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Abel[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Forward Kick +
Change of Direction (EX) +
__Second Mid + from Change of Direction.
__Second Low + from Change of Direction.
____Finish Mid + from Second Mid or Second Low.
____Finish Low + from Second Mid or Second Low.
Wheel Kick (EX) +
Marseilles Roll (EX) +
Falling Sky (EX) +
Tornado Throw (EX) +
Shoulder Tackle (EX) +
Breathless +

Akuma[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Zugaihatsu +
Tenmakyujinkyaku +
Gohadoken (EX) +
Shakanetsu Hadouken (EX) +
Zankuu Hadouken (EX) +
Goshoryuken (EX) +
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (EX) +
Airborne Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (EX) +
Hyakkishu (EX) + , then...
__Hyakki Gozan ... do nothing
__Hyakki Gosho ...
__Hyakki Gojin ...
__Hyakki Gosai ... + when close
Ashura Senkuu (Forward) + or
Ashura Senkuu (Backward) + or
Raging Demon +
Misogi +

Balrog[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Dash Straight (EX) +
Dash Low Straight (EX) +
Dash Swing Blow (EX) + hold
Dash Upper (EX) +
Dash Low Smash (EX) +
Buffalo Headbutt (EX) +
Turn Punch (EX) Hold or
Crazy Buffalo +

Cammy[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Spiral Arrow (EX) +
Cannon Spike (EX) +
Quick Spin Knuckle (EX) +
Hooligan Combination (EX) + , then...
__Razor's Edge Slicer ... do nothing
__Fatal Leg Twister ... or + +
__Crossed Scissors ... or + + against airborne opponent.
Cannon Strike (EX) + during forward jump.
Spin Drive Smasher +

Chun-Li[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Wall Jump Jump against a wall, press in the opposite direction
Kakurakuraku +
Rear Spin Kick +
Kakusenshu +
Kintekishu +
__Tenkukyaku +
____Tenshokyaku +
Yosokyaku +
Target Combo during forward jump
Kikouken (EX) +
Hazanshu (EX) +
Spinning Bird Kick (EX) +
Hyakuretsukyaku (EX) +
Henretsukyaku +

Dhalsim[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Yoga Spear +
Yoga Mummy +
Yoga Tower +
Razor Chop +
Zoom Straight +
Double Zoom Straight +
Zoom Low Kick +
Zoom High Kick (M) +
Zoom High Kick (H) +
Zoom Punch (L) +
Zoom Punch (M) +
Double Zoom Punch +
Sliding +
Yoga Sliding +
Long Sliding +
Jump Zoom Under Punch +
Jump Zoom Side Punch +
Jump Double Zoom Punch +
Jump Zoom Forward Kick (L) +
Jump Zoom Forward Kick (M) +
Jump Zoom High Kick +
Yoga Fire (EX) +
Yoga Flame (EX) +
Yoga Blast (EX) +
Yoga Teleport (Forward) + or
Yoga Teleport (Backward) + or
Yoga Inferno +
Yoga Volcano +

Guile[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Straight Chop +
Spinning Back Knuckle +
Knee Bazooka or +
Rolling Sobat or +
Reverse Spin Kick or + when close.
Guile High Kick +
Target Combo ... +, +
Sonic Boom (EX) +
Flash Kick (EX) +
Sonic Hurricane +

Hugo[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Body Press +
Hammer Hook +
Leap Attack +
Giant Palm Breaker (EX) +
Moonsault Press (EX) +
Shootdown Backbreaker (EX) +
Meat Squasher (EX) +
Ultra Throw (EX) +
Monster Lariat (EX) + , hold to charge.
Gigas Breaker +

Ibuki[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Agemen +
Backhand Punch , + when far.
Spin Kick +
Reverse Spin Kick +
Hammer Kick +
Sazan +
Bonsho Kick +
Target Combo 1 , +
Target Combo 2 , + during angled jump.
Target Combo 3 , + during angled jump.
Target Combo 4 , +, + when close.
Target Combo 5 , +, + when far.
Target Combo 6 , +, +, + when close.
Target Combo 7 +, +
Target Combo 8 , +, + when close.
Target Combo 9 , +, +
Kunai (EX) + , usable after Tsujigoe.
Tsujigoe +
Neck Breaker (EX) +
Kasumi Gake (EX) +
Kazekiri (EX) +
Tsumuji (EX) +
Hien (EX) +
Raida (EX) +
Yoroitoshi +

Juri[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Sekku +
Fuhajin (EX) + , hold to charge.
Shikusen (EX) +
__2nd Impact after Shikusen.
____3rd Strike after 2nd Impact.
Katsatushi (EX) +
Senpusha (EX) +
Kaisen Dankairaku +

Ken[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Inazuma Kick +
Forward Step Kick +
Thunder Kick + , Hold to cancel
Target Combo
Hadouken (EX) +
Shoryuken (EX) +
Tatsumaki Sempukyaku (EX) +
Airborne Tatsumaki Sempukyaku (EX) +
Shippu Jinraikyaku +

M. Bison[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Hell Attack , during angled jump.
Psycho Crusher (EX) +
Double Knee Press (EX) +
Head Press (EX) +
__Somersault Skull Diver after Head Press
Devil Reverse (EX) + , press for follow-up.
Bison Warp (Forward) + or
Bison Warp (Backward) + or
Knee Press Nightmare +

