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  • Name: Julia Chang
  • First appearance: Tekken 3

Moves[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Party Crasher , +
Baiyuan Sanshou , +, ,
Divine Impact , ,
Divine Intervention , ,
Trickling Stream ,
Raging Rapids + ,
Slow Power Punch Combo + ,
Slow Power Punch to Low Kick + ,
Slow Power Punch to High Kick + ,
Red Orchid Combo + , or ,
Mountain Crusher + , or , +
Swift Step (EX) + (+ for EX)
Lashing Arrow (EX) + (+ for EX)
Swift Step Explosion (EX) + (+ for EX)
Wind Roll (EX) +
__Tequila Sunrise Elbow Smash , after Wind Roll
__Hunting Tomahawk , after Wind Roll
__Wind Roll Explosion + , after Wind Roll
Rising Kick (EX) +
Tiger Strike (EX) +
Iron Mountain Rush +