This is the first level that includes a Mystery Box and a coloured music block.
Before the checkpoint flag[edit | edit source]
You start atop a huge mid-air island near a pair of binoculars (see sidebar for Star Medal 1). Descend the staircase-like island, trying not to get hit by the enemies. Above a Piranha Plant to the left, sometimes, a random-item-block appears. Hit it with good timing to get what you want. After a Koopa, some Para-Biddybuds and a music block, there's a Mystery Box between two coins (you should have already found one on the map screen). Walk into it to enter a tiny room with three ? blocks. The left and middle ones have one coin, the one on the right has an infinite amount of coins. But hurry, you've only got 10 seconds to get all the goods! When you jump out of it, go right and then forwards. You will see a Para-Biddybud Tower. Use the same strategy as with the Goomba Tower. Next, you'll find a green platform with arrows on. Stand on the one pointing away from the camera and grab the coins on the way. Grab the checkpoint flag.
After the checkpoint flag[edit | edit source]
Continue forwards, avoiding the black and orange Piranha Plants' fireballs. The tree stumps contain in order from left to right from close to far (Ground Pound on them to get the goods): Nothing, Super Leaf, three coins. You are now able to choose how to go: Either keep going forwards, run on to the blue metal and jump on the clouds to get to the solid ground (see sidebar for Star Medal 3) or turn right before the second black/orange Piranha Plant. If you turn right, you will continue to some wood with some coins and a Piranha Plant on it. Continue right (see sidebar for Star Medal 2) and walk onto the cloud closest to the camera when it's closest to you. Go through the red ring and get the red coins for a Super Leaf. On the other side, run into the rock to get a coin. If you've got a Super Leaf, jump, hover and Ground Pound to get the coins and the Biddybud. This is where the two paths meet. Run forwards and use the green platform. All ? blocks hold one coin. Jump, get the coin on the lower wooden block if you wish, and jump to the top of the pole. This isn't easy to do on your first try, but when you grab the flag, you'll get a 1-up anyway because of the Biddybuds (make sure you don't kill any).