Poison[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Elbow Drop +
Backflip +
Whip of Love (EX) + , follow up with up to 2 (3 for EX) times.
Kissed by a Goddess (EX) +
Love Me Tender (EX) + , follow up with .
Aeolus Edge (EX) +
Love Storm +

Rolento[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Trick Rod +
Spike Rod +
Trick Landing upon landing.
Stinger (EX) + , follow up with .
Mekong Delta Attack (EX) , can follow-up with upon landing.
Mekong Delta Air Raid (EX) + , follow up with .
Mekong Delta Escape (EX) + , follow up with or .
Patriot Circle (EX) + , can be performed up to three times consecutively.
Patriot Sweeper +

Rufus[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Vulture Kick +
Glory Kick +
Fragrance Palm +
Falcon Kick +
Target Combo , +
Messiah Kick (EX) +
__High Attack after Messiah Kick.
__Mid Attack after Messiah Kick.
__Low Attack after Messiah Kick.
Snake Strike (EX) +
Galactic Tornado (EX) +
Big Bang Typhoon +

Ryu[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Collarbone Breaker +
Solar Plexus Strike +
Hadouken (EX) +
Shoryuken (EX) +
Tatsumaki Sempukyaku (EX) +
Airborne Tatsumaki Sempukyaku (EX) +
Joudan Sokutogeri (EX) +
Shinku Hadouken +

Sagat[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Heavy Tiger Elbow +
Low Step Kick +
High Step Kick +
Fake Kick immediately after
High Tiger Shot (EX) +
Low Tiger Shot (EX) +
Tiger Uppercut (EX) +
Tiger Knee Crush (EX) +
Tiger Genocide +

Vega[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Wall Jump Jump against a wall, press in the opposite direction
Piece of Mercury +
Cosmic Heel +
Back Slash
Short Back Slash
Rolling Crystal Flash (EX) +
Scarlet Terror (EX) +
Flying Barcelona Attack (EX) + , follow-up with
Izuna Drop or + + after Flying Barcelona Attack when close
Sky High Claw (EX) +
Remove Claw (EX) +
Bloody High Claw +

Zangief[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Flying Body Attack + during angled jump.
Double Knee Drop + during angled jump.
Headbutt + or during vertical jump.
Long Kick +
Spinning Piledriver (EX) +
Banishing Flat (EX) +
Double Lariat
Quick Double Lariat
Flying Power Bomb (EX) + when far.
Atomic Suplex (EX) + when close.
Final Atomic Buster +

Blanka (DLC)[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Rock Crusher +
Amazon River Run +
Surprise Forward +
Surprise Back +
Coward Crouch +
Electric Thunder (EX)
Backstep Roll (EX) +
Vertical Roll (EX) +
Rolling Attack (EX) +
Ground Shave Roll +

Cody (DLC)[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Stomach Blow +
Crack Kick +
Jaw Crusher +
Hammer Hook +
Fake Bad Stone + +
Pick Up Knife +
Bad Spray + during quick recovery.
Bad Stone (EX) + , hold to charge.
Knife Throw + while holding knife.
Criminal Upper (EX) +
Zonk Knuckle (EX) Hold
Ruffian Kick (EX) +
Final Destruction +

Dudley (DLC)[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Slipping Jab +
Stomach Blow +
Step Straight +
Kidney Blow +
Dart Shot +
Target Combo 1 + ,
Target Combo 2 + , +
Target Combo 3 + , +
Target Combo 4 , +, +
Target Combo 5 or +, +, +
Target Combo 6 + , +, +
Target Combo 7 , +, +
Target Combo 8 , +, +, +
Jet Upper (EX) +
Machine Gun Blow (EX) +
Cross Counter (EX) +
Ducking +
__Duck Straight after Ducking.
__Duck Upper after Ducking.
Thunderbolt +
Short Swing Blow +
Rolling Thunder +

Elena (DLC)[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Handstand Kick +
Handstand Whip +
Round Arch +
Sliding +
Target Combo 1 ,
Target Combo 2 ,
Target Combo 3 , +
Target Combo 4 , +
Mallet Smash (EX) +
Scratch Wheel (EX) +
Lynx Tail (EX) +
Spin Scythe (EX) + , can be done two times consecutively.
Rhino Horn (EX) +
Brave Dance +

Guy (DLC)[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Wall Jump Jump against a wall, press in the opposite direction.
Elbow Drop +
Ninja Sickle +
Neck Breaker +
Bushin Gokusaken , , , or +
Target Combo ,
Bushin Sempukyaku (EX) +
Bushin Izuna Otoshi (EX) + , follow up with .
Run (EX) +
__Sudden Stop after Run.
__Shadow Kick after Run.
__Neck Flip after Run.
Kaizen Izuna Otoshi + when close.
Hozanto (EX) +
Bushin Goraisenpujin +

Sakura (DLC)[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Flower Kick +
Hadouken (EX) + , hold to charge.
Shouoken (EX) +
Shunpukyaku (EX) +
Airborne Shunpukyaku (EX) +
Sakura Otoshi (EX) + , follow up with up to 3 times.
Haru Ranman +