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Action Button
Select (in menus) Neutral cpad or Neutral dpad or Stylus button
Confirm menu selection A button or touch the current selection Stylus button
Cancel/Back (menus) B button
Move Neutral cpad
Jump B button or A button
Dash/Fireball (Fire Mario)/Tail Spin (Tanooki Mario)/Boomerang (Boomerang Mario) Y button or X button
Crouch L button or R button
Ground Pound/Turn into statue (Statue Tanooki) L button or R button in mid-air
Roll L button or R button+Y button or X button
Long Jump While moving: L button or R button+B button or A button
Rolling Long Jump L button or R button+Y button or X button+B button or A button
Crouch Jump Hold L button or R button and when fully charged, press B button or A button
Side Somersault While dashing: Neutral cpad (reverse direction)+B button or A button
Wall Jump When sliding down a wall: B button or A button
Go down pipe L button or R button when on top of a pipe
Swim B button or A button when underwater
Hover (Tanooki Mario) Hold down A button
Fly with Propeller Box After jumping: B button or A button (hold to fly higher)
Look around with cannon/binoculars Neutral cpad or tilt the system
Zoom in (binoculars) R button
Zoom out (binoculars) L button
Fire (cannon) B button or A button
Pause Start button or Select button
Reset L button+R button+Start button or Select button
Use spare item Touch it Stylus button
Move camera Touch an arrow Stylus button or use Left dpad or Right dpad
Change 3D View (when in 3D Mode) Up dpad (go back to default) or Down dpad
Delete All Save Data A button+B button+Y button+X button