Wrath +