- For more details on World 2 enemies, see Super Bomberman/Enemies.
Robot Amusement Park is the second world in Super Bomberman. The first five areas of the stage take place in Playland (プレイランド Pureirando), while the last three areas take place in the Mystery Circus (ミステリーサーカス Misuterīsākasu).
Stage 2-1[edit | edit source]

- Enemies: 4x Banen, 2x Douken, 2x Cuppen
- Possible Power-ups: 1x Time (~50%)
- Guaranteed Power-ups: 1x Extra Bomb, 1x Indestructible Armor
There are 3 new enemies in this area, but none of them are particularly hard to defeat. The biggest threat here is Cuppen as it can go through Soft Blocks. Some power-ups can be found here. One is an extra bomb, which will increase the ability to drop bombs at a time. An Indestructible Armor can also be found to help you.
If you're almost out of lives and in case a Time Power-up spawns, leave it be until the stage timer nears zero, farming as many enemies as you can spawn by bombing the exit tile. Pick it up and keep farming more enemies until you earn extra lives. This is not the fastest place to do so, nor the best, but if you are in dire straits....
Stage 2-2[edit | edit source]

- Enemies: 3x Bakuda, 4x Cuppen
- Possible Power-ups: 1x Boxing Glove (~80%), 1x Bomb Passer (~70%)
This area is very simple. Destroy the enemies to a large number of points and grab the power-ups. The Bakuda will probably help you to destroy blocks and other enemies, but destroy them ASAP in case a exit tile unearths, as this is one of the harder levels to deal with them if things go haywire. A Boxing Glove can be found here. This power-up allows you to punch the bombs, which is moderately useful for slower playthroughs. If you're really good at Bomberman games, try keeping it until the last stage. There is also a Bomb Passer here if you didn't get the chance to catch one yet.
Pause the game. A Rice Ball will spawn above a random ground tile. Doesn't help as much as the Cake or the Ice Cream, but helps regardless.
Stage 2-3[edit | edit source]

- Enemies: 3x Banen, 3x Douken, 1x Metal U
- Possible Power-ups: 1x Extra Bomb (~70%), 1x Explosion Expander (~90%), 1x Remote Control (~40%)
There is a new enemy here that can cause some problems. Metal U takes 2 hits to be destroyed. He chases the player constantly and does not pass through enemies. However, he does reward you with a lot of points, so keep an eye for it in stages where it spawns by bombing exit tiles. This isn't one of them, unfortunately.
You can find an Extra Bomb and Explosion Expander to destroy the enemies. If this is your third time picking up the latter, it might be the last time where you'll want another, as too much firepower can put you in more dangerous situations. There is also a Remote Control in case you missed it, but it is uncommon in this stage.
Stage 2-4[edit | edit source]

- Enemies: 2x Denkyun, 2x Bakuda, 3x Kierun
- Power-ups: 1x Indestructible Armor, 1x Block Passer