Descripition: Puropen moves a straight line at a speed of 2 until it collides with a block, bomb, or other enemy, at which point it immediately chooses a random direction and continues to move. It may choose to reverse directions even if it is not at a dead end. It will harm the player on collision.
Score: 400 points
Hits: 2 hits
Description: Denkyun moves at a speed of 2 in a straight line, only changing directions when it collides with a block, bomb, or other enemy. It may choose to reverse directions even if it is not at a dead end. It will harm the player on collision. Require 2 hits to destroy.
Star Nuts
Score: 200 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Star Nuts moves at a speed of 2 in a straight line, only changing directions when it collides with a block, bomb, or other enemy. It may choose to reverse directions even if it is not at a dead end. It will harm the player on collision.
Score: 800 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Bakuda (バクダ) moves slowly, turning or reversing direction upon colliding with a bomb or wall. Periodically, it will stop, turn into a normal bomb, and explode with a 3 Fire blast range before continuing its movement pattern. It cannot be harmed when it is on the ground and ready to explode, but it can still be taken out when it is preparing to sit down. While on the ground, it takes about three to four seconds before it explodes.
Score: 400 points
Hits: 3 hits
Description: Pakupa moves at a speed of 2, only changing direction when colliding with walls or other enemies. If a bomb is within 8 spaces of Pakupa, and there are no blocks between them, Pakupa will pursue and devour it. Pakupa requires 3 hits to destroy.
Score: 1600 points
Hits: 3 hits
Description: Senshiyan moves about slowly at a speed of 2, only changing direction after colliding with bombs, enemies, or walls. After a period of one to four seconds, it performs its signature attack, pausing to unleash a stream of fire in one of the 4 cardinal directions. This attack has a range of 4 tile spaces. Senshiyan will damage players on contact and requires 3 hits to destroy.
Score: 200 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Banen moves at a speed of 2, randomly turning at intersections. It will harm the player on collision.
Score: 100 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Douken moves at a speed of 2 in a straight line, only changing directions when it collides with a block, bomb, or other enemy. It may choose to reverse directions even if it is not at a dead end. It will harm the player on collision.
Metal U
Score: 400 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Cuppen moves at a speed of 2. randomly turning or reversing at intersections. It can pass through Soft Blocks. It will harm the player on collision.
Score: 3200 points
Hits: 2 hits
Description: Metal U moves at a speed of 2, constantly pursuing the player. It cannot pass through other enemies. It will harm the player on collision, and takes 2 hits to destroy.
Score:800 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Kierun moves about aimlessly at a speed of 2, turning at intersections and passing through Soft Blocks. Every two to three seconds, it will stop moving and become completely invisible, save for its eyes. When it becomes visible again, it continues its regular movement pattern. It will harm the player on collision.
Score: 1600 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Kinkaru moves at a speed of 3, passing through Soft Blocks and changing directions at intersections. It seems to form a different path of movement based on the player's position on the map, displaying a habit of approaching the player, though this behavior is undocumented.
Red Bakuda
Score: 800 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Red Bakuda (バクダレッド, Bakudareddo) is essentially the same as Bakuda, but its explosions will pierce through Soft Blocks and other obstacles. Although this makes it more dangerous than its regular counterpart, it is worth the same amount of points.
Score: 1600 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Moguchan moves at a speed of 2, constantly pursuing the player. It cannot pass through other enemies. It will harm the player on collision. Every now and then, Moguchan will abruptly stop and burrow a hole in the ground, leaving the stage. After two to three seconds, it will emerge in a different, random spot on the map.
Score: 200 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Kouraru moves at a speed of 2 in a straight line, only changing directions when it collides with a block, bomb, or other enemy. It may choose to reverse directions even if it is not at a dead end. It will harm the player on collision.
Score: 400 points
Hits: 1 hit
Description: Dengurin moves at a speed of 2, passing through Soft Blocks and changing directions at intersections. It often reverses directions without colliding with anything. It will harm players on collision.