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  • Name: Ling Xiaoyu
  • First appearance: Tekken 3

Moves[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Cyanide +
Phoenix +
Rain Dance +
Storming Flower (EX) +
Fortune (EX) + , follow up with
Fortune Cookie (EX) + , follow up with ,
Shooting Star (EX) +
Wave Crest (EX) in Phoenix Stance.
Double Map Sweep (EX) in Phoenix Stance.
Flower Power (EX) + in Phoenix Stance.
Phoenix Talon (EX) + in Phoenix Stance.
Mistrust (EX) in Rain Dance.
Dark and Stormy (EX) in Rain Dance.
__Turn of Fortune (EX) before Dark and Stormy hits.
California Roll (EX) + in Rain Dance.
__Cyclone Left after California Roll.
Back Layout (EX) + in Rain Dance, press to cancel.
Hakkesho (EX) +
Hakkesho Combo +