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  • Name: Steve Fox
  • First appearance: Tekken 4

Moves[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Weaving A
Weaving B
__Shoulder Rush after Weaving B
____Uppercut or after Shoulder Rush
Quick Spin
__Spin Gut Punch or after Quick Spin
__Spin Low Hook + or after Quick Spin
Chopping Straight +
Foot Stomp +
__Foot Stomp Right Hook or after Foot Stomp
Ducking Body +
__Ducking Hook after Ducking Body
__Flicker after Ducking Body
British Edge + ,
Flicker Stance +
__Flicker Jab during Flicker Stance
Peekaboo +
__Patella Smash after Peekaboo
__Cutting Elbow after Peekaboo
__Albion Combination after Peekaboo
Ducking (EX) +
__Fox Hunt after Ducking
__Skyscraper after Ducking
__Gatling Gun after Ducking
Sonic Fang (EX) +
Swaying (EX) +
Hellfire (EX) +
Hellfire Rush +