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Moves[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Submissive Heel +
Peacock Kick +
Peacock Waltz + ,
Peacock Jive + , ,
Dominating Heel + ,
Heavy Languish + , +
Heavy Languish Beat + , +,
Left Right Combo , +
Left Right Back Strike , +, +
Bed Time , +,
Andante +
Sforzando +
Saisaris +
Angel Knee (EX) +
Angel Knee Ascension after EX Angel Knee.
Sunflower Lance (EX) + , usable twice in a row.
Divine Step (EX) +
Air Spine Shot (EX) +
Attack Reversal (EX) +
Feisty Rabbit (EX) +
__Rabbit's Foot after Feisty Rabbit.
__Cloisonne after Fesity Rabbit.
__Rabbit Thorn after Feisty Rabbit.
Dendrobium (EX) +
Wind Up Spear +