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1P Mode[edit | edit source]

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

The single player mode spans 11 stages, ranging from battles of different types to minigames. The 1P game can be played on one of five difficult levels: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Very Hard. The default lives for your character can also be set from one to five. The timer can be on for 5 minutes per match (2 minutes for Break the Targets and Board the Platforms) or off however Race to the Finish will always have a timer of 1 minute regardless of if the timer is on or off. If all lives are lost midway, a Continue? screen will appear. You can continue the game with the set number of lives, or quit, and receive a Game Over. The stages are:

  1. VS Link - a one-on-one fight between you and Link at Hyrule Castle.
  2. VS Yoshi Team - you must defeat 18 Yoshis, 3 at a time on Yoshi's Story.
  3. VS Fox - fight Fox on top of the Great Fox in Sector Z in a 1-on-1 fight.
  4. Break the Targets - a minigame where your character must break 10 targets in a level. Each character has its own stage.
  5. VS Mario Bros. - you and a random ally will fight Mario and Luigi at Princess Peach's Castle.
  6. VS Pikachu - you versus the Pokémon Pikachu in Saffron City.
  7. VS Giant DK - you and two random AI allies will team up to fight a giant Donkey Kong on Kongo Jungle.
  8. Board the Platforms - another minigame, where your character must land on ten platforms. When you land on one, it changes from red to blue. Again, each character has its own level.
  9. VS Kirby Team - fight eight Kirbys, two at a time. Seven will have other character's hats on, and the last one will either have a random hat (including those of hidden characters) or be the original Kirby. Fight takes place in Dream Land.
  10. VS Samus - fight Samus on Planet Zebes in a 1 vs. 1 fight.
  11. VS Metal Mario - fight a metallic version of Mario on a special stage. Metal Mario is heavier, although gravity works against him, making his vertical descents faster.
  12. Race to the Finish - the final minigame. Simply dodge the enemy characters and get to the exit before time expires. Hazards such as bumpers are in your way.
  13. VS Fighting Polygon Team - fight polygon versions of characters on a special stage similar to Dream Land. There are 30 of them to be defeated.
  14. VS Master Hand - the final battle against Master Hand on a special stage of single platform. Dodge his attacks and counter-attack when he is idle. He has a HP of 300. Get his Hit Points down to 0 HP to win.

Notice that, you will always be in the same team with your ally if any, but none of the enemies are teamed up, thus, your normal attacks cannot damage your ally, and vice versa, while your enemies may score unexpected friendly kills due to their low durability.

Training Mode[edit | edit source]

Training mode provides a more controlled environment for improving one's smash skills. Using the variety of settings, a smash player can experiment with combos and situational attacks without worrying about time or loss of life.

Some of the things that can be controlled include:

  • Computer player movement - Stand, Walk, Evade, and Attack
  • Game Speed - Full, 2/3, 1/2, and 1/4
  • Items - All items are available for use